- #chaotic
Vidded/edited by Kyle|Sraveish
Well, Chaotic went out today not expecting much. We hadn't made a topic about this event, as it was double exp weekend. It was more speratic and we never really expected what was to come today. It was a lot of fun though.
Chaotic vs Fatality
Starting -
Chaotic: ~25
Fatality: ~20ish?
Ending -
Chaotic: 20-25, IR rushed as we cleared FI.
Fatality: 0
Well, this fight, we kind of hit them on fall in a little bit. We got the upperhand and just destroyed everything in our path.
Chaotic vs Intense Redemption vs Corrupt Pures
Starting -
Chaotic: ~27
Intense Redemption: 35-40
Corrupt Pures: 15-20
Ending -
Chaotic: ~20ish
IR: 20 falled in
CP: 15
Well, we were rushed by IR outopted by around 10. CP then rushed from IR's side and IR got pushed into clanwars. Every clan went into cw around the same time, was a weird fight but whatever it was fun. IR had crashed us earlier on so they kind of deserved it anyway, no offense.
Chaotic vs Corrupt Pures vs Crimson Project vs Intense Redemption
Starting -
Chaotic: ~25
Corrupt Pures: 20?
Crimson Project: Not sure, 15-20?
Intense Redemption: I assume around 30-35 because you peaked at 35-40.
Ending -
Chaotic: 20
CP: 15-20
CPR: 0
IR: 0
We came to help out CP because we heard that they were being teamed on by IR and CPR. Not sure on the full story all I know is we came out on top.
Josh|x2yz's story (CPR's POV)
Cpr had a PKRI with CP, Ir crashed, so I called MM in whilst we teamed with CP, CPR+CP started to clear the IR guys then CP started to turn on us (nothing against CP, I think we killed a few of them by mistake), so it was CPR vs CP vs IR, thats when you came in to make it CPR vs CP+CH vs IR, CPR's first wave got cleared so we swiftly regrouped at CLW and started to walk back up as MM logged in at GDZ cleared CH and pushed CP + IR down south into us at spider village, we then killed IR and CP then went up to thank MM. Show me proof that it went down differently.
I don't want to be completely biased, so I added that in there. Didn't hear anything about MM but it's all good.
Thanks for reading!
Pictures (in no order):
more pictures soon