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Everything posted by Am0n
Fight pit free for alls
The graphics are amazing much better than any mmo out atm, grinding isn't required at all. Nothing in this game is repetitive, character customization, and development is virtually limitless. I am a beta tester atm and trying to get into alpha testing. The forums for this game make WoWs forums look dead in only the testing stages of its production. I give it an 11/10 Also I feel like I'm cheating on Pure Warfare lmfao. http://forums.riftgame.com/showthread.php?...-NB-BD-AS-trees having technically "good" graphics does not make them look nice or stylish at all (but i guess u may like them as they are, matter of opinion), to me it just looks like pretty much every current mmo that isnt rs/wow/dcuo but released now instead of in the past (obvious developments) every game in beta has active forums (still doubting the fact they're more active than wows, i think you're just saying that rather than actually looking at the numbers), especially during a hype spike similar to what rift is receiving atm and are obviously more active pre release than they will be post release which i dont think you understand (think warhammer online, aion, etc) grinding is required from everything ive heard, how long have you actually played the game? and what do you mean the game is endless no mmorpg is endless unless you actually roleplay, how many hours is the endgame content? just a tip, dont expect the hype to hold because within a few months the game will be down to a tiny playerbase and servers will be collapsing into one another I've been beta testing since beta 1, and as in limitless the combinations in how you put your character together are nearly infinite. Also watching the game on Youtube and actually playing it there is a huge difference in the graphics, all I can say is when it comes out try it. I have actually looked at statistics, and I use both boards rather frequently. WoW is a dieing game. you can say limitless all you want but in reality it isnt limitless and there is always an optimum for each role. from your posts i can make a stab in the dark and say you're a past wow-player who doesn't like wow anymore but to say it's a dying came is kinda laughable, wow brings in more per hour than you'll earn probably in your entire lifetime. obviously the game looks better.. in the game, but the game doesnt magically change, im not saying the graphics are bad because obviously they aren't, they're top of the line, my point is that doesn't necessarily make it look nice can you post some of these statistic cause from what i see on the rift GENERAL forums, there's 400k posts since april 2010 (granted this might of been alpha stage so limited access) wow's current GENERAL forums were opened on the 29th of october, 2010 and from what i can see you can't see the posts posted in the forum altogether but some basic math: 1540 pages, 24 threads a page, 36960 threads so that means that for wow's october release there'd have to be 10.82 posts per thread (which there is easily, there's multiple threads with 3k+ posts and a shittonne with a hundered or more) to match rifts april release this is all discrediting the EU forums (these are just from US forums so..) and the fact that wow has so many fansites which people use instead of the official forums - mmochamp, arenajunkies, etc. ima stop here now though feels like im trashing on the game when i rly dont want to - just the things some ppl say about new games bothers me when theres literally nothing to back it up Bleh TL:DR sorry bro lmfao
The graphics are amazing much better than any mmo out atm, grinding isn't required at all. Nothing in this game is repetitive, character customization, and development is virtually limitless. I am a beta tester atm and trying to get into alpha testing. The forums for this game make WoWs forums look dead in only the testing stages of its production. I give it an 11/10 Also I feel like I'm cheating on Pure Warfare lmfao. http://forums.riftgame.com/showthread.php?...-NB-BD-AS-trees having technically "good" graphics does not make them look nice or stylish at all (but i guess u may like them as they are, matter of opinion), to me it just looks like pretty much every current mmo that isnt rs/wow/dcuo but released now instead of in the past (obvious developments) every game in beta has active forums (still doubting the fact they're more active than wows, i think you're just saying that rather than actually looking at the numbers), especially during a hype spike similar to what rift is receiving atm and are obviously more active pre release than they will be post release which i dont think you understand (think warhammer online, aion, etc) grinding is required from everything ive heard, how long have you actually played the game? and what do you mean the game is endless no mmorpg is endless unless you actually roleplay, how many hours is the endgame content? just a tip, dont expect the hype to hold because within a few months the game will be down to a tiny playerbase and servers will be collapsing into one another I've been beta testing since beta 1, and as in limitless the combinations in how you put your character together are nearly infinite. Also watching the game on Youtube and actually playing it there is a huge difference in the graphics, all I can say is when it comes out try it. I have actually looked at statistics, and I use both boards rather frequently. WoW is a dieing game.
The graphics are amazing much better than any mmo out atm, grinding isn't required at all. Nothing in this game is repetitive, character customization, and development is virtually limitless. I am a beta tester atm and trying to get into alpha testing. The forums for this game make WoWs forums look dead in only the testing stages of its production. I give it an 11/10 Also I feel like I'm cheating on Pure Warfare lmfao. http://forums.riftgame.com/showthread.php?...-NB-BD-AS-trees
Am0n you need to shove a ******* sock in it. I'm not trolling been PKing since '04, just saying that this return of the wilderness just doesn't exactly feel the same. Free trade is amazing, no doubt about it, but the enjoyability of PKing in the few hours I did it, key words in that sentence ENJOYABILITY and FEW HOURS, just didn't seem to be on the same level as PvP. This is mostly due to the fact that everyone is welfaring, no one is bridding, this somehow new semi-system of PJing, and everyone is teleporting and there's nothing that's giving them a reason not to. "Give a mouse a cookie" or what** btw, and I haven't been spamming forums about getting the wild back so it wasn't necessarily a cookie I was asking for. I agree. Shut up Amon. I'm not new and it has nothing to do with being new to the game or not. It's a damn computer game, we are allowed to have an opinion on it. It's a simple critique of the recent update. Shove it. A new update yet its old wild... There's an oxymoron. This topic should be labeled New **** report in. Keith you are for the sake of not getting a warning "uneducated" Maybe they will make carebear private servers where everything is limited and there will be less risk. Then all you kids can go play there so you don't lose your pretty loot or get pjed. You are right its a game. Back to the way it always should have been. Play real scape or gtfo. Obviously you need to l2 ******* read. First off no one gives a **** when you say "New **** report in." It's a ******* pixel game on your god damn internet, grow up. Second off I've stated a few times now I've been playing and PKing since '04, probably not as long as you, but still not an '07, '08, or '09 PROD LOLOLWAT? Yeah whatever. And idk why all you people keep saying "this is what you wanted stop complaining." How the hell do you know what I want, or other people who may be sort of disappointed about the WILDERNESS wanted. I'm loving having free trade back even though it's sorta messing with the economy atm, but tbh I could really have cared less if the wild had or hadn't come back, and this topic was created to see if anyone felt the same way so stop trolling. Relevant posts only now please. You seem upset. Go complain someplace else. The point is 99% of the community finds this thread retarded. This is Runescape. This is what you need to get used to. This ISNT a Days of Our Lives kind of forum, and I'm pretty sure I speak for public opinion when I tell you. No one cares. With that I'm done arguing with you I've given you enough bait to rage at. Next time use the rants section.
Am0n you need to shove a ******* sock in it. I'm not trolling been PKing since '04, just saying that this return of the wilderness just doesn't exactly feel the same. Free trade is amazing, no doubt about it, but the enjoyability of PKing in the few hours I did it, key words in that sentence ENJOYABILITY and FEW HOURS, just didn't seem to be on the same level as PvP. This is mostly due to the fact that everyone is welfaring, no one is bridding, this somehow new semi-system of PJing, and everyone is teleporting and there's nothing that's giving them a reason not to. "Give a mouse a cookie" or what** btw, and I haven't been spamming forums about getting the wild back so it wasn't necessarily a cookie I was asking for. I agree. Shut up Amon. I'm not new and it has nothing to do with being new to the game or not. It's a damn computer game, we are allowed to have an opinion on it. It's a simple critique of the recent update. Shove it. A new update yet its old wild... There's an oxymoron. This topic should be labeled New **** report in. Keith you are for the sake of not getting a warning "uneducated" Maybe they will make carebear private servers where everything is limited and there will be less risk. Then all you kids can go play there so you don't lose your pretty loot or get pjed. You are right its a game. Back to the way it always should have been. Play real scape or gtfo. I don't know what word you're looking for but I hate to break it to you, whether it's something that's been around or not it doesn't matter, it's an update to the game. It's a computer game, it's not real, stop crying about others opinion on it. You act like this is some hardcore hobby and if someone doesn't like it they need to play something else. Sorry man, it's a game designed for 13 year olds where you click around a browser. Lets put it this way... Are you going to quit playing? No Now stop your crying its redundant.
Am0n you need to shove a ******* sock in it. I'm not trolling been PKing since '04, just saying that this return of the wilderness just doesn't exactly feel the same. Free trade is amazing, no doubt about it, but the enjoyability of PKing in the few hours I did it, key words in that sentence ENJOYABILITY and FEW HOURS, just didn't seem to be on the same level as PvP. This is mostly due to the fact that everyone is welfaring, no one is bridding, this somehow new semi-system of PJing, and everyone is teleporting and there's nothing that's giving them a reason not to. "Give a mouse a cookie" or what** btw, and I haven't been spamming forums about getting the wild back so it wasn't necessarily a cookie I was asking for. I agree. Shut up Amon. I'm not new and it has nothing to do with being new to the game or not. It's a damn computer game, we are allowed to have an opinion on it. It's a simple critique of the recent update. Shove it. A new update yet its old wild... There's an oxymoron. This topic should be labeled New **** report in. Keith you are for the sake of not getting a warning "uneducated" Maybe they will make carebear private servers where everything is limited and there will be less risk. Then all you kids can go play there so you don't lose your pretty loot or get pjed. You are right its a game. Back to the way it always should have been. Play real scape or gtfo.
Am0n you need to shove a ******* sock in it. I'm not trolling been PKing since '04, just saying that this return of the wilderness just doesn't exactly feel the same. Free trade is amazing, no doubt about it, but the enjoyability of PKing in the few hours I did it, key words in that sentence ENJOYABILITY and FEW HOURS, just didn't seem to be on the same level as PvP. This is mostly due to the fact that everyone is welfaring, no one is bridding, this somehow new semi-system of PJing, and everyone is teleporting and there's nothing that's giving them a reason not to. "Give a mouse a cookie" or what** btw, and I haven't been spamming forums about getting the wild back so it wasn't necessarily a cookie I was asking for. The pjing system is exactly the same as it was in 2007......
So many new kids... You all begged to have this back get a twin of 2007 and cry... STFU, suck it up, and play the game... "Give a mouse a cookie or what?"....
I want a solid team like this so guys start buying this game and getting involved in the beta testing now!
Either a terrible troll or an 08 and beyond pker in and out.
Accidental post....
LOL ITS SO FUNNY CAUSE YOU WENT OFF LOLOLOLOLOL You took it to the heart like i made fun of you hahahahhahahaha LOLOL laughing irl so hard LOLL LMFAO ****** bag. Sorry whip but this guy owns for this right here lmfao!
Omni you and your hieroglyphic avatar/sig are out of date. Some people have grown accustomed to CLW. It is apart of the Pure world now. I am assuming that as long as Jagex doesn't remove it entirely it will remain apart of the community.
Jews v Nazis December 21st 2012
FOES a chill community, but considering the amount of views you get on your youtube vids wouldn't that alone be considered mass recruiting? I think the bigger clans pretend that the exact foundings of their own clan are wrong so that others wont try it and get to that level, as for the newer leaders of old clans they just believe what they are told because "once upon a time it worked so no argument here." This is a MMO with **** graphics. Hell you can still run it in Java. If you actually play this game to follow some of the **** rules laid down because of people before you. Grab your balls and pick up a new game. This isn't the place for honor, and all that ********.
Nothing has changed Eop still does bring invites to their trips :thumbsup: Nothing against CP at all but this is probably the most retarded post I have ever seen in my life. Even to pretend you are just joking is just retarded. Pulling 110 with an 80 man ml once upon a time yet you complain about a rival clan and what they do? Just seems hypocritical. Once again it's your clan do you. Who gives a ****. If anyone takes offence to this post then obviously they give a ****. :teehee:
Your clan do what you want. If the public influences how you take care of your clan then you should just close.