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Everything posted by Am0n

  1. Id like to do some F2P minis or even preps with you guys, even if we lose watching the vids you will put on YouTube will give me insight into how you war F2P which I can in turn use to teach my clan, but youre right our most active time is between 8pm-2am Eastern time. Edit: Also with CP's skill in F2P and the love they have for it, I would feel as if i was insulting you if we got a F2P prep simply because CPR's outlook on F2P isnt what I want it to be yet. Pulling 15 to a prep youd have to sit alot and I would feel guilty for that. We prep FOE P2P even though they have to sit because it has become a frequent thing and FOE stays respectful and doesnt jump down our throats for it. Honestly a F2P prep I think we would pull 15-25 if thats good numbers for you we should look into it.
  2. LPC, MPC, HPC is dead. Its not embarrasing to lose to us atleast I dont think it is. All the clans have around the same averages anymore.
  3. Preps are fun and practice, why would they make a clan slump?
  4. Its not a time thing. its a members preference, and making something that most members joined to not do to much would be a terrible idea lol.
  5. Well atleast some people caught on lol, I was seriously just curious, and as for F2P I'd love to do F2P preps we initially ask for P2P because more of our members enjoy P2P, if a clan were to ask us for a F2P prep we would most likely accept, only issue is we'd pull less so we stray from them so that we dont annoy other clans with a tiny pull.
  6. Id rather be full of events and have fun, but every man to his own i suppose.
  7. LMFAO, what are you talking about dude, noone posted propaganda about CPR and I'm in no way upset, you are either flame baiting or just dont understand the topic. /facepalm
  8. Ok my bad, I didnt post propaganda to bring down another clan like many on this site do, and when was the last full out lmfao.
  9. That goes both ways, ask us we will F2P prep you. We just prefer P2P.
  10. Wasnt a troll at all more a publicity stunt to motivate my clan, also this IS NOT aimed towards IR, and we didnt slump we are pulling the same numbers to our preps now as we did before, and still prep TLP weekly, also my little stunt in no way hurt TLP or even for a second tried to make them look bad. Edit: Never said a haircut. Lmfao
  11. Reason for this post: For me and my clan to understand other clans and vice versa. Tiny bio to start this off: Okay I wanted to start this off and look all professional and ****... Screw that. I'll be as formal as I can be. This said understand the last 4 years of my life were spent as an Infantryman at Ft. Hood Texas and an Operator for the United States Army Special Forces. (No an operator does not answer the phones lol, my job title or MOS was an 18B *Google it* for the 5th Special Forces Group Stationed at Ft. Campbell Kentucky.) I am 22, you're more than welcome to call me an "OldFag". K. Im confused as to why clans do not like to accept preps. I will be the first person to tell you CPR preps because warring is probably the single most enjoyable part of this game, to me probably the only good part about it. When we ask you for a prep we arent trying to make you look bad and go post propaganda and flame the **** out of you on this site, if you win we expect the same, but I understand some kids are to young to realize that you play a game to have fun. Now if we prep a clan such as MM, TLP, FOE, MM, EOP or FI we are probably going to make a post about it. That post will be respectful have a few pretty graphics, say starting and ending opts and rules have a vid, and say thanks for prep look forward to our next. Something along those lines. We do this because it adds a morale boost, makes us look good, and at the same time we arent hurting anyone. The clans I just listed have the core members and the mature leadership they need to be able to war for fun, and not let a simple prep hurt their clan. If they were to post a topic on us I would congratulate them and we would probably prep again that week. FOE and TLP beat CPR's ass on a weekly bases, but we keep prepping them to get better and we are. Other than those 5 power house clans we have a VERY hard time trying to prep anyone. The two smaller clans with my respect are IL and WAR. They will both prep for fun and they dont cry or flame, we have fun. What urks me is clans saying that they own us, or they flame but they constantly decline or ignore any kind of competition we ask them for. To all the clans like this, if you would like to have a scheduled run in or anything during the week let us know. We are trying to improve and you should be to. I know I dont want my clan to be mediocre for 5 years. Im not trying to have a flame fest here, just tell me your clans views and maybe we could work some stuff out so that your clan and mine alike can start doing more stuff. PS. If any clans are looking for a friendly rivalry Im way more than down for it.
  12. I think a 2v2 tournament, maybe 3 teams from each clan would be interesting. Not as massive an event, but would be fun, and hella bragging rights.
  13. Whats your current stats?
  14. CPR has prepped FOE the last 2 days in a row. Once with a 20 def cap, and the next with a 10. Where is all this 'FOE only accepts 1 def cap" **** coming from? OT: If ML's are relatively similar do all on, unless one clan accepts something another doesn't. Ex. Turmoil. If one clans ML is 2x the others than compromise on the rules, unless the larger clan is just looking for a no skill win, why not?
  15. Its not very hidden lmao
  16. Lets divide clans into SPC'S and NsSPC's Sexy pure clans & not so " "
  17. Check out Complexity or Zenith.
  18. CP CPR+FOE Vs MM+TLP 50 v 50 25 from each clan P2P
  19. Very nice FS, all hail P0ke, KSE is leading FS to isnt he?
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