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Everything posted by Am0n

  1. Troy thinks hes a hero =P
  2. Thursday September 16th CPR asked EOP for a 45 minute Prep Rules: 10 def cap Dung on Rest off Round 1 Plat: CPR 24/12 EoP 24/0 Round 2 Plat: CPR 23/0 EoP 23/14 Round 3 Plat: CPR 22/16 EoP 22/0 2-1 CPR Here's the vid Respect EoP look forward to our next Crimson-Project|#Clan-CPR|ML
  3. Ignore Sam he is obviously stoned, thats the only time he finds himself attractive =P But yer agreed o.O OT: Good Job CPR but old topic, could we get a lock pl0x?
  4. Flamebait big boy lol TLP vs FOE F2P 50v50
  5. I was trying to last night but my clan was being buttheads -.-
  6. Ya I caught that a few seconds to late, was really just lookin at the topic real quick lol. But ya hit us up sometime, even if you have your newer clannies on Ill get some of ours together, those are the guys that need the practice the most anyways.
  7. If youd like we could have an Op from each clan sit in the others CC during massing. I have taught my clan to be an honest and a respectful clan, I can assure you all of my leaders will not try to cheat in anyway, if this was the case a win would be worthless. I have never once been pmed by you for a prep, or anything. Its true Im rarely ingame but its rare that Im not on our forums or in IRC, also opts arent a big deal, we prep WAR and IL and they both pull around 15, we sit no problem, same as any of the big name clans we prep they will sit and we have our fun and go on our merry ways. There are many ways to set up an event between clans dispite any kind of timezone differences. If you were to try and talk to me Im positive we could set something up without any kind of argument arising. But to sit here and argue IRL Vs RS is pointless this is an RS forum, not a clan get together and go have a BBQ. When it comes down to it the clan with the most nerds owns. *Not a passive flame to anyone* We are arguing scape. Not who the best baseball player or fastest runner is.
  8. If 25-30 is to small then yes, but we have just stepped into F2P so its all good.
  9. Yes but instead of some people flaming, why not work out a time frame convenient on both ends instead of trying to win a troll war. If an op would pm us and tell us the situation but they would enjoy to prep/fullout/pkri we would do our best to accommodate that. If its a fullout no we arent going to accept just any clan thats common sense a full out is a big deal, but IR I would be more than happy to I think it would be a good fight. Im not sure on your end but CPR if we got a fullout we can build the hype to get members to go at 6am on a Tuesday lol.
  10. We do and I love prepping EOP. Good sports, Good Competition, and win or lose we know we will have another prep soon after.
  11. Lmao someone is a little upset, and Ive only been inactive in game, also I wasnt at last weeks trip I gave that account to a clannie, before getting ****** Will-Turb, you should get your facts straight. 1. We still do Saturday trips 2. You are obviously an idiot for saying I aimed this towards IR. One post was about IR and it wasnt bad it was directed to Inu about a conversation me and Junior had. 3. Ive only been inactive as an opt, I still call for my clan and lead, I dont need to be on a game 24/7 to succesfully lead my clan. 4. Werent you already banned from these forums? 5. A main part of my ingame inactivity is helping out clan mates that get hacked/banned. I couldnt count on both hands how many accounts in CPR were at one point mine. 6. And for you saying Im a bad Founder, bro your clan would be hit like we did to CH if it wasnt for me asking my clan to lay off IR because I wanted some fun competition for both clans. With this said though We will see you this weekend. Hopefully with the reopening of DF you dont lose to many opts. PS. With this said, dont get mad over any PKRIs or even an accidental hit or two. Its all in good fun. LETS PLAY A GAME OF ROOOMSCAAPE! =]
  12. We ask IR everyday, we ask for F2P, we ask P2P, we ask for a mid week PKRI, weve asked for fullouts, and all we get is IR is busy, dont have time, or ignored. Me and Junior talked about this, and me and him alike dont approve of the flame that comes from IR and CPR members towards each other. Hopefully we can arrange something soon and put a muzzle on the flamers from both sides. I would be more than happy to I already covered this someplace else on this topic.
  13. Im not in a team but I hear Genocide is decent check em out.
  14. Erm reread post #1 you have no idea what the topic is about mate. I didnt brag about anything.
  15. +1 America +0 Everyone else Logic? Because were Ignorant and thats all we know. Plus, we might be stupid but a Dimwit with a gun and weapons of mass destruction is just creepy. I'm an American with a gun, Whatcha gonna do?
  16. FOE #1 cuz Jagex wants to hold the American man DOWN! Nazis
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