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Everything posted by Am0n

  1. Pot may not have been successful as a clan but as a community everyone in pot loved it. We had fun, we all pked together and most importantly we all knew each other. In my eyes pot is and always will be the best pure clan. They went back to the roots and had fun. You wont find a single member of pot who wouldn't stick up for it and defend the name. If this was Facebook. Am0n likes this! But na I'm not allowing them to go 100% NH but some of the ******** rules that make honor stupid I'm scrapping.
  2. Mayhem Makers: was the only pure community FOE: When Bonesaw Left AP to make it
  3. If all clans would, Id be down. But no one cares anymore so Im not gonna continue being harsh on my dudes for it.
  4. Ill give you a home Charlie =P
  5. Oh God, THIS ^ This is kinda grounds for posting this on here, how many clans will actually *****, and how many other clans will show screenies and ****, but that didnt work. Seems like no one really cares anymore. Which im completely chill with.
  6. I agree, but so is picking up loot low on food and some retard runs up and tries to spec you out. And besides that what does honor for a clan have to do with what you do on your own. I'm trying to give my clan more than what the restrictions of the public opinion give them. I just think its dumb to have assholes that pj, then that same retard comes in my irc and shows me a pic trying to get a member kicked for teleing, when the person giving the pic was the one being an *******.
  7. I remember that haha, Jibs made a wrong push call and we got split, we beat you twice after it though. Also remember fighting you with 115 starting and 110 ending xD NICE!
  8. Am0n

    Narb Looking

    I wise man once told me. Needs MORE COW BELL. But uhm. Id say Zenith they seem pretty chill, or get that mage lvl up and check out either TLP or CPR.
  9. Pure your sig is DooDoo. Go Pittsburgh!
  10. I posted here because I'd rather not have all the pms from idiots when one of my guys teles from a pj. Most likely Im going to just scrap the honor code, but for now I'm going to try this and see if I can do it successfully.
  11. LOL Loki ily, Trollin my topic WTF Weird you lil Jerk haha. Further evidence Bad edits are bad edits HAHA. But how did you know?
  12. LOL Loki ily, Trollin my topic WTF Weird you lil Jerk haha.
  13. Neither will I but I dont care to much what others do in certain situations, and besides if pretty much every clan would be honest they would admit that when someone teles half the time they say they will take care of it and dont do ****. I'm just putting it out in the open, if you NH my guys I don't care if they return the favor.
  14. We have 2 that I know of, and one quit that pure to make a 1 def pure, but okay? Nice attempt to bait lol.
  15. Im aware lol, members are all required to record all of their fights now, which will benefit because it will create a faster production of CPR pk vid 1 lol. So you can't pk without vidding? Whaaaattt? So all of your 49 members have cams do they? Well I certainly wouldn't be able to join CPR then, my computer is too **** to be able to hand anything more then rs itself. So when a good member gets caught teleing, you ask him for evidence that he got pjed, he's like ****.....forgot to put my cam on. Then what? There not required to cam, just there not allowed to teleport or PJ without evidence of the other person teleporting or pj'in them. Vidding is the most effective way to prove some one PJ'd you/tele'd from you. It's not mandatory to vid though. Sorry to bang on but....if you follow that logic through that effectively means you can't tele without vidding (sucks to be you non vidding members) because you would have no way of proving your innocence after. So many grey areas. Why hate LMFAO, let us do us, you do you. thanks :cool:
  16. Im aware lol, members are all required to record all of their fights now, which will benefit because it will create a faster production of CPR pk vid 1 lol.
  17. And another leader edited my post on site with what you are referring to I have fixed it. Kinda tweaked the rules a bit. I myself never tele, but I understand how stupid it is to have a fair fight then get pjed and be forced to stay and die, its bull-****. If the honor code worked these kinds of problems wouldnt happen. I will try my best to keep my clan fair when it comes to fighting another clan member in a normal fight, but I wont make them stick around for bs rules to make other clans happy.
  18. Because it's irritating being a stickler on my clan, whereas other clans just threaten a member with a strike and drop it. If members of other clans tele from CPR they wont be reported to their clan because its just a waste of time anymore. No flame towards anyone, just my honest opinion.
  19. Here is our rule topic: http://crimson-project.com/Forum/index.php...msg4386#msg4386 TL:DR this was my edit to them: Am0ns Edit: Don't 1 item, don't be a ***. Honor died in '07. Teleing is forbidden on Clan events, whilst pking in multi, or in a legitimate fight (Would be dealt with by circumstance). Other than that enjoy the wild. Note: Pretty much if someone has telied from you before, or you are being pjed you ARE NOT forced to stick around and honor a no honor *****. This might bring some flame but W/E. Im looking out for the interest of my guys, and pms from all these little kids saying OMFG NH gets annoying. I used to be an ass on the honor code but after kicking several of my members and nothing happening to other clans members for being so called "NH" I decided that I will take the first step to dropping the bull-**** curtain. Also CPR wont be kicking its current 30 deffers, but it also wont be accepting anymore, I dont believe 30 def is a pure and it was a decision that was made within the clans leadership while I was away. Thank you all, Troll away :laugh:
  20. Ive been studying alot of clans and what they did in their prime times to see what made them successful. Chicken V Santa Event was so badass I gotta come up with something like that for my own clan. It's nice to know that you watch my videos and have an interest in Malice. What made Malice successful (the second time) was purely it's honour. While most clans were becoming less and less honourable Malice was becoming better and discouraging our members to get 20 defence. We're one of the fewest clans ever to have a smaller percentage of mithlords when we closed and reached our prime, in comparison to our first few months. This video... That trip, the whole theme of it, the rivalry with VO is what sparked Malice. We had all these unique phrases and things we would do on vent - even though most clans do it - it just keeps people happy. I have an interest in all the clans, Cant get better if you dont understand the past, although old FI, Epidemic, and Malice all are very interesting to me. I have alot of homework to do because when I quit playing scape MM's forums were community forums for pures. I come back and FO changed there name to FOE and theres all these new clans. Been playing again a year and still amazed at how much has changed. You missed out on seeing The Hatred? :(. I missed out on Malice and most of Epidemic to, Epidemic closed either a month before or the month of when I got back into scape. The history interests me though.
  21. Ive been studying alot of clans and what they did in their prime times to see what made them successful. Chicken V Santa Event was so badass I gotta come up with something like that for my own clan. It's nice to know that you watch my videos and have an interest in Malice. What made Malice successful (the second time) was purely it's honour. While most clans were becoming less and less honourable Malice was becoming better and discouraging our members to get 20 defence. We're one of the fewest clans ever to have a smaller percentage of mithlords when we closed and reached our prime, in comparison to our first few months. This video... That trip, the whole theme of it, the rivalry with VO is what sparked Malice. We had all these unique phrases and things we would do on vent - even though most clans do it - it just keeps people happy. I have an interest in all the clans, Cant get better if you dont understand the past, although old FI, Epidemic, and Malice all are very interesting to me. I have alot of homework to do because when I quit playing scape MM's forums were community forums for pures. I come back and FO changed there name to FOE and theres all these new clans. Been playing again a year and still amazed at how much has changed.
  22. Ive been studying alot of clans and what they did in their prime times to see what made them successful. Chicken V Santa Event was so badass I gotta come up with something like that for my own clan.
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