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Everything posted by Jack-x2yz

  1. Was HF at the 2nd fight? I've watched some of the video's back and I cant see them, and I dont remember seeing them there when we were fighting. I know they came later but were they at the actual fight?
  2. From the looks of this thread FOE and EOP teamed up first, FOE are saying that EOP were "Anti Crashing" but by that they really mean they called EOP to help them because they thought that MM called HF yesterday. They did it as a kind of payback, but still FOE and EOP teamed up first. Your statement is invalid. EDIT: Also sod Red vd Blue, it's all about the Pink vs Blue!
  3. Pirintscreened, and storing away for evidence if I ever need it! OT: OOOoooooooh Big war, I was there for the 2nd fight Rarrggghhhh!!!!! Was fun.
  4. Funny how there is nothing in EOP's topic about them AC'in for FOE, just said they were wondering around.
  5. ^^ where you gettin a plain to?? Please say Texas.
  6. In reality your the misfit's of runescape, no flame but it's true. Mains call you pures, pures call you mains. There is no winning. Your just sort of meh, in the middle. Again, seriously no flame I like HF. You guys seem like you have lulz on your pk trips, even if some times those lulz are at pures expense -.-. Ot so my post doesn't get deleted: GJ I guess, even though I would be shocked if you didn't have a good trip with those numbers.
  7. So shawn, you gettin back to Texas finally? Oh btw good job.
  8. Eop have the highest % of 20-30 def, Pot have the highest % of 30-40 def
  9. why does your video say undefeated Sunday, didn't you loose that fight with HF? Other than that, good trip :)
  10. wt song is that in the video, it's sweet!
  11. Jack-x2yz

    CPR PCL.....

    Gj beating TLP in P2P Clan Wars, even if it was only at PCL. It shows they can be defected.
  12. very very nice job eop! Amazing pull, happy birthday btw. May there be another 5 years.
  13. Give it a rest will you, it's boring seeing you make a topic about you wanting a mm vs foe war every 4 seconds and just flaming mm in them. There #1 F2P because they always kick your asses in the fights that really matter. Ok you might be on a high right now but you still cant beat them in a full out, proven 6 weeks ago. They dont need to prove anything right now because if they fight you enough times your obviously going to win one, then when you win one your just gonna rub it in. So wait until MM need to prove something or until at lest 3 months have passed before you challenge again. Right now your just making your clan look like abit of a joke tbh, foe is known for being mature and taking the high ground, right now your jeopardizing that reputation.
  14. No they dont have anything to prove, they won 6 weeks ago. At least wait 3 months before challenging them to another full out. Yes you should strive to prove your #1 but challenging the #1 clan every other day until you defeat them is not the right way to go about it.
  15. Because it's just annoying mm, your trying to make them look bad by challenging them and there obviously going to decline. but there going to decline because they have nothing to prove to you. They have won the last 3 (which were not that long ago) and your just going to keep challenging them until you win, then decline all of there challenges. Spamming #1 in both servers etc.
  16. You had a full out with mm like a month ago, give it a rest.
  17. Yeh, we'll go old school on your straight off the soul wars bot asses.
  18. Returns on Everything on Dwarfs Ml locked 14 days to mass, go go go!!!!
  19. I dont care, we as a collective dont care, I think the majority of FI and EoP have stopped caring, just full out and get it over with.
  20. A ship of the line which from the 1720s mounted between 64 and 80 guns, typically built with two gun decks (thus the related term two-decker). Years of experience proved that the third rate ships embodied the best compromise between sailing ability (speed, handling), firepower, and cost. So, while first rates and second rates were both larger and more powerful, the third-rate ships were in a real sense, the most effective ships (more precisely, they were optimal ships) That is the definition of 3rd rate, a very accurate comparison to CPR if you ask me.
  21. EoP vs FI, P2P in the wilderness, returns on and close to a bank... Both clans would be fighting for a week. FOE vs MM, F2P in the wilderness FOE vs TLP P2P in clan wars 100v100 CPR vs IR P2P in the wilderness, for the mpc crown IR vs CH P2P in the wilderness, for the mpc crown CPR vs CH P2P in the wilderness, for the mpc crown IR vs any HPC in clan wars matched opts 40+ CH vs any HPC in clan wars matched opts 40+ MM vs EOP in F2P CLW or BH
  22. @Evan, ICB arguing with you, you have the intelligence of a shrew, there are so many holes in your argument it's shocking. Uni is going ok, got some heavy work load in the first week >.< but on the whole, going good, as for joining IR because I care how they do things, I care what IR do because I care about pures <3, I watch what every clan does... But no, I wont join IR, mainly because I don't like Evan and Zo. N way, Im going to stop posting on this topic now, I think I got my point across n now it's just turning into a flame war, kiss kiss Evan.
  23. *cough* just have a full out and get it out of your system once and for all *cough*
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