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Everything posted by Mayor
You guys have my respect, thank you for being one of the very few clans that give us preps now days.
By the way, I'm 1 defence. :dotfire:
Like everything else now days with pure clans, it's become a very serious thing. You can look at the Mini Wars sub-forum and see that it's almost like a smaller version of weekend topics, with the flame that goes along with them. So naturally, clans will do anything to win.
Same account and pictures you used to apply for TLP 2 months ago when your ass was declined for trying to spy. Come on EOP, you can do better than that.
The Last Pures: Memberlist | Forums | TLP Events History | About TLP Friday, September 2nd, 2011. The Last Pures massed up around 48 members in preparation for P2P PCL. We fought FI and H today at PCL, and later had a 16v16 mini with MM. Both videos can be found below. P2P PCL (ft. FI + H) - P2P Mini w/ MM 16v16 (3-0) - Thanks for the fights everyone. Suscribe today!
The Last Pures: Memberlist | Forums | TLP Events History | About TLP Tuesday, August 30th, 2011. The Last Pures massed up around 35 members in preparation for their fight with Fatality. Rules: :: Free to Play :: Matched :: 1 Defence Maximum :: Dung on :: Corrupts on :: 3 Rounds - 2 Classic, 1 Plat Vid thanks to War 0 Chief Vid thanks to Dirty Mains Vid thanks to Ownah Round One: Defending on Classic TLP Starting - 33 FI Starting - 33 TLP Ending - 26 FI Ending - 0 Round Two: Attacking on Classic Shout-out to Pibb for being the only one to die that round. TLP Starting - 34 FI Starting - 34 TLP Ending - 33 FI Ending - 0 Round Three: PKRI on Plat TLP Starting - 32 FI Starting - 32 TLP Ending - 32 FI Ending - 0 Ending result: TLP Win 3-0. Thanks for the fights FI. Suscribe today!
The Last Pures: Memberlist | Forums | TLP Events History | About TLP Sunday, August 28th, 2011. The Last Pures massed up around 50 members for their weekly P2P Pk Trip. Wasn't really much, but boy was it fun. Smacked EOP around a bit as usual and then crashed a few IR fights, making Zo rage quit the trip. Vid thanks to L1nguistic Suscribe today!
And I only had to get on my knees and beg to be killed. :P There's 1 of my 2 deaths, so much for all these kids claiming to have got my kill during the 15 minutes I was there.
You seem to forget who put IR in that ditch they were in those last few months they were alive. We may not have made the final blow, but TLP were the ones who slumped you into oblivion and made you compete with clans that had been open a week. As for you claiming to have killed me "at least 10 times" today, that's a joke. I showed up today about 15 minutes before we cleared you and died 2 times at the most. At one point there were so few IR left that I put my auto-retaliate on and went to go get a drink, coming back to find that I hadn't even been attacked once. :thumbsup: The only chance you have of doing any damage to us as a whole is if I get extremely bored of this game again. You better hope that I do. You can say what you want, but I believe "It's official, Mayor was no match for you.", "You have made Mayor lose the game.", etc, means that I killed you. And I saw that a lot. Thanks for the entertainment.
You seem to forget who put IR in that ditch they were in those last few months they were alive. We may not have made the final blow, but TLP were the ones who slumped you into oblivion and made you compete with clans that had been open a week. As for you claiming to have killed me "at least 10 times" today, that's a joke. I showed up today about 15 minutes before we cleared you and died 2 times at the most. At one point there were so few IR left that I put my auto-retaliate on and went to go get a drink, coming back to find that I hadn't even been attacked once. :thumbsup:
One of our vids is already out, no need to waste your time editing: Please IR, don't make us close you a second time.
Saturday August 27th, 2011. The Last Pures went out and peaked at around 50 members for their weekly F2P pk trip. Vid thanks to Adrian The Last Pures vs. Intense Redemption vs. Team Blue? The first fight of the day began north of graveyard, where we rushed IR from the east. Outnumbered by 4-5 people, TLP knew they had to do work in order win this fight. A few minutes in we were already clearing IR up, when TB crashed. We broke off to the west with our bows out. After a little while, we rushed back east, clearing both clans with our regroup of around 35 people. Anti-crashers vs. Crashers CP was fighting someone, we went and cleared up the crashers. The Last Pures vs. Intense Redemption TLP found IR sitting up at BH and rushed in from the south. The fight didn\\\'t last long, as we had completely demolished them. A few IR were seen returning and regroup south of BH. We got a fall in and rushed down, with the intention of pushing them down and clearing them up. They had other plans. What came next was an hour long return fight around 13 ports. TLP never dropped below 30 the entire fight, and meanwhile getting towards the end IR maintained their core 10-12 members. Getting towards the very end, TLP had reached 42 members at the port fight against IR\\\'s 5-10. We got a spam up, \\\"gf ir\\\", just as a member spotted EOP logging in at bridge. We refused to leave until the very end, ending 40 members strong as EOP arrived with their pathetic attempt at a flame. Later as we hopped away, a few members who had stayed to see the aftermath witnessed something pretty hilarious. IR was seen thanking EOP, and thanking god that the fight was over. They even had the balls to spam \\\"gf tlp\\\" a whopping 10 minutes after we had left. Suscribe today!
As we were ending someone said FOE might be going out. At first I was excited and almost wanted to remass and go back out, but then I realized it was probably just EOP calling them for help.
That my friend is the propaganda your leaders feed you to keep your clan alive. If you see anywhere on your forums (I'm sure you will) that TLP needed MM to defeat EOP today, it's a flat out lie. TLP is not a clan that teams with people, especially not against a clan like EOP.
Showed up last minute, and honestly, I'm surprised EOP didn't put up more of a fight. As soon as I got there they rushed and were completely cleared within a minute or two. Although when MM eventually regrouped after we left, I heard a lot of EOP came to 1-item them. Thanks for putting up a good fight MM.
That's a "Plant Cure" pot lol It's a super anti-poison. I tend to get speced by 1 itemers often with dds' when fighting clans like EOP, so it's a must. :thumbsup:
The Last Pures: Memberlist | Forums | Tlp Events History | About Tlp Sunday August 21st, 2011. The Last Pures went out and peaked at around 60 members for their weekly P2P pk trip. Coming Soon The Last Pures vs. Eruption of Pures FI and EOP were having a run-in at gap. With 2 routes to go, TLP took the north one to hit EOP. Rushing from the east, we pushed all of the EOP north to the west, clearing them along the way. Unfortunately quite a few of them were able to log. It was then that we decided that there would be no survivors, so we hopped over to their homeworld at mossies hoping to catch the survivors going down to bank. EOP was scouted logging in far north of mossies, so TLP spread east to west and rushed up to finish off the remaining EOP. The Last Pures vs. Eruption of Pures After waiting around a while, it was obvious that EOP wasn't leaving single or lobby anytime soon. We decided the only way to fight them would be to rush them in single. Like a bad re-run of last week, we cleared them up as most of them either died or teleported away. The Last Pures vs. Control vs. Intense Redemption Our good friends CP asked us if we could anti-crash for them. Rushing in from the east, TLP hit CT at gdz and began pushing them west, away from the fight at gap. Just as we reached north of gap, IR showed up. We pushed both clans west and successfully anti-crashed while getting loot. #SOSE BRO The Last Pures vs. Eruption of Pures + Intense Redemption We found IR sitting at mossies and spread north to south to rush them in single. To our surprise, they rushed us soon after we spread. We spread inside of them and began killing them with single spells. EOP rushed in, completely ignoring IR, and began attacking TLP. Against 2 clans, TLP stayed to fight back and held them off as people began to return. IR started to leave so we decided to call a regroup at corp to get a few more people to kill EOP. As the remaining 20+ TLP ran to corp, EOP dared not leave the safety of being near single and instead allowed us to get away and regroup. With around 30+ TLP north of corp we were getting ready for a re-rush, when FOE was seen rushing in from the south. TLP ran up and east to single to hop and bank, ending with around 35-40. We also fought some FI at gdz and H in single, but there weren't any pics so I didn't include them in this topic. Thanks for those fights guys. See everyone next week. Suscribe today!
Very nice, congrats
The Last Pures: Memberlist | Forums | Tlp Events History | About Tlp Saturday, August 20th, 2011. The Last Pures went out and peaked at around 55 members for their weekly F2P pk trip. Vid thanks to Adrian The Last Pures vs. Final Ownage Elite FOE set up at dwarfs ready to defend. TLP rushed in from the north with scims out, clumping up with FOE. A call was made to go east with bows and snipe west. FOE followed soon after and their numbers began to drop. They pulled the fight north against the lava and we began pushing them up. We went farther north until we reached gap and then started to push the remaining 5-10 FOE east, when we noticed a main clan fighting just north of us. We let the few surviving FOE run off as we avoided the main fight and went to bank. The Last Pures vs. Final Ownage Elite We once again found FOE defending, this time at corp. We rushed in from the east, and the fight was brought north where we fought for a while. This time it was apparent that FOE was ready for a return war, as we saw waves of white dots coming from the west. MM crashed from the south and TLP ran through them to north stairs, ending with around 35. The Last Pures vs. Fatality We organized a run-in with FI. TLP attacked from south, hitting FI who were defending on the hill south of gap. This fight lasted quite a while, with both clans having the upper-hand at times. Getting towards the end, TLP were returning in mass groups and FI's returning had slowed down. We were finished up the fight, killing the remaining 10-12 FI, when a main clan crashed from the north. TLP ran down south as VR cleared up the few remaining FI who were left. Scouts found FI's regroup at mossies, around 25 members strong. Thanks for the clean fights FI + FOE, see everyone tomorrow. Suscribe today!
The Last Pures: Memberlist | Forums | TLP Events History | About TLP Friday, August 19th, 2011. The Last Pures massed up around 55 members in preparation for P2P PCL. It's only a few fights, but I didn't want the vids to go to waste, so enjoy. Vid thanks to War 0 Chief Vid thanks to Reeece Thanks for the fights, see you all tomorrow. Suscribe today!
Congrats I really like the gfx with the clan hats on them
The Last Pures: Memberlist | Forums | TLP Events History | About TLP Wednesday August 17th, 2011. The Last Pures massed up around 45 members in preparation for their fights with Corrupt Pures and Intense Redemption. Rules: :: Free to Play :: Matched :: 1 Defence Maximum :: CP Dangerous CLW, IR Safe CLW :: Everything off :: 3 Rounds - 2 Classic, 1 Plat Vid thanks to Kyle Vid thanks to Kyle Vid thanks to Pibb Vid thanks to Reeece Vid thanks to Josh The Last Pures vs. Corrupt Pures Round One: TLP Starting - 26 CP Starting - 26 TLP Ending - 21 CP Ending - 0 Round Two: TLP Starting - 30 CP Starting - 30 TLP Ending - 24 CP Ending - 0 Round Three: TLP Starting - 31 CP Starting - 31 TLP Ending - 25 CP Ending - 0 Ending result: TLP win 3-0. The Last Pures vs. Intense Redemption Round One: TLP Starting - 44 IR Starting - 44 TLP Ending - 31 IR Ending - 0 Round Two: TLP Starting - 44 IR Starting - 44 TLP Ending - 39 IR Ending - 0 Round Three: TLP Starting - 40 IR Starting - 38 TLP Ending - 37 IR Ending - 0 Ending result: TLP win 3-0. Thanks for the preps CP + IR. Suscribe today!
Highlight of the update.