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Posts posted by hippy

  1. efbanner.png


    Since today was P2P Pcl, we were gonna go Pking until CX asked us for a 15v15 mini in clan wars. After we hopped and went to clan wars waiting for about 5 minutes, they told us they went pking since they pulled 20+ people and asked us for a PKRI. We only had 15 so we asked TP to come along with us. TP pulled about 4-5 when we went out.




    EF vs. CX vs. CD


    CX went outside of clan wars and spreaded east of clan wars on sperm hills. EF Rushed them from the south and 15 seconds later, a main clan called themselfs CD rushed in between the fight, they were level 70-90's. EF kept their ground while CX regrouped north of clan wars. EF and CD was fighting on the sperm hills, then CD started to drag to north of clan wars. We eventually made a fall in and went around CW and rushed CX from west. EF eventually took control of the hills for 5 minutes while CX and CD keep hit and run inside clan wars. We eventually run inside clan wars and hopped and regrouped at BH bank where we went PK'ing in PvP for awhile.


    EF Starting: 18

    CX Starting: 19-21

    CD Starting: 26


    EF Ending: 15

    CX Ending: 5 in clan wars?

    CD Ending: 5 in clan wars?









    More Pictures will be added after more people post their pictures on forums:










  2. I lol'd. Hippy used protect of melee first. After that Pendulum from HL put Protect of range on when the "score" was 7v5. Get your facts straight. You didn't beat us the week "before". The only times we have lost was last week, 8v13 and now today after you brought 5 randoms to the fight. We didn't feel like sitting anyone since you outlvled us badly. We defeated you so many times before with matched opts. Stop making up ******** because you know that I will down you.


    Anyways, thanks for the fight. Looking forward to next week.


    lol , somones mad? no pic no proof and why lie to save ur own skin LL

  3. Then sir, tell me when we have cheated? I'm out before I get my last 20% warning.


    Keep the cheating up Exiled Force. Try beating us fair and square next time.



    um 30mins before massing for trip we minied u and u cheated last round not sitting 1 and overheading



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