for the first time in my life, i agree with loki
I'm tired of this honor stuff though. We play this game to have fun, I personally know I am not going to get many kills soloing east drags at 68+2 combat. The reason isn't even that I'll get wrecked. I fight level 75+'s and they're just so bad, but I fight someone my level and they cry about praying, and they just n-range you all fight. Atleast the 75+'s are getting the jist of praying. However, when I pray vs my own level it's "sad" but then they tele when i take it off and get some lucky hits and own them. With the 75+, they tele aswell. ( I don't pk in +1 ). Anyway, I know i won't get any kills without a tber because everyone just teleports. But for some reason, it just doesn't faze me. I just laugh at how I made a level 78 tele or some ****. Also, who can't say having a team of 20+ 1 itemers killing someone fully geared isnt funny as ****. It's a game after all and that just makes me laugh, and it's funny for the 1 itemers aswell. It's their way of enjoying the game as us hybriders enjoy ours.
I'm not even sure if i made sense throughout that paragraph as i'm trying to get to this point (it's a bit off topic)
Has anyone else realized that the pure community is ruined - not by no honor pking - but by the flaming going on. Pures are trying to increase their e-rep by "You mad bro" and it moved on to "2k10" and "Gwas" and such. They are (or were anyway) commonly used main terms, that I used when I was mixed in the pure and main communities. I wouldn't ever use it on my pure, and I noticed the only bad things people would say is when you were pking, they'd say "you're shet" because they're a raging little hipocritical idiot. Even "l0l" was one of the worst things a pure could do to try to be an e-thug. The pure community wasn't great at the time period i'm speaking (before May 09) but by each main term that comes into the pure community, it seems to ruin it. I mean really, It might sound absurd, but they're trying to increase their e-rep because they know how to hybrid on their main or some ****. Foe have just ruined it by the late introduction of "Nan", I mean yeah it's a used term in England but there were no "slam ur nan" or "your nan" jokes going around the pure community, it's even starting to get old/annoying for mains.
Anyways not even sure if that made sense, hate writing walls of text but w/e I just wanted to let it be known that in my opinion honor isn't even an issue in the pure community, it's the ego.