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I Serbia l

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Everything posted by I Serbia l

  1. Hmm seems hf is pretty heated and just rush when foe has logged. Gj being led by a downy V legend V lol'd
  2. Yeh cause Foe didn't bring mains... There's vids about and you can see MM right click Ultra ffs. So stop the bullshitting. 13th who was filming was hit 3 times by mains, each time wearing team-6 cape. Excuse? Did he bring str pots instead of brews again?
  3. You are learning :) Anyway hope to see you sat :wub: Adam why did you scam one of your members for 400m?
  4. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  5. Why is this topic still open as everyone expt MM knows its a bunch of lies proof: close this troll thread?
  6. lmfao at mm saying they won the 2nd fight, the got pushed from c/a to 18 ports to 13 ports to lvl 3 and then claim a win? lmfaooooooooooooo
  7. lmfao at mm saying they won the 2nd fight, the got pushed from c/a to 18 ports to 13 ports to lvl 3 and then claim a win? lmfaooooooooooooo
  8. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  9. 1. Np 2. Outbreak 3. Agony 4. Team reckless 5. tg Dont hate cuz tg gonna close soon. WAT? TG CLOSE?!?! Nope we 3-0'd u in a prep today, u wouldnt step out inwildy, instead asked us for a prep. :confused: 1. Tg 2. Np 3. O I had fun clearing you guys in 2mins and making you end right after last week, gl today
  10. Funny because I'm pretty sure we all knew we were going to lose. We wanted some practice in clw since it's been so long since doing it, so why not practice against the best? MM might have lost pretty badly but at least the people there learned something from it, it's a prep lol that's the point of it. I wasn't there though, I went to the amusement park :( GJ TLP The point of a prep is to show the quality of members which one clan has. It shows that numbers don't mean everything and hopefully you learned from that ass whoopin', reminds 2 months back when you challenged TLP for a 1 hour P2P prep on Pw because you were banned from their irc, and look what happened to your ass. RIP. The point of a prep is to practice... The wildy is for killing. Only EOP would think CW is the place to prove how "good" your clan is lol. It is where you show how good your clan is... In CLW there is no mains and if its matched even playing ground. All this prep showed is that MM is all #"s
  11. Grats on your win vs mm Now accept a p2p prep from foe plz <3
  12. Why didnt you guys just redo round 3?
  13. Confused on ur logic about the f2p streak seeing as how tlp beat you 5 times in a row before that. And the p2p prep win streak was against **** clans like havoc and ONE win from tlp in the past year. Anyways gratz on ur win Since ur tlp newfag ill help you out, the last p2p prep tlp won vs foe was in october 2010 foe has won the two most recent ones. And the reason we rarly p2p prep is because tlp leaders always say no
  14. dang mm has alot of 20 def, nice job
  15. everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  16. How is it dying?? there are 3 clans that pull 90-100 every week a few clans in the 50-60 then like 10 med lvl clans that pull 20-40, and the reason people flame is because no one can take a lose anymore. If the leaders of the losing clan make an excuse for why they lost (they always do) the members will stand by it and defend their clan on PW, Only way this **** will stop is when leaders stop making exuses to their members and just say they lost. http://www.pure-warfare.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15878 = proof its growing
  17. Not to be rude 101 sins but your the reason fatality is what they are right now (not a flame)
  18. you guys talk alot of **** for a clan thats been open 5 months, I hope when CY v8 comes out you guys become less gay.
  19. Hf is a main clan that fights pures nuff said
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