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iWaleedz Pro

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Everything posted by iWaleedz Pro

  1. First of all, do NOT PANIC when your at Jad, always remember, "This is just a game". When you get to jad, quickly Brew up to MAX health and restore ur pray to max. Stay at north east at first. Then run a little north west but stay in the north east portion. So when your at North west section of the North east part, stay there for 2-3 seconds so that Jad can move towards you, THEN QUICKLY RUN ALL THE WAY NORTH EAST. IF U DO NOT, Jad will be 1 step away from luure spot and gf ur Pots and time. Always START WITH [big]RANGE[/big] pray as that hit comes from far and you cannot tell cuz u here the sound too late! Rest, is everything in the vid :P Hope you enjoy, and gl on ur Firecapes People! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axPp8-6__OQ
  2. Ok guys, so if you remember, I failed firecape like 3-4 times in the past few weeks. So I got into getting this cape sooooooo much, I decided for it again. And this time, I had the South east spawn again, which is the EASIEST spawn i've realised after. I started to panic when Jad came again tbh, but I kept my cool as you can see in the vid :P I hope you guys like ittt, Woot my first Firecape and it's MINE. <3 And this shows how to lure healers and jad when you have the south east spawn too ! Direct Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axPp8-6__OQ
  3. Well, proud to see I've gotten to Jad both times.. and I could've killed him too.. I'm okay switching prays.. Well.. Minions are the reason I died.. Better luck next time for me? :( Any tips would be nice. :) LINK. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzQsr7_7U94
  4. Heyyy guyys. Sorry I'm kinda uber super late for this Vid 9 Part 2.. I had exams.. Then barely came on... So I kinda got worse at pking than I already am... But I tried my best, Although could've been better. So anyway! This Is my Vid 9 part 2.. I hope you Enjoy.. I'm an Initiate Pure with 52 Pray.. ETc.. I mostly Hybrid In this video because I love hybriding.. Pm me sometime for a Hybrid fight.. Don't make fun of my Comb Brace >.> I cba'd doing quests. I was hacked for 19 def... so not like I had a choice... :/ Anyway, here's the vid! :) Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKxGjBpjSQ8 I hope you all enjoy! :) Criticism, Everything is welcome... So feel free to do so :) Suggestions work too . ^^ Thanks again.
  5. Hip hop art killed that R I P Wildy guy, Yeah he wanted it soo badly, I gave him what he wanted.
  6. Mate, Add me on Rs, I'd love to fight you if you are near 85 combat.. That's already +3 my combat levels, but yeah.
  7. Sup, I'm iWaleedz Pro. My vid 9 just came out, uploaded like 20 seconds before posting this topic. I wanted everyone to have a good time and watch it. :D Songs aren't soo bad either (sorry if you dislike), so ....... rate,comment, subscribe! Stats in Vid: 61 Attack (Epiccc) 87 Strength 21 Defence (lawlage) 99 Ranged (rAwrrrrrrrr) 52 Prayer (Smite for life :cool: ) 89 Mage (Training, dw :cool: ) Direct Link --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99jPovjNugI Edit: This video is still being processed. Video quality may improve once processing is complete. ^^
  8. Hey mate, Ex = Exclusive. Med pure clan. Requirements are 40+ attack 75+ str or range 1-25 defence Be cool. Honest. Trustworthy mate u can join :) www.ex-rs.com is our site Come check :) We just got hacked yesterday...
  9. This is gonna be a good one tbh, I hope EX has this. =[] Best of luck , Cs is a good clan.
  10. 20 Def,Initiate Pure. New Vid, I really hope you guys like it! Rate,Comment, If you like it, SUBSCRIBE! <3333 Btw.. Exclusive Praideeeeeeeeeee! <3 CLICK HERE FOR VID 8!
  11. Alright. Sup. Started RS at like 2000 once but didn't know how to do tutorial island.. Arrow was pointing somewhere but didn't realise it was the door (LOLLAGE i know :P) so I was like **** this game. *exits rs shuts off comp, no lifes on pokemon* (yes its true) then...... in Canada restarted RS due to cousin he did tut island for me ! :P And then.. when I got addicted to pking.. I pked alot.. then I met this guy who hit like 28 .... he was lvl 73 .. with full black.. I was like NO WAY HOZAY! OH EM JEE DUDE WHATS UR STATS HOW DO U HAVE STR SOO HIGH ! :o then he told me hes a 'pure'... I found out about pures.. made some... on some i got 5 def then realised woops went wrong.. made another.. got 10 on it AGAIN even though i JUST realised not to get 5 (stupid, memory loss, sorry ^^)... then I made Ox Musl1m Ox.. I didn't start training on him until like he was invested with 700k. :P And now. I lay here. My original nick was Ox Musl1m Ox. One and only nick.. tbh very pro. <3 Changed many nicks.. Ffs Im Wally, Chilly Wally, now iWaleedz Pro. Well let's start off the gallery!! [big] = = Latest Vid = = || Vid 8 || [/big] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNmvgBBzzQY Video 7 part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ae1rDvmth8Y Video 7 part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64TLnAlY1i0...feature=channel [big] My 99 Range Party!! (First 99) <3 [/big] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXwkTRbcQI...feature=channel You can find the Rest of my videos on my Channel. www.youtube.com/user/Flamingvenom [big] = = = = Pictures = = = = [/big] <33 Ok on this pic, i had cbow i quickly switched to bow.. so i hit 50 with d bolts and cbow not my magic short. :P One food left. No teles. Pride. (H) (A) Max Pure PRaying.. lol... I cried here. :P :( GF STATIUS OMGGGGG FORGOT TO TURN PRAY ON LOL!
  12. Was a very nice night out. :D <3 Good job.
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