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Everything posted by NaTiii

  1. Lmfao. You kids, so immature. This just makes you look like a bigger ******* moron than you already are. Go have a cry about runescape. You take **** to the extreme and make yourself look stupid as ****. No one cares you won a pkri. You need a cookie? We didn't even bother returning. We had 23 people sitting at bh bank killing mains for free loot. No sense of making a flaming topic. Really hope you grow the **** up concidering your 19. Maybe there will be a new movie out called 19 going on 10. Instead of 16 going on 30. **** you.
  2. Well.... Unfortuently :(
  3. +1 Evan. Well said buddy.
  4. Gj Neil. Zico jr = **** Go zenith
  5. Ex and Fi easily. Defiance vs Chaotic +3/-3 full out p2p.
  6. LMFAO? Okay, You're just so ******* stupid it's hilarious. Last time I checked Alls you do with calling is say a ******* name. That yourself can't even do. And your "We were going to give you a day to straighten out" **** is HILARIOUS concidering you begged and begged us to come back. Your Qoutes "Omfg mitch, don't leave bro for real ily, please don't we are doing SO GOOD OMFG" Then romanz comes in "Omg bro, if dF leaves i'm leaving Ch for CD" Don't give me that ******* bull **** you're a ******* downy with a flathead, your ass looks like you got ran over 10 times straight by a blacktop flatener and you look like a mexican gangbanger. Go roll with pablo and gtfo these forums you **** up. Sorry for all the flame PW, but i'm just backing my clan up. Ch is full of ******* retards as you can tell. They're trying to say they didn't beg dF and IR to merge with them. Louzy you d rode me for a straight 2 weeks kid. Stop with all your bull **** posts, no one believes you.
  7. Concidering we are out every weekend, Don't say "come pk". And, no, you've never beat us in p2p. You can only believe how many topics are on our forums under the War section in the mini subforums with the name dF Vs Ch mini 3-0'd. Kai. But for now, I promised myself i'd stop fighting with you over on the internet. Don't bother writing back.
  8. You can't handle dF in p2p. I've never lost to you. Doing a full out with a clan with a 5 question application process is really pointless concidering zomg boby join my klen u post yes i wil be active plez and atend events zomg and yay woo hoo ur in. No, just 100% pointless. Plus, we have a smaller and less active ml then you atm. So, with all being said. Smd. I'm done fighting with you, makes me look like a retard continuing a E-battle with a down syndrome.
  9. Btw, there was also one downy who joined your **** clan and that was oxy. And she rides your e ****. Other than that, they all went to a decent clan when they got kicked from us, so good for them. Also, Cr would absolutely **** on you. Worse than they did us in f2p. Let them have 2 months re-open, they will wreck you. o also, we've been open not even a month yet so off the d randee.
  10. "dF was a merge and it wasnt us who asked" K bud. -- IDGAF about oxy she did nothing but cause clan drama. I've never liked ch only a few chill kids in there. Other than that, #csb You think your i'm a **** leader, etc remarks going to make me cry? I guarentee you half the kids on this website would say you're a ******* idiot and a **** leader. You got bricked in real life kid. You literally got a brick thrown at your head. You sound like you're 13 and you're going on 20. Time to go outside broheim.
  11. LOL??????????????????????????????????????????????????????/ LOL! WHY THE **** ON EARTH WOULD WE ASK TO MERGE WITH CHAOTIC. You're just embarassed that we left you kids. God you're ******* retarded. Don't make us look like the bad kids when you're the bad kids. You guys are the #1 most hated clan and will be for a LONG time. Go ahead and say it's cause you wreck, well reality; you don't. Let's make sense and not bring Defiance into the question when it's merging. IR was smart enough not to, we made a mistake and corrected ourselves WITHIN 24 hours. Your "dF was a merge and wasn't ch who asked us" Literally just made me **** my pants. Good job on that. Let me guess, you're high again. Completely expected, nothing like a clan leader that isn't sober once in his life. Does your life suck that bad? K. Anyways. That's my paragraph on the laughter you just brought upon me. Thanks
  12. Her/his ***** smells like fish
  13. Get it ******* over with... Cd vs Ch f2p full out Congrats on you pulling 55 i guess...GOOD JOB LADDYS. Oxy is a mexican
  14. Tbh Ex would merk ch in a f2p full out. Defiance vs Trepidation p2p full out
  15. Good job today guis. Keep up the progress.
  16. Alls i get when i ask is "No we don't p2p" lmfao. -.- Oh well Good fight Cr/Inu. Thanks for the full out. Was a good experience for Defiance, seeing that we are ******* hilariously bad at f2p. We will get better, and improve. Thanks again guys. Sorry for the flames, We all get raged when your clan is down 2-0 :P Gf.
  17. Lol? Anyways. It takes maturity, dedicated members, experienced ranks. Gl With tr.
  18. Lol? Wtf is serenity jw i've never heard of this clan
  19. Gj on the wins. Thanks for the fight evan.
  20. Wow gf #1 med level p2p clan lmao. Oh well...C was a very good clan with good leaders. Sad to see it go.
  21. Nasty vs all = Me winning noobs Jus wanted to add more trolls to this
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