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Everything posted by 2chainz

  1. hit it WAIT NVM DONT WE'RE WINNING kinda ****** up man
  2. so how do you go about pulling 17 when you pulled 27 on your first saturday then why would you want a pkri vs us after...? we had like 27 lol im confused but ok
  3. we didnt even attempt fighting, our clan was far too spread out. i think the fall in leader misclicked into multi lol
  4. Today Revenge headed out not expecting much, but to our surprise, we headed out with about 26 and peaked at around 31 an hour into the trip, ending the trip with around 26-27 in ventrilo. We were met in battle by a few clans, which is my job to present to you now. vs We were sitting around looking for something to do and knew we had a few clans in our world. We noticed Hostility was around in the world but wasn't sure where. We were surprisingly rushed by Hostility. We began fighting near the pond by the 13 ports, and they rushed up north to 13 ports about 30 seconds into the fight. We immediately rushed on top of them not wanting them to gain higher ground. Mid-fight, I was forced to switch our cloaks to a pink outline because Hostility and us had the same clan cloak basically haha. Anyway, after a minute or so of back and forth fighting they pulled north against the pond, and we ranged them from there. From my perspective they began to lose numbers and they pulled to the east side of pond in a gap in the pond. We were going in there when we began to see EF. We pulled back to 13 ports and Hostility went west?, not sure. Seconds later TLP rushed but I'm not sure who got the most of it. Was a good fight Hostility, hopefully next week we get a clean fight. vs We got Venom to check out the piper since they were being a little safe the whole trip. We sent 12 people there and they rushed those 12 people, the other 15 rushed from the south and hit them hard. We were spread out quite a bit so that let them have a bit of a chance to fight back at gap. We refocused (we were chasing multiple high defense Venom around for no reason), and pushed them further into gdz hut where we cleared them. NPO decided to crash right as Venom was cleared. vs We were in a world hearing there was action happening all over the place. Not quite sure on who all was in the world, but one clan I can confirm was in the world was NPO. We found them killing somebody and hit them hard. We hit them south of old BHB. We pressured them hard with scimitars and forced them back to the west steps. We changed to our bows and sniped them out slowly, and then pushed them up the steps with our fierce melee. This fight lasted over 5 minutes, however the last minute or so was NPO's high levels vs our medium levels, and they could not attack eachother at 19 wilderness. NPO had about 7-8 left where we had around 20+. We pulled west because we heard CP and EOP were near, and picked off their returners that came. Eventually EOP?/CP? crashed, however I believe we were definitely winning, had it been level 30 or so I believe we could've cleared the last of their 90s, seeing as we're mostly 70s-80s and some of them could not attack us. vs Cluster? idk. With us being bored, we looked to get another run in vs NPO at a higher level. On our way up, NPO had told us they had been hit by Zenith so we decided to join in on the fun. Once we rushed, FI came from the back. We went to regroup in non multi, and a few NPO started to snipe us in 1v1. We walked north with like 15, and 10 others doing god knows what (1v1ing? lol). We saw WAR running at us, ran to multi briefly, but ran back seeing as they had about 25 to our 15 falled in and 10 scattered. We decided we'd go ahead and just ask them for a fight, but when one of our councils did, they dismissed. Was a bit stupid cluster and we weren't really in it, but I decided to just go ahead and mention it haha. in no order GRATZ ON 70 FLETCHING!
  5. Wasn't it your clan that you closed? lol [Hy] I remember that tag And for EF this was just a matter of time for this conflict. Now the real idiots remained in EF and the true members left and cured the sickness Hysteria was the name. Best of luck EF. Will be tough, I believe the quality went to Hostility.
  6. Didn't really do anything though.
  7. thanks for the 2 fights we still need some work in p2p haha was our first p2p pcl, as it was yours. hopefully we can get a couple preps goin.
  8. honestly people think wilderness is always the more superior place it depends on what kind of person you are some people prefer clanwars over wilderness because it's more controlled some people prefer wilderness over clanwars because it's more speratik on what can happen. nothing wrong with either side
  9. ok let me see here where does your leader ever say its 1 defense cap? show me an irc log you had ~20-25 on ventrilo when i went in, why wouldnt you have that amount lol. I asked your leader for a +3/-3 prep any time if you guys thought you could beat us with only +3, he said no. If you're so confident you could beat us with +3, pm me for a prep :D
  10. All of you clans sound retarded. I've never seen so much beef over 1 week. I've heard threats of closing clans, but not after one weekend lmfao. Remember the 4 clans involved, this is supposed to be a fun 2v2 war, not to see GREEN > PURPLE, PURPLE > GREEN, etc. You guys should just have a 1v1 fullout instead. NME vs EF or Malice vs EF, and just leave Outrage out since they don't seem to care at all. NME has gained more beef with EF in one week then Malice has since they started being rivals. That's pathetic.
  11. (21:35:08) -[AU]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: [TH] The Hatred (http://www.th-rs.com/) | Members: 55 | Type: F2P & P2P | Time: America | Cape: Wilderness5 | Homeworld: 87 | [Averages] Cmb: 77.77/80.26; Str: 90.05; Cns: 87.16; Mage: 90.36; Range: 90.85; Overall: 965 | Last Update: 12th Aug 2011 Not an LPC. Low pulling clan, maybe. Good job Outrage.
  12. Looked fun. Looks like IR is definitely improving.
  13. You guys (both Malice and NME) won't always have team cape vs team cape in the wilderness. Probably get used to fighting with cloaks as both clans move up, extremely outleveled you guys need to practice with right clicking. However, good fight. Was a fun PCL :)
  14. 100% true lol,im not used to being attacked 24/7 inside of the other clan. We cant really use our levels as an advantage with team capes =[ Yep. It's more about piling and such. I kind of prefer clan cloaks because it shows who has to right click and such, with team capes you can just left click, makes people much more lazy.
  15. Your closure was just slightly longer then BV's. Should've not closed.
  16. Im sure if you asked rather than spouting your mouth on every one of our topics then we would! th :( Pmed your ranks three days in a row :( :confused: sometimes things cant go your way
  17. zenith need to improve without those cloaks i swear they perform 100% better with cloaks it seems like lol
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