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Posts posted by hippy

  1. PJ timer? There was no pj timer in 06



    I find it ironic he's supporting that wilderness guardian's video about how pking is dead but he him self is starting a movement about keeping bridding alive.


    there wasn't any tree hugging pneck camping praying switch brids back then, hope bridding dies


    ya ^ , You kids cried and cried for the old wilderness its only been year and a few months and now your crying for the PVP system back?


    So indecisive.

  2. The game is the same as it always was , it was always this ****** graphic peace of **** game , infact its even better then it used to be in terms of graphics, mini games bosses, and weapons. There is way more variation nowadays rarely will you get people looking the same anymore , its simply the players such as ourselves who have aged and lost interest.The people that still continue to play the game the way we used to play it years ago are having the exact same enjoyment we had way back then.


    I know im going a little off top with this one but people who are complaining about the wilderness being dead etc and are trying to get jagex to create more content in the wilderness are just fighting a losing battle with themselves they constantly try to find away to keep playing this game by blaming it on the fact that the game isn't as it was in 2006/07 eventually they will see no matter what jagex does to improve the game it will never be the same for them because they are not 14/15 anymore.

  3. Your like 4 days old? We cant magically conjure up thoughts about your clan when we know nothing about it.The things that people have said already in this post is judged upon past clans formed by the current leaders of the clan and that is the only opinions of your clan that your going to get.In time opinions will change hopefully for the better.

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