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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Was a fun trip. 2 kills 0 deaths against Zenith. Gf
  2. I didn't see many IR, the ones that were there attempted to tele out. At the end, dF and CPR were the last ones left standing. After clearing IR, we cleared CH.
  3. #Clan-dF as you already know. We're a smaller clan that actively pks, has preps, minis, and overall has a fun community imo. There's a taste of both servers as well.
  4. There's a difference between crashing and fighting. Once you step into that thing they call pvp, you're free game!
  5. Sat Preds 1. FOE - Should hold it 2. MM - Close - Large Gap- 3. FI - Think they'll step up 4. EOP - Should be interesting vs FI -Gap- 5. DP - Needs more opts 6. CP - Don't think they'll have opts -Gap- 7. TLP - I think they can hold their own 9. IR - Should pull enough to beat CH with their ML 9. CH - Small, but active ml probably still good enough to beat above -Small Gap- 10. dF - Will end up chasing Zenith and Complexity as they world hop away or team to make it 25 vs 60 again! -Gap- 11. CX - Much better than Zenith, opts have been lacking lately, hope they don't stoop to teaming with Zenith. -Huge Gap- 12. Zenith - Idk the slump is hurting. Might cancel another trip 13. Trauma - Should compete with Zenith 14. Temptation - Idk if you go out ffs couldn't think 15 clans that go out in f2p
  6. Bunch of lithuania country clans merged together to form one ultra lithuania clan# Now they're top 10.
  7. Matt


    #clan-dF www.rs-defiance.com Basically, F2P and P2P, we have a lot of pking/wars, it's a smaller community, so a closer one as well. Talk to me in irc, [dF]Matt, if you're interested, not much to post here.
  8. Ffs, going to beat AAO soon. Good luck, nice to add some competition.
  9. Every clan pks for their own type of fun, which is why they're in that certain clan, for you to say top clans don't have fun is quite ignorant and dumb. Gl complexity, sorry for what I said.
  10. Matt

    Quick Look

    Temptation/Trauma seem to be the only ones to do this, basically any clan with low reqs under 20 members.
  11. Freelancers Violent Demisev1 Fatality And small no-namer clan.
  12. Just to answer a quick question, CH's ml is actually active generally. Your 65+ ML and Zenith's 52+ ML is pretty inactive, so it compares to our rather active, smaller one. No flame intended, just giving you honest answers and opinions.
  13. Dunno why you just wouldn't give the win to LDK instead of protesting. Good effort though, too bad you didn't get matched up against one of the rsb or small rsc clans.
  14. Wouldn't flame considering your clan history. Gj Temptation, good try Trauma.
  15. Just one more post. Usually, when it's my birthday, I don't know about you, but I go out with my friends and have a dinner with my family. Meaning Lawson would be missing only, so you cancelled your p2p trip because you depend on Lawson? Please be clear. Have fun judging our community from another clan. Ik you're bitter and all.
  16. 1) Wat is LPC 2) Whenever you flame us, you always come up with some BS lol. All our addy daddys are 83+ combat with a 95+ stat pretty much. (You have an addy daddy as well, idk why you flame) 3) INTERNET PRIDE########## Your members didn't seem to have fun when you cancelled your p2p trip yesterday. Done posting. Gl next weekend!
  17. Why do you use LPC as an excuse. There's no such thing as an "LPC", do you have a limit on levels? No, you accepted a maxed pure once. LPCs are genereally crap clans that call themselves that because they can't recruit decent stats, doesn't show good of your clan. We just opened, we're not going after CH/IR, we're going after clans with similar MLs (Hi CX and Z).
  18. Not having forums isn't an excuse when you require your members to use either your in-game cc or irc. It was the start of the trip, so no. I don't think it shows very good of your clan when you can't go out by yourself, and enjoy yourselves. Still had a fun trip despite clans on our level teaming.
  19. We had around a 35 ML, we're not going to fight Chaotic with 2x our ML. Both Zenith and Complexity has at least 1.5x our ML, yet couldn't give us a fight. I find that embarrassing when we just re-opened and had no trip topics or notifications on our forums. I just don't have respect for a clan that can't fight a clan 31v25 and instead has to team 50v25 to have a chance. I see that as a clan in a huge slump with warlords who have no idea what they're doing. Good luck with numbers, they don't help much if you can't use them.
  20. 1) The only reason your clan is still alive is because you merged with two other clans to get numbers, yet have a below-mediocre leadership. (You've only declined since you've merged, as you can notice with your pulls, that happens with below mediocre leadership) 2) Your reasoning is because we have higher reqs we should automatically be better. Sorry, we don't accept starter pures into our clan, we try to keep a quality standard maturity and stat-wise. 3) That's exactly what it means when you decline a fight. At least when I was leading clans, if a clan offered you a fight with the same opts, you accepted it unless you knew you had no chance of winning. 4) Hi we can move to another location other than clan wars in a non-pvp world, and hop. 5) We've surpassed you in the way our organization is better, our community is more active, we pull close to you, and you're completely frightened to give us a fight. Same goes with Zenith cancelling their p2p trip to avoid us hunting them. Cya next week you can't team and hide in cwa forever!!!!!
  21. It's going be hard not to flame. Zenith had at least 25 when they set out (Scouted their cc, they had 25 in their world). You had 31. We had a littles less than Zenith and offered them a fight, they hopped away over and over. We offered you the same, you had over 5 more than us, and hopped away. You make it seem like our levels make it impossible to beat us, when we just have a few 80s. Was really pathetic, how you could only fight us 24v50. Hopefully, you can get good sometime soon, and have a leadership that isn't so afraid to take a risk. Way 2 ruin small clan pking. Opened for 5 days, and already have surpassed you. Edit: Please post your opts too during these fights. CX+Z Starting (According to you): 31+20 = 51 dF Starting: 25 CX+Z Ending: 46ish+ dF Ending: 20+ Was funny how you couldn't dominate a fight with 2x the opts.
  22. F2P. 1. FOE - Opts 2. MM - Still right behind 3. EOP 4. FI 5. TLP 6. DP 7. CP - Saw you didn't have much 8. IR 9. CH 10. dF 11. Z - Lame when you team to avoid fighting a clan you have more opts than after talking much. 12. CX - ^ without the talking part.
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