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Dennis Jr

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Everything posted by Dennis Jr

  1. English literature has nothing to do with a persons inhereit ability to speak or write the english language, it is, infact, completely different and irrelevant to this topic, therefore your attempt at baiting flame by using "ur" instead of "your" has backfired, as you made seperate mistakes, but instead, by accident. Illiterate. lmfao ButtRaped
  2. I know right, even when we beat renown clans like EOP and TLP at PCL we weren't dumb enough to say something so foolish lol. You tied with EoP, and beat TLP up by 3, as you refuse to count Evo as 4. Your cockiness is really starting to annoy me, good luck this Wednesday. :whistling: lol'd my moneys on TLP, inb4they 3-0 ir lele
  3. Disagree, the level difference is still significant, and it's an even greater advantage if the opposition refuses to wear team capes. Both good fights M and TH. Yeah but when it comes down to it levels don't mean anything. Organization > levels. Control proves that almost every prep, you guys could too. Control have an average of 78.51. Most of your members are maxed 1 defence pures whereas NME's average F2P combat is 65 and the majority of them only have an 85 stat. When competing against a clan who all have high defence alongside 99 stats, the clan can be very organized but when the opponent hits 25's with scim on 1 defence pures with 75 hp it's very difficult to win a matched fight. We don't have alot of "maxed" 1 Def pures lol, they mainly have 1 99 with a secundary 85+ lol, and our cb avg on preps are 82cb
  4. good job NME Come by in #ctrl for a prep +4/-4 :D
  5. Thanks and Good Luck in our prep in a few days :thumbsup:
  6. We want to see where we are in matched opts, what our niveau is. pm [CT]Nurse or [CT]P0ke_N_Die2 / [CT]P0ke`Away for a f2p prep :thumbsup: rly? 8-0 win streak atm :whistling: :ninja:
  7. 1st Edit: FFS Flood limit ****** me over :down:
  8. P0ke Edit FI's ending opts in round 1 they ended with 25 not 27, koed 2 of them in 1v1 lol
  9. Ppl on our side We're to cocky in round 1. :(
  10. We want to see where we are in matched opts, what our niveau is. pm [CT]Nurse or [CT]P0ke_N_Die2 / [CT]P0ke`Away for a f2p prep :thumbsup:
  11. Gf FI Was a fun prep, piling me in the last round ****** you guys over lol dragged like 12 of your ppl 3 mini maps away which got us the win :thumbsup: @ EF our second round started with some stupid moves but we brought it back outopted by 5 lol :P v nice. @IR Keep on raging, free bumps for our topic, keep on raging if you want your staffboards leaked LOL
  12. green will peak at 60-70 ish purp 50-60
  13. hmmm so much flame lols. hard to say gf and move on eh :thumbsup:
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