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Everything posted by NaTiii

  1. Cd and ex would def. win unfortuently... because R is ******* horrible and Ch will just be ****** in that but anyways CPR+Defiance vs Exclusive + CD p2p full out CPR + Defiance would pull 40+ each leaving around from lowest 70+ and Exclusive and CD i have no idea. =]
  2. Ye, refer to the "Clan Warfare" Section on PW forums in Clan Corner, for the topic & vids. :)
  3. LOLOLOL, "Well you obv's got bricked soo..." +1 Duval u crackhead
  4. No one else was attacking me, and I was busy staying on the piles. Thanks though for the ideas and the gz on the war,appreciated.
  5. NaTiii


    #clan-df we have cookies and all types of candy for apps :) but, seriously you should apply. We have daily minis, lots of wars (recently 3-0d conspiracy in full out)we have preps, etc. Most importly we have respect for our members, and we have respect in the community. We are 3 weeks old and pull 20+ every trip. We are a strong p2p clan but are also great in F2p. You should really concider joining us. ;) www.rs-defiance.com Hope to see ya app bro. But, it's completely up to you gl with what ever you choose.
  6. Bump, I will soup this topic up a bit tomorrow, adding gfx, fixing the vids, etc.
  7. Yeah, we are. Some are mid 70's, and most are about 55+'s. Thanks to everyone who replied, BUMP
  8. Beauty topic guys, I loved the speech by wcking luls. Grats on who ever got the 99 mage, to sum it up, grats on 4 years.
  9. Mk, more pics to come. Fixed up the topic a bit. Soz for it being like that l0l. Anyways..
  10. Conspiracy declared full out on us on May 2nd we accepted. The rules were summoning off, corrupts off, no def cap. We planned it to be at 4pm eastern, and that's what time it went down. Overall it was a great impression on dF, showing our p2p skills, but on Cs's part it wasn't that good. BUT, that's ok, cause they are a low level clan and a f2p one, a sucessful one that is. So with all due respect, gf Cs. Respect from dF. Gf conspiracy Anyways, interested in joining Defiance? Visit Our Website -- Click here for it Join our irc #clan-df, or if you just want to idle in there, go for it. Want to chill with us in-game? Join "dF home cc" ingame. Make sure you add the cc at the end. :) Official Vids of the full out Starting/Ending Opts 1st Round dF Starting: 26 dF Ending: 25 Cs Starting: 24 Cs Ending: 0 2nd Round dF Starting: 28 dF Ending: 21 Cs Starting: 26 Cs Ending: 0 3rd Round dF Starting: 32 (WOO) dF Ending: 30 (WOO) Cs Starting: 24 Cs Ending: 0 Pictures - More to come -
  11. Ex crashes everyones pkri...it's basically all they do. But good topic i suppose
  12. Lol. I wouldn't really say you were in a "slump" but beside the fact, nice pull.
  13. Bumpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp it up.!@!.!@
  14. F2P: 1. MM 2. Fi OR foe (depends on who pulls the most) 3.Corrupt Pures 4. Tlp 5. Probbbbbbbbbbably hmm..ch or Ex (My clan will compete l8r in this we are new :P) P2P 1. Definitely FOE there is NO ?'s asked. 2. MM 3.TLP 4. Maybe CPR 5. Maybe Exclusive or Chaotic Overall 1. Defiance 2. Foe 3. MM 4. TLP 5. Carnage
  15. Bump... lol sorry for bumping so much admins/mods, trying to keep my thread up there :P </3
  16. Every weekend lmfao. But yea thanks every1s
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