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Just another pk trip. Yesterday we went out not really fully prepared, but we had a good pull of 23. Some things happened later on in the trip after our success, leading to one of our leaders leaving for a stupid reason. :rolleyes:
Divine Brutality vs Exiled Force
DB: 22
EF: 28
DB: 15 higher levels, around 20 at sperm before CA.
EF: Around 10 too low level for us to attack, they had about 5 but ran from sperm hill to CA and regrouped.
We saw EF around the hills and quickly rushed them. They were on the southeast hill, but tried regrouping on the sperm hill. We quickly chased them over. At this point they had almost nothing left, and they called a regroup at CA. We just stood there while they sniped our 60s-70s, and while our 80s-90s just waited for Trile and a couple other 70s to come back. We eventually got a fall in to leave, but CP hit us on the way out lol. I forgot to vid, but there's pics somewhere.
Divine Brutality vs Exiled Force, Negative and Chaotic
DB: 21
EF: 25?
-: 25ish?
Ch: 15-20?
DB: 20
EF: 0
Negative: 10-15 chillin on sperm hill (we couldn't hit)
Ch: 0
Well, EF and us kind of rushed into eachother at the hill northwest of sperm. Negative crashed soon on and Chaotic later. When Negative crashed we got a small regroup east with 19 on the east hill. We rerushed and then chaotic rushed later (i think). Then we went west, rerushed, etc. Hard to explain, watch the video. EF and Negative, it'd be great if you guys trained up -_-.
Divine Brutality vs Negative
DB: 18
N: 15ish
DB: 15
N: 0
We rushed Negative just west of the maze hill. The fight went up to the big hill and we quickly cleared them. Our defense/levels had a clear advantage.
Ft. 4 man clump in a 6v6 MiniWar after