Today, on December 11th 2010, TLP massed up around 45 members for our weekly Saturday F2p Trip.
Thanks to War 0 Chief for the vid
The Last Pures vs. Fatality
Beginning our trip we scouted out FI near clan wars killing some EOP who were returning to a fight. They killed the few people and got a fall in north-west of clan wars and we rushed them from hopspot. They were surprised at our rush from nowhere but they held their ground and decided to fight us. We fought them for about 5 minutes and while FI was putting up a good fight, their numbers were slowly dwindling and although they were almost cleared, CP decided to rush from the west. Both clans ran into clan wars.
TLP starting - 37 on the initial rush, around 5 logged in after the rush
FI starting - ??
TLP Ending - 40
FI Ending - clearly more than 10-15
The Last Pures vs. Fatality
vs. EOP
After that fight we remassed and once again scouted out FI, this time they were crashing an EOP + Z fight near hill giants. They rushed in and most of the Z was already gone so EOP was low on supplies. TLP rushed in shortly after FI and started sniping the ones that were running out of the hut. Both clans ran out and we pushed them both all the way to fog. FI ran inside fog and EOP ran east, most likely to regroup. We falled in and went back to the hut waiting for EOP, thinking they were going to re-rush, but after a minute CP rushed us from clan wars. We ran to easts and logged.
TLP starting - ~45
FI starting - ??
EOP starting - ??
TLP Ending - 37
FI Ending - 0 on the battlefield
EOP - unknown, they were near fog regrouping but didn't re-rush us, i don't know what they decided to do
The Last Pures vs. Fatality
Once again our targets were set on FI, this time they were falled in at chaos altar. TLP rushed in with scims at the ready and quickly took over. FI was putting up a good fight and their returners were returning well, but in the end TLP cleared them. A few FI were relentless in returning even though their clan was no longer there. While sticking around to kill the few returners for free loot we got word that EOP was coming at us from clan wars. TLP quickly ran to the back of the chaos altar and logged out.
TLP starting - 39
FI starting - ??
TLP Ending - ~32
FI Ending - a couple returners before EOP came, clearly cleared though
The Last Pures vs. Zenith
Just as our scouts had found Z they asked us for a run-in. They had around 5-10 more than us and we weren't planning on accepting it since they would most likely beat us, but when we saw they were unorganized killing some randomers near bh we decided to take a chance and rush them. We rushed out from stealing creations towards bh where they were and pushed them from south of bh into 18 ports where we stood our ground despite being down quite a few. They were outspamming us and had more than us when FI decided to crash. Both clans went into bh and falled in on their respective leaders. Although FI crashed and both clans left, Z did have more ending than us and most likely would have won, congrats guys. FI also decided to congratulated Z on their feat, since Z did what FI could not. :P
TLP starting - ~40
Z starting - ~45-50?
TLP Ending - ~30
Z Ending - 40
Thanks for the fights everyone.