Today's trip was overall an eventful one. With pink hats on our mind, we were looking to swiftly unload our arsenal of 75 nukes upon MM. After steam rolling from world to world, searching for this feast of pink hats to run a bus over, we knew that we were undoubtedly superior to their warring abilities. That being said, The Last Pures ventured to take on Final Ownage Elite. The fight was epic, with Foe deciding to attack from the east, while we defended North of stairs. Both clans fought valiantly, going back and forth between one another. While MM, the inferior cowards that they are decided that the only way to gain some notoriety would be to crash the two most dominant pay-2-play powerhouses, TLP and FOE. This cowardly act committed by the Mayhem Makers, for the time being put a hault to the battle for number one. With this in mind, we were enraged at MM asking one of their leaders, SPW for a run in. This would, for once and all put a stop to their dastardly unfavorable deeds. But being the low life sack of pinkhats that they are, mm once again crawled back into their dingy cavernous hole of what they call home, single cowering away from the sheer dominance of tlp.
Soon after, the MM scum ended their failure of what they call a trip. This, inturn gave us a clear shot at the only top honorable p2p clan still out, Foe. In time, we suited and booted up to finish what we had started. TLP strategically chose to defend at at the gap north of chaos dwarves. As we suited up for the 2nd round. The Allied Forces held their ground as they were rushed by the Northern Vietnamese. The fight was going well until the northern flank was jumped by the ever ellusive Viet Cong. The Allied Forces were hard pressed to hold the trenches and the Northern Flank crumbled. I mean FOE rushed and took the northern part of dwarves. This forced the Tet Offensive(ever present battle) south toward clan wars. The epic battles pursued for an intense 45 minutes, where each clan valiantly returned countless times. Although, proving to be the stronger clan, the last pures managed to outlast foe in the action filled battle at clanwars.
The MM Crash
TLP Starting 75 - Ending - 15?
FOE Starting 75+?? - Ending - idfk
The TLP Victory
TLP Starting 75 - TLP Ending - 40
Foe Starting 75 - FOE Ending - 0
Walking to BH when sweeping up foe