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Posts posted by hippy

  1. nice job NME i thought you had a 70 cb cap with 10 def and like 50 attack cap?

    that didn't last very long as i saw a many 80s and few 20 def people.

    Also your missing the parts where you got cleared pretty hard at north bh and gap.


    thanks for the wizard g lmfao.

    Our cap has raised, but regardless you saw ONE 80+ combat, and no one above 75 cap (Our current cap). You didn't see any 20 defence people because.. we don't have any


    I'm glad you care so much about our requirements though. What part did you clear us north of BH and at gap? Pretty sure the video has the entire fight as Charlie didn't die, might want to watch that before coming onto the topic and looking like a retard.


    Times are hard when you got to team with other clans just to have a shot at actually causing any damage (Which was evidently minimal as shown by the video)



    We cleared you.

    Going to bed now will have my vid up tomorrow its like 3am.

    good night.

  2. This was never going to be a "nice topic" soulshock. You guys get upset too easy and its just too fun. to me it just seems like malice is a bit mad but w/e NME doing same thing aswell. Also, too all those saying NME has more experience, look at the prep and see how crap they r.


    i can make drawings too:


    Calling it here now. Quote me on this in a months time when NME has closed EF.



    an unexpected comment from a council of enemy , your a disgrace.



    Sadly my Founder respects your clan i don't think he will after he wakes up and reads this comment.

  3. Quite a lot of the battle was at center, just sayin`



    Expected the first to 100 to be more one sided consider it being matched, oh well, gj.




    that was towards the end when they had 15+ kill count advantage, it was still more in there half then ours

    Didn't feel like uploading the entire vid considering it just involved them running back regrouping and waiting for us to rush them at there portal.


    Was fun though thanks for the battle :)

  4. YT channel got hacked.. close this topic ..



    nice signiture btw , so fake its beautiful



    its unfortunate what happened to your youtube but i dont feel any sympathy for you or your clan because of your attitude problem :(

  5. wondery.png



    There's simply no way for us to beat that..... IT'S SO GOOD!!!


    We might as well just close now, gl NME you can still take this!! Just try not to get hit by the awesome power of EF's propaganda train.




    Looking forward to finger banging the whale protectors next week once again.

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