This unique team was founded during the PVP/BH era on June 9th 2010.One day "Y0" and "Uh" tried out steel titan pking around fally in PvP. Later on Dutch Lmfao came on to join us as he was our tber. It was something new that I never did before. We were invincible basically as we killed mains. I then had an idea to take this to the next level. Here is the convo: |16:02| <kG¬¬> dude i was thinking
|16:02| <kG> if we made a unit
|16:02| <kG¬¬> of only 99 summoners
|16:08| <kG> wat u wanna call it
|16:08| <[Dv]Y0sup01> Hm
|16:09| <[Dv]Y0sup01> I dont know ^
|16:11| <kG¬¬> wannas call it like
|16:11| <kG> steel
|16:11| <kG> #steel
|16:11| <kG> or
|16:11| <kG¬¬> #titans
|16:11| <[Dv]Y0sup01¬¬> what u mean call it
|16:11| <kG> ^^^^
|16:11| <kG> #titans It all started well. We invited The L337 Nub after to make it a 5 man titan pking squad.
Names are Dutch Lmfao – Lil Wayn e – T3h L337 Nub – Uh – Y0 Exactly 1 month after of our origin and multi pking, Dutch Lmfao posts our Team Titans preview vid. More than 30k viewers seen the power of what a steel titan can do and most of all the revolution that we were starting. After summer coming to its end and school starting, our timezones collapsed in our steel titan pking. We decided to do our best efforts to compile a video. We were only 5 people back then and it was hard to get clips asap since it was very rare for a pure to have 99 summoning. Finally, on Dec 5th 2010, 13l00dystr edits our Pk vid #1 and Dutch Lmfao posts it on his youtube channel. We see a variety of pkers in that video. It was a huge effort in getting those clips in. Everything changed after the wilderness rolled in. Soon pures could get 99 Summoning without spending much. Waterfiend bots came out and made it 100% easier than manual rock lobster bursting.Our ml soon turned from a 15 ish man to a 40+ man ml.
Join Team Titans for a fun pking experience.
99 Summon
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