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Everything posted by 2chainz

  1. Great job EPK, thanks for the fight, you guys did well :)
  2. ye, rerushing, you gain more opts, and negative have the same capes as you can see on the map, and we had 14 people east (mainly addy) after the crash.
  3. lmfao moron Ot: Kyle rapes and nice job on ur trip 2day boys was fun fitin u guys at hills but umm I don't want to automatically claim a win because of all those clans coming and going in from that fight but i'd say we were winning/won. Duval y so hardkore with ur leakz br0 u proud of having a leak in a lpc?? u were winning it but u rushed with +10 and look how we were doing? thats when i pulled from the fight You forgot to also include [-] and dF have the same capes so obviously more of us would get killed in a crash.
  4. Yeah, ok. We had 3-4 left? Are you blind? We had 16 left when negative crashed, and the majority of us got hit since you have the same capes. VD also crashed, which you left us to clear while you ran to your own hill. Still can't clear us with an opts advantage and us having to clear crashers? Ok. Feel free to pm me for a prep, so there's nothing else involved. 1 defense if you'd like.
  5. yea but we did win while ctrl was watching as p0ke mentioned
  6. thats right doggy keep sucking or else! :rolleyes: or else you may die like IR! :rolleyes: enjoying pulling 15 and losing to ch? uh bro they havent beat us once sense duval has been reopening a clan so nananana mitch he means Ch and Havoc
  7. didnt know eop's forums looked like a notepad
  8. We didn't attack anybody, we were simply taking a stroll through the wilderness. We then watched as DB beat Z. So going of that theory you only beat us once :D ye and we beat u like 100 times
  9. No, we're just simply showing your stupidity and basically saying we'll get revenge when something like crashing is done to us :P
  10. Thanks. We were originally going to fight CP I think, but you decided to come first :P
  11. http://www.divinebrutality.com | #clan-db SUBSCRIBE OR TYLER RAGES Well, since our main competition refused to fight us, we decided to either find them or step up. Our main competition being Contamination (now Ch) and Elimination. Before the trip we weren't expecting to pull much, maybe 15-20. We ended up pulling a peak of 24, our maximum amount so far. So, we were walking around world 43 (we heard Ch were around) and accidently ran into dF. I think dF had just cleared EF or something without any issue. Here's the fight: -------------------------------------------------------------- BATTOL OF GREEN KLEN! Starting: Divine Brutality: 23 deFiance: 25-30ish? I heard you had quite a bit, but you were just finished fighting someone I believe. Please confirm. Violent Demise: 13 (crashed) Negative: 20-25 (crashed) Ending Divine Brutality: 15 falled in east deFiance: 15ish Violent Demise: I heard around 7 at hills. (cleared by us, but some ran south to hills) Negative: Probably the same as starting, as they had crashed and ended the fight. Thanks for the fight, dF. Sorry if we had crashed or anything. TP came from the west? We asked dF later on for a PKRI, but they refused as I guess they ended early. -------------------------------------------------------------- Divine Brutality vs Zenith ft. Control Starting: Divine Brutality: 23 Zenith: 35ish (35 on TS, 25 is what they said on IRC which was obviously a lie.) Control: A lot Ending: Divine Brutality: 21 Zenith: 0 Control: A lot Well, our reasoning behind luring Zenith was because of two reasons. #1: You crashed us 3 times last week. #2: You lied about opts. If you hadn't lied, I wouldn't have called Control, :P. -------------------------------------------------------------- Divine Brutality vs Strike Team Starting: Divine Brutality: 23 Strike Team: 20 Ending: Divine Brutality: 21 Strike Team: 2 south that we caught up with bsing eachother at graveyard. They both died. Hella respect to EPK for fighting us when we clearly had the advantage in all aspects, such as numbers, levels, defense (wat), and everything else. Thanks for the fight EPK. Good job. -------------------------------------------------------------- Divine Brutality + Control + Negative vs Eruption of Pures Starting: Divinely Controlled Negativity: 75-80? No clue. Eruption of Pures: ? Ending: Divinely Controlled Negativity: around 60 I'd say. Eruption of Pures: around 30 Fun fight, CP had crashed and pushed both clans to maze, EOP had around 25-30 members all nearly out of food. Well fought EOP, and good job DB+CT+[-]. Pictures (in no order): flaming afkers saying hi to TP Interested in joining? Not having fun? Come join Divine Brutality, where flaming Tyler on trips is acceptable when bored. SHOUT OUT TO KARL WHO HELPED ME EARLIER TODAY!
  12. Looks like there's a lot of propaganda on this topic. Nice false wins, until further notice.
  13. As I had told you in IRC, we had 16. You also had 11 left in someone's picture when he was the last one to die. We won the second fight, first fight nearly :P
  14. rofl? that was at the very end of the fight after returning atleast 7 times, sorry bro. maybe you should have a spam of "HAVE 10+ RETURN SETS!" Ryan's not even in either clan and he returned better :P
  15. It's Contamination, he's with them every p2p trip.
  16. My personal opinion, the Co vs WAR fight is completely irrelavant because of this: ^Pictaker has a maple bow on, the dude slightly east has nothing but an msb on ^f2p gear, 1 itemer, and htown with only a dagger and full addy (basically 1 iteming) good job guys next time both clans should fight in a high risk world
  17. Lying about your opts over and over - you had 25 vs TP, lied about your opts to us but a shame CT crashed.
  18. owned (19:16:51) -Vectra[23]- ** (I_EOPZ): (Defence) Level: 99 [108] | Exp: 32,347,398 (16.17% of 200M exp) | Rank: 4,091 | EXP to level 109: 2,738,256 (17.22% to 109) true winner was mm
  19. shame the lvl 50s-60s (about 5-6) came from behind us as we rushed and sniped a bit of us lol. first fight looked like it was in our favor (i saw many co dropping personally) but the 3rd fight was definitely in your favor, shame ****** blue clans have to crash lol
  20. What? We weren't even there. Lmfao. Work on more pictures, I heard Co had 28, btw. Shame you crashed the PKRI.
  21. Thanks for deleting posts that are completely non-flaming.
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