See what I mean?
For me to even respond to such a demeanor and attitude is a waste of my time. Not only was it completely out of context, but for some reason now... I'm "obsessed with mm". I see zero logic in that, like:" ?!?!?!11one1?". It is this type of response that's not only condescending, and makes zero sense (except for the part pointed out about the hacking and DDoSing, which I already addressed [obviously you didn't even read my whole post]) but disrespectful.
And folks expect "the staff" here to be all jolly wolly and accepting of this type of ********. Don't get me wrong, I'm not particularly picking out YOUR reply singularly inf. About 9/10 of the response posts are usually like yours though.
And okay, let's say for all purposes sakes; PW hosted the boards with an iron first; absolutely no DDoSing, and no hacking. Where in the nine hells would we get the proof? Do you expect us to have an investigation team looking into every little situation...? Like seriously?
It's bad enough I have to clean up the scum and garbage you kids type, it's like literally a bunch of 7th graders going at it; nothing remotely amusing, and the same retardation regurgitated over and over again. And most of all: It's a THANKLESS job. We get zero recognition, in fact as Spesh kindly demonstrated; we even get flamed for putting in our own time.
So what makes anybody think that we would want to waste even more time. To get flamed, called incompetent, cause more drama, and more ********? And like I stated even if we did put in the time. Is the proof accurate? Who are we to judge people as of thus? Sure there are clan leaders moronic enough to support e-faggotry stoically and publicly, but what do you honestly expect us to do?
Like I posted, I don't really know or care because I don't follow. But congratz for also going out of context, the entire point of the post was missed again.
Ya, realistically like I already said, it's doubtful that it's ever going to happen like that.
It's simply not as easy and linear as people think, because the vast majority are not in "the staff's" shoes.
Clans that openly admit / post / laugh about it in their IRC and forums should be enough to get a clear indication of who is doing it.
If you click a certain clan's forums, doesn't take long to find a topic that it mentioned in by a RANK.
Even as a scare tactic, topic posted "If there is proof that you've been ddosing (as a clan) you will be barred from posting topics for x amount of time" even if you can't prove it, or don't right away, it's still a deterrent.