#Chaotic | http://www.chaotic-rs.com | http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=chaotic
Chaotic went out today peaking at 43! This was the highest peak we've had in a month or two. I was pretty surprised.
Chaotic vs deFiance, Exiled Force, and Zenith+Omnicide
Chaotic: 42
deFiance: 24
Exiled Force: 25
Zenith+Omnicide: 55 I heard
Chaotic: 10 inside CW
dF: 0
EF: 0
Z+OD: around 30-35
Well, this was meh. We heard EF were outside north of clanwars and decided to rush. dF shortly after come out and hit it. I guess it becomes fair game for Z+OD and they decide to hit it as well. By the time Z+OD were there, EF and dF were gone and it was just around 37 Ch vs 55 full-powered Z+OD. We put up a great fight and it lasted around 4 minutes, but were were just about cleared after around 4 minutes.
Chaotic vs Intense Redemption
Chaotic: 40
Intense Redemption: 33
Chaotic: 35 (it says 28 on the video, but we're all scattered about, some chasing -.-)
Intense Redemption: 0, all dead.
Well, I want to give IR major props for sticking around in this fight and giving it all they had. Turns out the numbers advantage was just too much. We pushed them into a "semi-circle" in the maze. Anyway, respect IR for the fight, you could have easily backed out knowing our numbers.
Chaotic vs deFiance
Chaotic: 38
deFiance: 20-25 it looked like
Chaotic: 37-38
deFiance: 0
Well, we heard a couple of clans were in this world and ventured out. We just were walking to obelisk as we saw deFiance hitting a random or rushing us or something. We cleared them quickly as FOE hit us from behind. I think FOE pulled back because they saw us fighting somebody, and if that's what happened, thanks. :D Props to deFiance for trying to put up a fight.
Basically the rest of our trip was just walking around. Zenith had pmed us for a PKRI multiple times but when we'd ask them for how many they had and what not we'd never get a reply, seemed like they were just avoiding us and trying to drag out our trip because our scouts couldn't find them anywhere in the wilderness or home world. Basically consisted of this: (20:25:19) <Danky> ft-7[12:48] <Danky> wana run in
(20:25:19) <Danky> [12:49] <[Z]Ryan> how much u got
(20:25:19) <Danky> [12:49] <danky> 48
(20:25:19) <Danky> [12:49] <danky> jkjkjk
(20:25:19) <Danky> [12:49] <danky> like 33
(20:25:19) <Danky> [12:51] <danky> wbu
(20:25:27) <Danky> [12:53] <[Z]Ryan> sec
(20:25:28) <Danky> [12:58] <danky> so want a run in
(20:25:29) <Danky> [13:30] <danky> [z]ryan pkri
(20:25:30) <Danky> [13:30] <danky> ?
(20:26:23) <Danky> (13:56:04) <Danky> so u want a run in [z]josh?
(20:26:23) <Danky> (13:56:32) <[Z]Josh> nah
him asking me now:
(17:19:00) <[Ch]Kyle|M4NT> r u guys still out lol
(17:20:10) <[Z]Ryan> Yeah
(17:20:12) <[Z]Ryan> pkri?
(17:21:30) <[Ch]Kyle|M4NT> u gonna respond mate
(17:21:59) <[Ch]Kyle|M4NT> ????????????????????????????????
(17:25:48) <[Ch]Kyle|M4NT> holy **** dude
7 mins later
(17:32:06) <[Z]Ryan> Yeah
(17:32:07) <[Z]Ryan> lets pkri
We ended at this point. *Note: Danky is Pacific time. Sorry for the logs but we want to show that we attempted getting more fights, lol.
Me losing addy g like a man.