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Everything posted by 2chainz

  1. 2chainz

    EoP v Foe

    this is why you dont sit the same people, so they become better. :thumbsup:
  2. Woah Max. Remember your place buddy. Last time you got warlord, DP closed in 2 days! xD Less **** sucking, because Outrage gon' give it to ya herherherherher. Woah lil guy Kyle acting tough... Sticking up for CP i feel quite bad for u mad? (15:06:03) <@[EoP]Max|Cronic> !kb kyle- (15:06:08) * [EoP]Max|Cronic set mode: +b *!*@4CE52BDA.CBD6D402.88157ED1.IP (15:06:10) * You were kicked from #dpures by [EoP]Max|Cronic ([EoP]Max|Cronic) :D
  3. Woah, slow down partner. Good job BV. Looks like you did well.
  4. You guys were free loot during our fight vs Zenith. Honestly you guys didn't even put up a fight, just died and regrouped and attacked us again. You might want to be wise, if you're going to snipe, I wouldn't suggest picking one target. Makes Zenith look bad in case they win, makes you look bad, and makes Zenith and CP hungry for free loot.
  5. Corrupt Pures bud. Shame what happened to Resurgence, but clans are hard to make and obtain. At least you were successful in one aspect, fun ;). In CP, that's all we care about, making your day of RuneScape that much better ;)
  6. We're not really serious about #1, but we're definitely a clan that cares about our performance. I'm telling you, you'd love CP's community, many people are afraid to experience it. I recently joined about a month or so back and I love it. It's got the best group of core members you'll find in a clan, and will never go down. #clan-cp Feel free to PM me on IRC if you have any questions. Hopefully you decide to stop by and introduce yourself.
  7. http://www.corruptpures.invisionzone.com #clan-cp ;)
  8. Corrupt Pures ^_^ www.corruptpures.invisionzone.com #clan-cp Best medium sized clan out there.
  9. Because 40 CP just voted for FI. FI is going to win because I have absolutely no hope for CT winning unless they use spies of some sort, but hey, you never know. I think FI will be hyped and this could be what finally brings them up out of the dust. If you think logically, even p0ke said it, FI have a 90% chance at winning. If you guys want some PCR practice feel free to hit up some CP ranks :thumbsup:
  10. Woah Max. Remember your place buddy. Last time you got warlord, DP closed in 2 days! xD Less **** sucking, because Outrage gon' give it to ya herherherherher.
  11. We gained through the fight vs CT up to 28 ending. I'm guessing some people had came back or whatever. Actually, we had 10 mains that showed up.
  12. if only... bah, the same song over and over on everyone's videos.
  13. I can give you 40 pics of Px. he isnt a px member nor is he on the ML thats just a sniper and 1 sniper does not mean its all of px (20:00:34) <@Bubb|Coal> .clan ooh soo good (20:00:35) -Vectra[02]- ** (CLAN): Ooh Soo Good is in 1 clan: PureFect () ^ they still need to remove him from ML You've been on EOP trips countless times with 40+ defense, as have many ex-members of EoP. I understand if its to help with HF, but they always attack pures.
  14. quit acting like you're not CT, it shouldn't be something to be ashamed of lol We had 19-20 at obelisk, so I assume you had 10? lol
  15. Complete ******** on CP's part of the topic. We had 4 people walking down to teleport to edgeville, we were ******* like 5 of ur kids up including a main, and all of you rushed in. 4 = 15 = fall in??? I assume if you hit us in a fall in we would be together, right?
  16. Trip was kind of boring for about an hour with everyone being busy (Control spamming and making Z's in edgeville for Zezima...) The last fight was just hopeless for CT, got pushed around everywhere. WAR did great. We had our best members on today, shame we lost a lot throughout the trip.
  17. ur RT should be updated with new ranks, and i don't think you guys pull 90 average anymore ;P, or #1 matched opts, I think FOE or TLP have that best of luck in the future lads
  18. dont remember this...? and when we fought you, how does that Baby Asian know EOP is coming? http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/9404/110723180003.png <- You did not push us, we pulled ourselves up there so we could attack more of you. I also took it upon myself to count the minimap, you have around 22 and we have around 20 when EOP rush. Yes, I counted the clumps too because I'm that good. (it helps to count a couple of the skulls) We started with around 30-32, we didn't outopt you. Let me run that through google translator... Ah yes, seems like you are mad. Why do I seem mad? Nothing else to say, I guess. dientes agradable maldito novato, run that through your translator xD (I am of course messing around here, but I think I'm mad too.)
  19. Funny how theirs a Pic with our ending ops showing we had 25+ ROFL JUst look at the pics. I dont know why you guys are flaming, its how our trip went. Thanks for the fights. there is not even a pic of your ending opts when eop crashed...? @drunk how in the hell am i flaming by telling my opinion from what i saw um, there's a picture showing that we had 19 with 16 not in range, and a few spread out equaling to about 25. Please take your time to read the topic. rofl r0fl
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