The Last Pures:
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Saturday, July 9th, 2011. The Last Pures went out and peaked at around 58 members for their weekly F2P pk trip.
Vid thanks to Kyle
Vid thanks to Martin
The Last Pures vs. Corrupt Pures vs. Zenith
TLP rushed CP near piper and pushed them north towards gap. The fight carried on for a while and then while CP was being cleared up Z rushed us. We cleared both clans 1 at a time and then walked east and hopped to bank.
TLP Starting - 50
CP Starting - 40?
Z Starting - 40?
TLP Ending - 35
CP Ending - 0
Z Ending - 0
The Last Pures vs. Fatality
TLP logged in on top of FI south of furnace and the fight began. TLP quickly began doing work pushing FI west and clearing them as we asked them where MM was. The answer was soon found out as a scout saw MM logging in north of furnace. With most of FI cleared TLP ran up to bh and logged before MM could crash.
TLP Starting - 50
FI Starting - 50?
TLP Ending - ~40 when MM crashed
FI Ending - ~15-20 when MM crashed
The Last Pures vs. Fatality vs. Eruption of Pures
A planned run-in with FI at gdz.
TLP defended on the inside of gdz and FI rushed from the east. TLP quickly took over and maintained around 45 opts the entire fight, clearing FI within a few minutes. While clearing up FI, EOP rushed in from the west. With our decent group still there we decided to hold our ground. TLP ran east and got a regroup and rushed back to gdz within seconds. EOP was cleared soon after and TLP had successfully cleared two clans in one inventory.
TLP Starting - 49
FI Starting - 45
EOP Starting - 45?
TLP Ending - 42
FI Ending - 0
EOP Ending- 0
The Last Pures vs. Fatality vs. Eruption of Pures
Another planned run-in with FI, this time at sperm hill.
With FI defending on sperm hill, TLP rushed from the west and got up on top of them with scims out. FI was pushed around a bit and we heard EOP was in the world on their way to crash. Once again we cleared up FI and then smacked down EOP with one inventory. While clearing up the remaining EOP in ghost hut, FI re-rushed with a small group onto sperm hill where we went and promptly cleared them.
TLP Starting - 50
FI Starting - 46
EOP Starting - 45?
TLP Ending - 37
FI Ending - 0
EOP Ending- 0
Thanks for the fights everyone, see you all tomorrow.
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