The first trip of 2012, what an enjoyable one it was.We set out today with 24 people and maintained 21 throughout the trip.The clans we fought today gave it there all , and so did we , taking #2 overall in KDR today.
Today's Video is by our lovely Council Mustafa who never fails to please with his crisp quality and great taste in music.
Exiled Force vs The Last Pures
Our first fight of the day was supposed to be against Venom but after hearing IR had decided to have a chunk of them before we could, disappointed faces were all around. Then we heard TLP had also shown up to the battle and had moped everything up. Infuriated at TLP for killing both V and IR, we said **** it and rushed into TLP with our 24 men.We lost.
But we did have fun.
Exiled Force vs Excel/Fury/Venom/Fatality
We finally tracked down Excel and found them around level 10 wilderness where they seemed to be regrouping. We rushed them and killed as many as we could as they scattered away from us, immediately one of our ranks alerted us that Fury was at Chaos alter. We found them and started to kill them one by one while they were dragging north all over the map near 18 ports. Moments later, we saw Venom was directly south of us so we gathered around 18 ports ready for battle but Fatality rushed in from the north. We dipped south losing a total of 1 in that little skirmish.
Exiled Force vs We Are Royalty
The first clean pkri of the day , god that turned us all on,War had demanded a pkri from us , and EF being EF well we never turn a matched opt pkri down.Despite War's extreme amount of armour compared to our two mithril plated idiots we new this fight wasn't going to be as easy as drinking milk and eating biscuits.WAR was sent to defend and we were ready to slice.Our bodies collided on top of the most western volcano we sniped down into them constantly dropping them until they decided to run north where they claimed they couldn't attack any of us despite us doing damage somehow. "logic?"None i think.We followed them north as we thought that was a petty excuse for us having the upper hand due to our supperior piling.Bringing the battle a further 5 levels ment nothing to us as we continued to kill the remaining WAR that tried to tank it out for the returners.Zenith elligently and unexpectantly enough decided to ruin our battle.
We were triumphant in our eyes
Exiled Force vs We Are Royalty
Round 2
WAR wanted a rematch and pleaded that there initial loss was due to our low combat levels, which was true but it wasn't the reason for their lose,
despite this we couldn't resist the temptation of fighting them once again since WAR always give the best fights and they did not disappoint us. The fight took place at corp where we defended and awaited for WAR's arrival. In no sooner then 2 blinks of an the eye, WAR had arrived and the fight had begun . What a fight it was! We instantly K0ed two WAR members as they rushed into us, putting us up at an 2 man advantage almost instantly. We then continued to transition from one pile to another successfully, K0'ing most of WAR and forcing them to flee back into mossies where they tried to hold the fight for their returners. It wasn't enough for them to bring it back as we continued to kill them more quickly then they could return.
We cleared them off the battlefield for the second time , we did not stay and wait for them as our bags could not hold any more loot…
Thanks for the fights WAR.
Losing interest in Runescape?
We have the match to ignite your interest!
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