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Posts posted by hippy

  1. mmk lets put it all out there then sir:

    (18:53:01) &--#60;%[EF]Powr|Deadly[_&--#62; expected coming from an uneducated african piece of ****

    (18:53:07) &--#60;[CP]Chain&--#62; roflirl

    (18:53:08) &--#60;+[EF]hippy&--#62; steriotipical ******

    (18:53:13) &--#60;+[EF]hippy&--#62; always the same



    (18:57:24) <[EF]hippy> ur black

    (18:57:38) <[EF]hippy> black ***** slave

    (18:58:18) <[EF]hippy> im not an EF rank anymore

    (18:58:21) <[EF]hippy> and i have all ur clans ips

    (18:58:22) <[EF]hippy> :]

    (18:58:27) <``Ricky> i change my ip daily

    (18:58:28) <``Ricky> idiot

    (18:58:34) <[EF]hippy> once u start a rivalry with a clan

    (18:58:35) <[EF]hippy> ima leak them

    (18:58:39) <``Ricky> ok?

    (18:58:39) <[EF]hippy> like a boss

    (18:58:42) <``Ricky> awsome

    (18:58:45) <[EF]hippy> black ******

    (18:58:46) <``Ricky> go ahread

    (18:58:46) <[EF]hippy> also

    (18:58:51) <[EF]hippy> im going to finger u

    (18:58:54) <[EF]hippy> and order pizza

    (18:59:23) <[EF]hippy> ur clan is slumping

    (18:59:29) <[EF]hippy> death will be soon

    (18:59:40) <``Ricky> yep

    (19:00:17) <[EF]hippy> plus lmao

    (19:00:21) <[EF]hippy> every clan hates u guys

    (19:00:25) <[EF]hippy> **** clan is ****

    (19:00:32) <[EF]hippy> no1 will care wheather u live or die

    (19:00:36) <[EF]hippy> and trent gone :[

    (19:00:44) <[EF]hippy> u guys have no will to continue anymore

    (19:00:44) <[EF]hippy> hahahaha

    (19:00:48) <[EF]hippy> slump slump

    (19:00:49) <[EF]hippy> close close

    (19:00:50) <[EF]hippy> gg


    firstly calling me a ******??? second threatning to leak my member ips???? 3rd constantly pming me saying slump slump??? ur approaching this as if u never did anything wrong n luke nothing about me have changed its the fact he disrecpected me and my clan members n ur acting as if u never knew about it?? but lmao ok but gj on ur trip be seeing u next week


    Why go to all the trouble of editing and making fake logs to make your members feel sorry for you.Its seems like your desperate and your jealously for EF is overflowing it has been brewing for lengthily amount of time.So it is expected.

  2. giggle gj on ur trip


    Blame hippy, its amazing how much attention i get despite losing my rank months ago im glad that hostility still fears me.

    25 to a prep 17 to a trip nuff said arent u suppose to be sleep 4rner?


    Someone seems a bit steamed.. :/ 17 people getting more kills than you because your too busy trying to crash fights.


    Dissapointed Ricky!

    i was working actually n it was made to dedicate a trip to u guys since hippy thinks of me so much to pm me out of no where for attention so why not give it back? dissapointed Hippster *frownie face*


    You dedicated a trip spamming to us " Blame Hippy " but never killed more than 1 of us in each crash. Plus we knew every time you were coming. Ty for locs.

    Vid will prove more wrong n it was because of hippy thats why it was spammed lmfao n same to ty for free locs lmfao



    Ty for bump :thumbsup: , Where is Hostility's topic? didn't u guys end 2 hours before us :(? Surely that's enough time for your illiterate ranks to conjure up some verbal diarrhea.

    u would know about that wouldnt u giggle n just wait for it


    How disrespectful you have become i kinda wish i didn't recruit you from w57 and made you my apprentice you remind me of Orochimaru from Naruto dame you Orochimaru!

  3. giggle gj on ur trip


    Blame hippy, its amazing how much attention i get despite losing my rank months ago im glad that hostility still fears me.

    25 to a prep 17 to a trip nuff said arent u suppose to be sleep 4rner?


    Someone seems a bit steamed.. :/ 17 people getting more kills than you because your too busy trying to crash fights.


    Dissapointed Ricky!

    i was working actually n it was made to dedicate a trip to u guys since hippy thinks of me so much to pm me out of no where for attention so why not give it back? dissapointed Hippster *frownie face*


    You dedicated a trip spamming to us " Blame Hippy " but never killed more than 1 of us in each crash. Plus we knew every time you were coming. Ty for locs.

    Vid will prove more wrong n it was because of hippy thats why it was spammed lmfao n same to ty for free locs lmfao



    Ty for bump :thumbsup: , Where is Hostility's topic? didn't u guys end 2 hours before us :(? Surely that's enough time for your illiterate ranks to conjure up some verbal diarrhea.

  4. giggle gj on ur trip


    Blame hippy, its amazing how much attention i get despite losing my rank months ago im glad that hostility still fears me.

    25 to a prep 17 to a trip nuff said arent u suppose to be sleep 4rner?


    Someone seems a bit steamed.. :/ 17 people getting more kills than you because your too busy trying to crash fights.


    Dissapointed Ricky!

    i was working actually n it was made to dedicate a trip to u guys since hippy thinks of me so much to pm me out of no where for attention so why not give it back? dissapointed Hippster *frownie face*



    No cookies for you.

    Just bread and water.

  5. I've just recently come back to Scape..


    I've been quit for a while, I came back.. I didn't even know who we were prepping. Never heard of Hazard.


    Whatever your saying is "coming" then I say bring it on. We'll be waiting.


    Oh, I don't mean this as a flame but 14 is a mini not a prep.




    /msg [EF]Thirteen if mad OR if you'd like a PKRI/PREP/MINI.


    Haha :wub:


  6. So funny reading these kids replies.


    We've outpulled you 3/4 times we've prepped you. Mitch or no one from Hazard has EVER flamed you, and Mitch is the biggest flamer there is. You outpull us once and you're spamming worthless **** ingame, etc.

    Not sure how I'm taken as a "12 year old kid" being as I'm 16, and speak with a hell of a lot more intelligence then you.


    Hippy, you're honestly the biggest spakker there is. Just go and re-read your reply, that is why EF slumped for 8 months straight, and finally got [F]Mark to join and he has quite a few buddies that joined. I'm sure once Chaotic reopens, (if they even get enough people to open v5) that they'll all join them too cause Mark will be offered co-leader or something stupid.


    EF has never been good, not even when Trent was there and letting level 70s with adamant berserker shields join. Grats, you pulled 23 to a prep for the first time in 4 months, and I'm sure you had mass loads of invites as well just like usual.



    You'll see what happens a week down the road, talking **** gets you nowhere, I'm telling you as soon as they leave you're yet again ****** lol. Shouldn't be cocky.


    And Kris, you're a outsider m8, not real sure why you're saying OO0o0o WOW MAN THEY'VE BEEN OPEN A YEAR WOWOWOWOW! Who the **** cares, it's no accomplishment being open a year and pulling 10s. Let's be real.


    I'm off this topic now, l8z.


    Congratulations on the win, don't take Hazard as being soar losers, I'm just looking out after you EF, cause you shouldn't be talking big when you're lil.


    Longhair dont care didn't read couldn't give a ****


    R.I.P shitties.

  7. Ok, first off:


    Not sure why you guys constructed a topic full of a load of ********, saying how we pulled low, etc.


    We've sat PLENTY of people for you many, many times. You pulled 25 or so cause a clan just recently closed and you finally got some apps. Not sure why you guys would try to spam **** after, call us weak competition, we've slapped you kids so many times in the wildy, I really just don't get it.


    You honestly make yourself look so dumb, you're going to have another thing coming very soon.


    I didn't mean this as flame or anything, but seriously, why do you guys like try to batter us down or some **** like we've flamed you or something.


    No one would join EF so don't spam #Clan-ef after you win one round, lmao.



    #Clan-ef :)


    How furious are you right now lil 12 year old shut your mouth or we will glady hit you till closure in the wilderness.Many flame baits within your wall of text, I don't think you know how notorious your clan already is for flame baits but 2 month old clans such as yours talk alot of ****, were not a clan that will just let it go.We wont forget nor fogive we will be repaying you in the wilderness.

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