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Everything posted by 2chainz

  1. After our FOE prep we had about 35-40. No vid was needed just a lil trip =) I believe a vid is needed if it's worthy enough to post a topic. If you're posting a counter-topic to EOP, there's no reason to worry, it's just a lil midweek lol. Made the topic to provide the facts son. provide the facts on theirs
  2. After our FOE prep we had about 35-40. No vid was needed just a lil trip =) I believe a vid is needed if it's worthy enough to post a topic. If you're posting a counter-topic to EOP, there's no reason to worry, it's just a lil midweek lol.
  3. Thanks. Good to see IR posting positive on this here topic :)
  4. I'd like to see a video or more clear proof. How many did you have to your pk trip?
  5. tlp TH of 07 vs DP at their prime (March-May 2010)
  6. Video with music: have to audioswap, so just view it on the channel.
  7. They call me the beacon of friendship and light for a reason. Thanks ass. LOL
  8. Spamming is the key to unlocking the chest of friendship.
  9. #Chaotic | http://chaotic-rs.com/forums | http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=chaotic Chaotic vs Trepidation Videos: Well, on saturday shortly after the trip, I went fishing for a preparation war. I decided to try Trepidation, and thought they would be a good battle as they head defeated DeFiance. [TP]Tyler|Pibb gladly accepted with the rules of 10 defense armor, dungeoneering and corrupt off, and overheads on. This was to be a fierce matched opts battle. Both clans peaked at around 25-26. Good job on the pull Trepidation. Now on to the fight! Round One Chaotic: 23 Trepidation: 23 Chaotic: 18 Trepidation: 0 This round I died first, so I can't tell you really what happened. Trepidation seemed to spread a lot, just watch Duval's video when it's uploaded. Round Two (nulled) Chaotic: 23 Trepidation: 23 Chaotic: 18 Trepidation: 0 Well, we decided to null this because an idiot got mad because one of TP's members dced, causing us to sit. I don't know what provoked his outrage but he was kicked from the cc. Then one of TP's members mistakedly attacked us and caused their rush to fail, so we decided to just null the round and move on. Round Two (official) Chaotic: 21 Trepidation: 21 Chaotic: 18 Trepidation: 0 This was a great round on our part, spamming was ******* great. Round Three Chaotic: 20 Trepidation: 20 Chaotic: 16 Trepidation: 0 We got really spread out in this run-in round. We tend to struggle finding territory as a clan on plateau. I repeatedly called to get around the middle bone and just snipe the kids inside of us which seemed to work some what. Thanks for the prep, Trepidation! Pictures! (in no order):
  10. Then you lost the fight. I don't get this. No, we cleared the battlefeild then at the sperm hill it was about 15 Zenith v 11 IR, and Chaotic rushed in only attacking Zenith so we regrouped north hill with about 22 and began to fight Ch when IR rushed in and sandwhiched us then Foe rushed in and cleared everything. Your topic is full of lies, what you said there was never stated in your topic. Don't know why you guys feel like its ok to get caught in lies, when you don't have to even post a topic at all.
  11. we had fun teaming with IR and Z today according to both clans ;)
  12. We should start coming out on mondays and stuff as well, looks fun ^_^
  13. IR+Ch? You make it sound like we were teaming. We were destroying you above clanwars before FOE rushed. I have no idea what you're talking about it at all but good job on the trip. If you're wondering why we crashed: (20:47:40) <[Z]Ryan> [Ch]Kyle|M4NT (20:47:43) <[Z]Ryan> welcome to the crash war No pictures either. I'm really confused about your topics lately. The second fight shows no proof of any victory with no videos or pictures, and the first fight you had 37 in your cc against IR.
  14. rest of the community, too many people to choose from. ch vs z f2p prep 1 def matched opts
  15. It has been 3m for some time. Ah ok.
  16. #Chaotic I TOOK +M OFF FOR YOU!!!! We're trying to make a rise back up right now. One of the best matched opts at our level. Good luck on finding a home, seems like IR didn't work out.
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