Today, on December 12th 2010, TLP massed up around 55 members for our weekly Sunday P2P Trip.
Having greater opts than everyone except FOE, our expectations today were set high. There was an unforeseen problem with ts3 just as we were getting ready to begin our trip, but we managed to get a 50 slot vent right as we were leaving. (Shout-out to Luke)
Vid thanks to Lu Xx
Vid thanks to 0mgi0wnu23
The Last Pures vs. Mayhem Makers
TLP began the trip going after MM. We got word that they were in a pvp world heading to bh, and decided to hop and hit them. As we made our way towards bh, MM saw us coming and quickly spread west of 18 ports. We pushed them into the graveyard where they put up a decent fight but were cleared within 5 minutes. Great organization and surprise played a good part in this. Our scouts spotted FOE logging in near us coming to crash, so we quickly ran into clan wars and logged out to regroup and bank our loot.
TLP starting - ~52
MM starting - 25
TLP Ending - 49
MM Ending - 0 on the battlefield
The Last Pures vs. Fatality
vs. EOP vs. Corrupt Pures vs. Mayhem Makers
We remassed and scouted out a cluster at bh, consisting of CP, FI, and EOP. We quickly hopped at stealing creations and ran to join the fun and free loot fest. EOP and CP were cleared quickly, being sandwiched between us and FI who were returning through the bh tele-spot. Shortly after those two clan were gone, TLP was fighting FI when MM decided they might be able to take us on. They were mistaken. TLP caught them in a barrage clump on the stairs and as quickly as they had came, they retreated back to clan wars. FI were the only ones left, and were returning well at the tele-spot. Unfortunately this caused them to become clumped massively where they were being destroyed by our barragers. Once again our scouts spotted FOE logging in to come and hit us. With a few FI returning in rag, TLP had cleared anyone worth 76k and weren't prepared for FOE, so we decided to leave. TLP ran into the crater and hopped, avoiding FOE crashing for the second time today. (Shout-out to our ownage scouts)
TLP starting - 54
FI starting - ??
EOP starting - ??
CP starting - ??
MM starting - ??
TLP Ending - ~35-40
FI Ending - none that would drop any loot other than bones
EOP Ending - 0
CP Ending - 0
MM Ending - 0, although we didn't kill as many as we had hoped to kill since they ran away
The Last Pures vs. Mayhem Makers
We found MM again, this time heading towards gap from clan wars in a pvp world. TLP hopped at hop spot and got a fall in to begin the chase. As we ran past clan wars and towards MM, they were still far up ahead and eventually found out we were on their tails. MM spread at the gap and TLP barraged them in clumps over the lava. Scouts on other worlds were saying that FOE and HF were fighting near gap also, so we new we had to be weary of both. TLP pushed MM past the gap where we cleared them as they ran in all directions. Seeing a few HF log in and having already cleared MM, TLP ran east of gdz where we hopped to our home world and ended our trip. Although we're not positive on why MM was heading up to gap, we assume they were heading to help HF if they really were fighting FOE. Opposite day or what? Lol.
TLP starting - 55
MM starting - 25
TLP Ending - 53
MM Ending - 0 on the battlefield
Thanks for the fights everyone, TLP had a lot of fun today.