Pictures at the bottom.
Harsh words were exchanged between two members of the clans before the war, I'd just like to point out Ravage started it.
Today, after Oger and I created a clan (#Clanless) we decided to take our leet F2P Unit to the streets, and declared a 2v2 F2P Miniwar on Ravage, some faggy clan that fails at PKing.
Before we get into the topic, I'd just like to say a few things. I'd like to thank Oger, for being such a babe and promoting me to warlord of Clanless (#Clanless), and I'd like to thank Ravage for failing so much.
Oh, and I'd like to remind everyone just what Clanless (#Clanless) is, we are a family, a community, a brotherhood. We will follow each other into battle, no matter what is at stake, and we will still win. Nobody can beat me and Oger together, we're like if the two best Pkers in f2p had babies and then died, because we would be their children, and now we're the best. Basicly, we're the ******* kings of F2P.
Round One
Clanless Starting Opts - 2
Ravage Starting Opts - 3
Clanless Ending Opts - 2
Ravage Ending Opts - 0
This was pure domination, we shat all over Ravage's faces and left no survivours, much to easy but hey, what can we expect? Even though they had some failure named Maya crash.
Round Two
Clanless Starting Opts - 3
Ravage Starting Opts - 2
Clanless Ending Opts - 0
Ravage Starting Opts - 2
This round that sneaky nub Maya got into our CC, however she just watched unlike when she wared for Ravage and she hit a 45 on me and nearly koed me, but I was a beast tank so dw. Anyway, those nubs bought a 73 which had like 88 strength and unranked hp like a nerd, so we lost because of luck.
Round Three
Clanless Starting Opts - 2
Ravage Starting Opts - 3
Clanless Ending Opts - 0
Ravage Starting Opts - 1
THEY CHEATED. Proof below ffs, they brought a runelord. He sat out and then after we koed their first one he joined in, unfortunatly as I was tanking him, cooking chicken noodle soup, buttering toast, eating spag bowl and talking on the phone I turned away for a minute, and he got lucky. Im a pro multi-tasker.
Ravage Dominated <3.