#chaotic | http://www.chaotic-rs.com/forums
Video by myself:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T49eWc5soV0 - if imbed doesn't work, lol.
We headed out from dummies with 27 strong Chaotic members. As our trip went on, we peaked at 32-33. It was a slowish trip but it was productive. Our p2p game is starting to pick up again and hopefully it continues. We didn't expect much today, but we got more then we expected which is always a good thing. :P
[Ch]aotic vs [W]e [A]re [R]oyalty vs [Z]enith vs [C]arnage
Chaotic: 25-30
WAR (with some ex): 43
Zenith: ? (confirm?)
Carnage: 35 (confirmed)
Chaotic: 20-25 in BHB
WAR: 25-30
Zenith: 28 Confirmed by Lawson
Carnage: 32 in BHB (confirmed)
Well, this fight initiated with us seeing a couple war, killing them. We then tried to trap them in CA gap, which we were too late to react. Then Zenith rushed from the east I believe, followed by Carnage. I'd say Carnage probably went out with this one because they had opts/rushed last. Was a quick cluster.
[Ch]aotic vs Intense [R]edemption ft. WAR
Chaotic: 25-27ish
Intense Redemption: Not sure, looked like around 25.
Chaotic: Probably around 20
Intense Redemption: around same as us
Well, this fight started when Junior, IR's leader, followed us. We figured IR was in the area. We then saw IR spreading near FOG so we hit it. We got sort of clumped but worked out of it and started to dominate. We saw WAR coming out of FOG so our first reaction was to pull back, but we stuck and fight. At this point it was still pretty even. Don't know if WAR's intention was to crash or what. I'm not going to claim any wins.
[Ch]aotic vs [W]e [A]re [R]oyalty
Chaotic: 28
We Are Royalty: 27
Chaotic: Around 22-25, couldn't get an accurate amount because of the crash, but I predict 22-25 from the video before crash.
We Are Royalty: 0
Well, we knew this was the fight of the night. Knowing WAR had 43 earlier on in the trip, we were hazy when they said they had 20 in IRC. I saw later on in their channel WAR saying they had 27 and by their topic, so I'm going by that. We managed to push up quite fast, our west side got really clumped at one point. Intense Redemption then decided to crash just as the fight ended, in which most members were able to log out. Thanks for the fight WAR.
Sorry, not many pictures, hopefully we can get more.