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Dennis Jr

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Everything posted by Dennis Jr

  1. Anyways fun trip, FUKC ALL THOSE MW3/skyrim skippers :( . also wasn't the smartest thing to rush foe with nearly half our opts still logging in lol. would have loved to see the outcome if we were on full opts, good job nonetheless foe ;)
  2. Not really, we were smacking you around until nme started to snipe our returners LOL, and then the awkward moment happened when 40 pirates rushed in the fight and your ts became quiet r0fr0fr0f :teehee:
  3. Thanks for being honest man and yeah it stopped towards the end. Means a lot, i wish other clan ranks had the same state of mind as you. Heart of a champ :thumbsup: Damn dude, you been sucking everyone off who's said something positive or was on your side. Who the **** would give NPO anymore fights if all these kids are just going to talk ****? At least be somewhat humble about your wins; show some sportmanship. Instead, they acting all cocky like they're actually good. No flame intended, this is the truth. And btw Morris, "Heart of a champ"? LOL, you mad funny. You're honestly the biggest retard ever LOL, flaming won't get you anywhere or close to a rank in Foe, they don't reallly give a fukc about pw warriors m8ie Foe is not Fi doe
  4. Good job foe. wasn't smart rushing you with 1/2 our opts lol.
  5. we don't do pcl m8ie, come give us some competition in the wildy :thumbsup:
  6. They'd decline :teehee: :whistling:
  7. 1. He is not a rank. 2. You got your ass handed to you :/ Thanks for confirming hes in EOP. And ofcourse we did, we had 10 less and we were fighting ls, and you rush. Goodjob on your win :thumbsup: hes not a rank and never was. you weren't fighting ls lol. you were falled in retard l mfa0
  8. pretty weird considering you and ls had fall in's right next to eachother :Kanye: EDIT: y did they hit foe last time u fought foe btw? S0ra isa retard lol
  9. new record@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ This. Shout out to Vr_Cody for some epic mainstyle calling
  10. Team, they re-opened recently.
  11. wish i could do that but every person i seem to spec has a sol spec around them... i would rocommend talking **** to 1 clan at a time, mm wont be there forever to help you. Remember this "you guys take preps so srs" that sentence was said to eop. scroll back up and read your excuses now and feel dumb. So true lol. we forced them to team w/ venom+mm+xl :teehee:
  12. Anyways, good job Foe, worst performance ever lol ty for the wake-up call :P Would love to have a fight this saturday if you pull 70ish +
  13. Your clan can't even pull 35 w/o signups l0l
  14. Your clan can't even pull 50 w/o teaming with venom LOL hop off already retard
  15. was watching the prep :P got my ***** hard. those 2 clans are by far the 2 best matched opts clans lol
  16. still a 1bang l0l and dat 81 range r0f
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