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╚ ← ↔ → ╝ Hatton Lanit
After a spectacular week of successful PK trips, Enemy decided it was only right to venture out into the wilderness on Friday night, in an attempt to catch other clans off guard and take them down with our mighty scimitars and bows. We peaked at a spectacular 29 Enemians today, with 25 Enemians staying throughout the entire trip, allowing us to destroy anybody who dared venture into our territory. Enemy vs. Randomers
Failing to hear the any clans were out, we decided we would take trips to worlds such as World 1 & 57, in hope of finding some teams of mains or perhaps pures. We spent a while in these words, switching from one to the other catching everybody off guard. With our amazing binds and the incredible ability to transition from pile to pile effectively, nobody was a match for our bold warriors. We cleared up both worlds several times, before hearing of one mighty clan taking the first step into the wilderness. Enemy vs. Exiled Forces
After hearing that our former rivals known as Exiled Forces had ventured out into the wilderness, we decided to set up scouts in all possible locations & worlds that we thought they may log into. After hearing that both EF and CX were in a world together, both in the wilderness, we decided to hop right in there and hope for one of them to rush us, or even rush us together. After several minutes of waiting, EF decided to rush us and gave us a decent fight even though being outnumbered. Props to EF for having the balls to do this, we need more clans like you around. Enemy vs. Exiled Forces & Complexity
After confirming that both clans were in the wilderness, around the hills area, we decided to get over there and see what was going on. Upon arriving, we found stragglers from both clans standing around doing nothing, allowing us to quickly remove them from the battlefield. Seconds later our scout informed us that both clans had teamed up and we indeed intending on charging us together, we held our ground and fought it out. Thanks to both for giving us a battle, was really fun.
Thanks for reading the topic, see you all tomorrow!