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Everything posted by Jack-x2yz

  1. Gotta make it worth my time. N there are no good sig makers who would do it for less than $20, sheepi used to charge like $30 minimal.
  2. On Cod4 SnD if you were experienced you never got killed by claymores or C4's as you knew where they would be planted. Bt yeh, I guess 7.5 defuse n plant wouldn't be a bad thing.
  3. You crashed CPR vs IR at chaos alter. Not that im mad or anything, I really don't mind... Just pointing out that you did crash some fights.
  4. I wish it were counter strike, if there is enough interest in it, I'll gladly host one.
  5. 1. No leaving the normal boundaries of a Map. 2. No going onto Invisible Ledges. 3. No Tactical Insertion, Blast Shield, or Grenade Launcher Weapon Attachments. 4. No removing players on the opposing Team from the Private Match once a Game has started. Breaking any of rule will result in a Forfeit of the Game. Thats what I'm thinking atm. --------------------------- Search and Destroy --------------------------- Round Length - 2.5 mins Bomb Timer - 45 seconds Plant time - 5 seconds Defuse time - 5 seconds Multi bomb - Disabled Score Limit - 4 points Round switch - Every Round Number of lives - 1 Respawn Delay - None Health - Normal Regeneration - Normal Killcam - Enabled Spectator - Team only Wave Spawn Delay - None Force re-spawn - Enabled Radar Always on - No Friendly Fire - Disabled Headshots only - Disabled Perks - Enabled Killstreak - Enabled Hardcore Mode - Disabled 3rd person - Disabled -------------- Sniping -------------- Will choose rules later, but most likely would be same as default but Kill streak disabled. bt yeh, ima gonna base my rules off Gamebattle's http://gamebattles.com/xbox360/call-of-dut...dder/team/rules but with a few of my own changes, mainly to the banned weapon list. I dont think claymores or c4 should be banned in a search n destroy game.
  6. I can see how they might think the fight was in there favour as the majority of us were death dotted behind the alter, but still they know there were more than 0 of us left at the end. Could you change that please so there topic is accurate? It was a draw, not a win to them. I dont have any pics or vids of us still there, but they dont have any pics or vids of us cleared. My only proof of us being alive at the end is the knowledge that they ran behind chaos alter and hopped there.
  7. Urmmmm, you didnt clear us, I was still there, you ran behind chaos alter and logged because FoE or who ever it was ran in. That was a draw tho, there was like 15 or so of us death dotted behind the alter and another 5 or so just ne of the gap, we had 10 sat in clw coz PoT started to log in there.
  8. If it was cod 4 I'd say hardcore, but it's cod 6 so just normal not hardcore.
  9. CPR vs PoT, was a war on two fronts... If you know what I mean. CPR vs C was fun CPR vs CH was long My favourite rivalry this was has been EoP vs FI, I've just sat back and ate some popcorn.
  10. Awwww when we joined in your free for all didnt make it in your topic :( that was hella funny haha. N way looks like it was a good day to be reppin the blue n white.
  11. [01:08:15] <[iR]will-turb> clan member 1(leader) [01:08:22] <[iR]will-turb> rsn: damn fresh [01:08:40] <[iR]will-turb> xbox nick:OneSix Freshh [01:08:48] <[iR]will-turb> rank in clan: elder [01:09:54] <[iR]will-turb> clan member 2 [01:09:59] <[iR]will-turb> rsn: regional [01:10:03] <[iR]will-turb> xbox nick:Regionai [01:10:11] <[iR]will-turb> rank in clan : member [01:11:17] <[iR]will-turb> clan member 2 [01:11:29] <[iR]will-turb> rsn: untamed spec [01:11:34] <[iR]will-turb> xbox nick: N3RD TiM3 [01:11:41] <[iR]will-turb> rank in clan [01:11:44] <[iR]will-turb> member [01:24:16] <[iR]will-turb> clan member4 [01:24:21] <[iR]will-turb> rsn: x m i m x jr [01:24:24] <[iR]will-turb> xbox nnick [01:24:26] <[iR]will-turb> max26112009 [01:24:30] <[iR]will-turb> rank: senior
  12. Looks like it's gonna be good, 4 teams already with MM and CH building teams. So should have at least 6 teams in this tournament.
  13. IR have submitted me there Team over IRC
  14. Honestly I don't remember the CPR vs CP fight, if you have a pic or summin I'd like to see it because I 100% honestly do not remember it. I only saw CP twice, once when I was scouting on my main around SC second time when we were messing about round clan wars after we ended our trip. IDK if you thougt another clan for us, or if a small group of CPR kids got separated, but yeh... I don't remember it.
  15. Lets try and get every pure clan to submit a team, it will be hella funny :P
  16. I want to host a 4v4 COD:WM2 tournament between the pure clans there will be 2 different cups COD:MW2 - 4v4 Search and Destroy, 3 maps COD:MW2 - 4v4 Headquarters Sniper only, 3 maps To enter your clan you must fill out this form Who is eligible to play? Anyone who is affiliated with your clan may play for them, example an ex TLP member may play for the TLP team. Or a MM forum guest may play for the MM team. How it will be judged: Every game will have a referee as a spectator, the loosing clan will be eliminated from the tournament. What does the winner get: The right of knowing that there clan is #1 pure cod Champion You must have submitted your team by the 5th of September, this is when the first fights will be drawn. You may also edit your roster any time before that date. Clans so far: CPR : Jack_x2yz Leading - Rank in clan: Founder IR : Damn Fresh Leading - Rank in clan: Elder FOE1: Failed Again Leading - Rank in clan: Warlord FOE2 : Cereals Leading - Rank in clan: Proud Member MM: ApeJr Leading - Rank in clan: Ex MM Team Jass: mocesaw Leading - Rank in clan: Jass EOP: Elfen Lied Leading - Rank in clan: Old Member
  17. inb4youwereteamedwithcpr Before anyone says that EOP were teamed with us, they were not. CPR were at two of those fights with an unofficial trip pulling around 15 guys, we were just stood a little bit south of the graveyard fight killing staggers for a laugh, and a bit north of the clan wars fight hitting EOP in the rear at first until we realised they were in a fight. (sorry about that). Just want to clarify some stuff. On topic: Looks like a beast pull there EoP and a even beastier trip, if beastier is a word... I dont think it is.
  18. Just a correction, in that massive cluster we didn't team with EOP, we had dismissed by this point but 15 or so just wanted to carry on pking so we stood south of the fight and picked off stragglers for the lulz. Foe, FI and MM all think we teamed with EoP... :( why??? Not that I wouldn't team with EoP, I like EoP, but we never teamed with them today, we never even spoke to each other :P
  19. me pking in very early 05 ;)... try not to laugh too hard. Kinda demonstrates exactly what you were saying though.
  20. I did lol IRL at this, gj eop
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