The Last Pures:
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Sunday, June 19th, 2011. The Last Pures went out and peaked at around 62 members for their weekly P2P pk trip.
A decent pull for a holiday, we went out today with similar opts to quite a few clans but unfortunately didn't get any 1v1 fights except for the fun fight we had with MM in clan wars. Thanks again for the fight MM.
Pk Trip -
Coming Soon
Fun Clan Wars fight w/ MM -
Vid thanks to Damon
The Last Pures vs. Final Ownage Elite
The day started out slow. We were looking for action while trying to avoid FOE who had a good 35 people on us. Eventually enough was enough, and we decided we would fight them no matter the opt difference.
We had plenty of time to come up with a plan, and eventually settled on an idea where we would attempt get them in a spot and GWAS them. What came next turned out too good to be true. TLP hopped one or two times and then spread north to south at dwarves. We kept a scout inside corp and sure enough they logged in. TLP took a few steps west and then FOE came out in the dozens, getting caught in a 1x1 GWAS.
EOP was seen coming from north stairs and they began sniping all the TLP south, killing 5-10 of us.
We barraged this clump for a good 20-25 seconds, killing around 15 FOE in total. Unfortunately when they became unfrozen they spread and still had a decent 20 people on us, plus the EOP who were still sniping from the south. The remaining TLP ran north, and we ended the fight with around 10-15.
The Last Pures vs. Cluster
There were a few clans seen fighting at gdz when TLP was remassing. We knew we wouldn't be able to run up in time so we grabbed our runes and teleported up right into the fight. Knowing FOE would be there soon, we pushed everyone who was there east up to new gate. With most of the TLP there and the clans gone we ran towards 50 ports and logged out to hop and bank our loot as FOE was just making it to gdz.
The Last Pures vs. Mayhem Makers
TLP and MM organized a small P2P fight in clan wars.
The rules were to be fullout style, dung on, summoning off, no defence cap.
Thanks for the fight MM, respect.
TLP Starting - 53
MM Starting - 59
TLP Ending - 23
MM Ending - 0
Thanks for the fights everyone, especially thanks to MM for giving us a fun fight at clan wars.
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