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We took off out of our massing area with 30 lions ready to celebrate one of 3at's last trips with us (for 2 weeks ;p). We later peaked at 32 members of our pride, and had a blast today. Thanks every clan for the fights, even if it was 1v2.
Our KDR:
I'm sure you guys know where to find everyone else's. Did I mention we had the best KDR?
^ Thanks Timi Ft. 1st & 2nd fight
^ Thanks Marcus Ft. 2nd & 3rd fight Hostility vs Exiled Force
Understandable about the teaming for the extra few options (COP, ST, Painle?), anywho we went into this fight with near the same opts as them so I won't complain, made for more competition. We saw them south and ran up to 18 ports as they trailed, we began fighting at 18s when FOE crashed 20 seconds later, claiming they were after someone else? What's new. Hostility vs Exiled Royalty
We knew where EF was, and soon we found out that WAR had joined them in a fall in east of hills in single strip by east dragons. We thought this was very interesting. They soon split off in their own ways so we knew it was a good time to go after EF. We then walked through single strip and found WAR by a little hut and EF north staying off eachother. Not sure why. Anywho, we were bored and decided to go after it, our 32 (check orbs) vs WAR and EF's pulls being near the same as ours. As the fight started, we saw a WAR guy say off EF, and I assumed they were trying to keep it quiet (it's in chatbox in vid if you see it) We had basically cleared up EF (you can see in the video they have ~5 left) and WAR in a fall in with a low amount of people walking out as NME crashed. We had 24 on crash according to the orb counts. Thanks for the fight Exiled Royalty, our spams were amazing that fight. Hostility vs We Are Royalty, Exiled Force ft. FOE, NME, a lil Ma, TLP.
Well, we had a planned run in with WAR, it was pretty even when EF came. I don't know how EF found us but haha who knows, I won't say anything. We pulled east and EF followed us when we heard WAR and someone were fighting maybe? They could've been fighting returners but I don't know what happened, someone in WAR confirm. Anywho we slowly kept pulling backwards to piper, once we got to piper the annihilation begun upon EF. They were cleared in a matter of a slim minute. We saw FOE coming and Ma was also there with a couple so we decided to just log and reposition ourselves. We saw FOE and NME duking it out and heard TLP might crash soon. For payback on FOE crashing us earlier, we decided to hit a group of about 10? of them west of the fight. TLP then crashed directly after. Last 30 minutes or so..
WAR had began massing up for our dangerous clw prep that we trolled them for, (it's a pk trip come on LOL) and ended after. We then heard about RSD and TT fighting in world 37 or some ****? Maybe 33 idk. We found EF threeish times and hit them, they had like 5 to our 15ish. We did this from about 6:00 to about 6:40 or so and ended with a 104-50 KDR. Would've been higher but Russian Legion and Big ***** were on our ass the whole time. Thanks for the fights everyone. Funny of the day
xL also asked us for a fight then hon0r must've forgot who he was asking and said...
(00:24:52) <Hon0r> k go defend
(00:25:26) <Hon0r> nvm
(00:25:43) <Hon0r> noty
(00:25:47) <Hon0r> we do not want to fight hi
Pictures (in no order, sorry for lack of fight pics lol, let the vids speak for itself):
^ For [WAR]_Jake who thought WAR cleared us (after we beat EF at piper)
^ peak
^ right b4 nme crashed, war south with about 15