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Everything posted by Mayor

  1. Very nice pull, great job guys.
  2. Teaming causes nothing but trouble. You see the effects of it every weekend, all it does it hurt clans because they rely on each other so much. Ah, crashing does too. I'm sure a temporary team to kill a crasher does not mean you're a lifetime ally. Just go back to fighting after the clan's gone. True, but when it comes to high level clans you never know if the teaming will last 5 minutes or 1 hour, it all depends on the opts. In today's case it was a split decision we made based off all the recent teaming going on with high level clans, and TLP isn't about to get into that nonsense.
  3. Teaming causes nothing but trouble. You see the effects of it every weekend, all it does it hurt clans because they rely on each other so much.
  4. The Last Pures: Memberlist | Forums | Tlp Events History | About Tlp Saturday, June 18th, 2011. The Last Pures began their day with a fullout prep vs. Valhalla, winning 2 of the 3 rounds. Shortly after the prep was over, we went out pking, peaking at around 65 members for our weekly F2P Pk Trip. With around 5-10 more than we've had on an average day for the past few weeks, we knew it was going to be an eventful Saturday. P2P Fullout Prep vs. Valhalla - Vid thanks to Y Ur Hp G0n3 Saturday F2P Pk Trip - Vid thanks to BarrageSnr The Last Pures vs. Corrupt Pures vs. Control vs. Outrage The day began and TLP was hanging around in a world with 3-4 clans, hoping to run into one of them. A fight started north of north stairs which soon became a cluster. TLP rushed from the east and pushed the clans west towards mossies. Clans were returning and hugging single, so TLP camped a spot just east of mossies until almost everyone was either cleared or away from multi. We heard FOE was in the world and on their way so we walked 10 steps to the single spot and hopped away to bank our loot. The Last Pures vs. Final Ownage Elite TLP returned from the last fight and head over to hop spot. FOE was scouted in another world near sperm hill, so we hopped over. Rushing from the east, TLP got on the northern hill and sniped FOE from the south. The fight went on for a while and was looking good for both clans, but unfortunately MM rushed in from the south. TLP ran east to single. FOE stayed to fight, getting angry with us that we didn't help them. While we are against crashing 1v1 fights, we're even more against teaming, sorry FOE. The Last Pures vs. Final Ownage Elite vs. Mayhem Makers (I'm going to be a hypocrite here now and say we crashed a 1v1 fight. It was for revenge, sorry FOE.) MM and FOE were heard to be fighting at the ruins east of bounty hunter. TLP rushed in from the south and up into the anvil area. MM immediately ran north to get a regroup, leaving TLP and FOE to fight. Both clans suspected us of teaming with someone else, but in reality we stayed to fight the clan who didn't run off. FOE was pushed to a corner and eventually cleared. TLP got a fall in to try and see if MM was still in the area. They were found situated near north stairs. The remaining TLP rushed and pushed them up the stairs. MM ran south to the multi part where all who were left were cleared. We got word that a few MM were regrouping at mossies so we waited a bit at the top of north stairs in case of a re-rush, but after a minute or two they were nowhere to be seen, so we dipped with our loot. NOTICE: As you've probably already seen, this topic has no written starting/ending opts for any clan. While this is for the most part because I don't know the exact starting/ending for clans, it's also to prevent any dispute involving that kind of thing. Take what you will from this topic, and use the pictures and videos to determine for yourself who won. Thanks for the fights everyone. Suscribe today!
  5. :unsure: It's okay, we still love you. ;) Thanks again for the fights EOP.
  6. Dem gnome boots. :teehee: Congrats Havoc.
  7. You can skill or kill, you don't even have to attack the trolls if you don't want to. Shame there's no cosmetic rewards, these lame D&D are starting to pile up.
  8. So let me get this straight.. You're determining this based off of 4 bad trips you had with MM and comparing pure clanning now to pure teams in 2004?
  9. The most popular topic in Runescape News in a long time and it's one of the most pointless updates, if you would even call it an update..
  10. The Last Pures: Memberlist | Forums | Tlp Events History | About Tlp Sunday, June 12th, 2011. The Last Pures went out and peaked at around 65 members for their weekly P2P Pk Trip. We managed to have a decent fight with EOP which was unfortunately crashed, and later hit a couple clusters. I don't believe any of those clusters were actual run-ins because of how many clans there were, but if they were, we apologize. Thanks for the fights everyone, respect to EOP for fighting us out-opted by a few. See you all next week. Suscribe today!
  11. Nice vid. I laughed at the part about Fatality and Interitus, and thanks for the compliments about TLP. ^_^
  12. TLP dipped west in the first fight when FOE crashed and ended with around 30-35 after clearing most of the EOP. Nice job today, but claiming false wins isn't going to help you for the future, especially against clans who can make your weekends hell.
  13. He wouldn't even be able to attack them :teehee: Congrats on 88 summ
  14. Perhaps one day. :teehee:
  15. Decent experience reward for the time required to do it (around 10-20 minutes).
  16. "#Outrage - P2P NH Clan" Your signature says otherwise.
  17. The Last Pures: Memberlist | Forums | Tlp Events History | About Tlp Sunday, June 5th, 2011. The Last Pures went out and peaked at around 65 members for their weekly P2P Pk Trip. The trip started out slow with what seemed to be a line of clans following each other. Eventually we got a few fights and plenty of loot. Vid thanks to U G0t Servd The Last Pures vs. Fatality vs. Eruption of Pures TLP had their eyes set on FI and had been following them around for a good part of the trip. We finally heard they were in multi near mossies so we hopped in corp. We waited there for a while trying to figure out what they were doing until finally they were seen rushing towards corp. We came out and spread north to south and began to fight. The fight was near corp for a while until they began to try and wrap around and EOP was seen hopping in at north stairs. TLP stood their ground at dwarfs and with most of FI cleared, TLP pushed EOP to north stairs. We found out later that both clans had planned a run-in. Sorry about preventing that from happening, but we saw FI rushing east and took action lol. TLP Starting - 62 FI Starting - 55? EOP Starting - 50? TLP Ending - 45 FI Ending - 0 on the battlefield EOP Ending - north stairs The Last Pures vs. Fatality A little later in the day TLP scouted a fight between MM and FOE, where FI was seen helping one of them. The fight was near dwarfs and TLP was at edge remassing. FI was seen backing off towards gap so TLP took this opportunity to anti-crash and teleported in to gdz. We rushed gap and FI retreated back to whatever clan they were hugging at the time, fortunately we managed to kill 10-20 who were north of gap. TLP Starting - 55 FI Starting - 40-50? TLP Ending - 50 FI Ending - ~25-30 running to dwarfs The Last Pures vs. Crimson Project vs. Outrage vs. Eruption of Pures TLP heard that there was a cluster of lil' guys near dwarfs so we head over ready for some loot. We ran into CPR and cleared them up quickly. Outrage was seen trying to get away near graveyard so we head on over there. TLP got there and they immediately began to teleport away. The members without tabs were cleared and EOP was heard to be in the same world but never rushed, so only the few who were attempting to scout were killed. Thanks for the fights everyone, see you all next week. Suscribe today!
  18. They did it was crashed by tlp before we cud even get to the same world. It's not crashing if we hit them first. :teehee: Nice job EOP.
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