Zenith leadership is the youngest and most ambitious group of individuals you will find in this game and clanning era. Don't even start with our leadership, we never had members handed to us because of a merge. We worked our ass off for two straight years, to get to were we are. Let alone in both servers
Which is probably why every member who joins us, and makes an effort to be in Zenith has the best and fullest experience and fun.
We don't give a fck about kdr, and il be completely honest we really don't lmao. We
Go and give fights and clans the best we can, even if we are going to
Don't know about you, and even though I don't play this game that much,
You shouldn't be making yourself look like an idiot on these forums flaMing a clan for no particular reason.
Also gj and thanks for writing the topic ari :)
Trash leadership is trash.. Been open for 2 years and you still struggle competing with your competition; resorting to teaming with massers. I will remember all this lol it's funny how all the sudden you guys act big.
We have been open for two years and have accomplished 10x more then you have on battlescape and on runescape in your whole clanning era. If I don't recall we are actually smarter then you, we don't give in, we fight and go ham when we are in a rivalry. We don't need to apologize on a clans forum and make us look weak and pathetic
Lmao? Please educate me on what you have accomplished in 2 years of clanning hats so noticeable. I personally think NPO has already accomplished more than ur rubbish clan in a matter of months. Have you pulled over 60 for 4 months straight? Everyone learns from mistakes and obviously if you are gonna pick a flaw that occurred a year ago to bluff and say your leadership is superior to npos you are ignorant. Better ranks, callers, and members.. I don't understand why you zenith kids like to talk so much, you declined every fullout request and just talk on pw. I'll have fun stomping you and that toxic wingz Masser cc next Sunday. I hope to see you there Lawson.
Yes NPO has accomplished a lot with their 20 man pulls recently :o
You just joined Zenith, you weren't there when IR had slumped Zenith to 10 man pulls or when NPO obliterated Zenith every Sunday. Zenith is in no position to talk you lost your quality when Frenzy opened and Havoc left you, which is why I'm thinking you felt the need to team with a masser cc.
The people are speaking
First of all Morris ur just a ego tripper who enjoys attention. 2nd of all i was there when IR slumped Zenith but 10 man pulls? Wait what are you talking about i remember that we slumped for 2 weeks but at the end who won? Zenith or IR? You are so wrong if you think NPO has accomplished more then Zenith i dont remember NPO starting from a 10man member base to a core 40-50. Your clan is a joke i respected Outrage but NPO? No thank you. Also start doing F2P i want to see your topics.