After a flawless week of battling the best clans in Runescape we took our momentum into the first day of the weekend. Although not action packed, we encountered a fair amount of clans and ended with a sheepish 2 k/d. We headed off with around 60, peaking at 65 and had a jolly time in the wilderness. Thanks to all clans for fights and I’m sure we’ll see all (well, most) of you tomorrow. Our first foray was versus the Mayhem Makers. After walking around a bit trying to find which world EOP were hiding at mossies in, we ran into the glorious 1 def master race. Giving us a good run for adamant, we decided to dip after a bit due to word spreading of EOP+LS at moss giants attempting to crash (typical). Thanks for the fairly even fight MM, shame we couldn’t arrange another fight later on. Our KD was just positive at this point in the trip. Walking around again we saw a few red capes near Chaos Altar/13 Ports, which turned out to be EOP. Demolishing them in record time and grabbing all their juicy loot, we headed back up without banking getting ready for more action. To our surprise we saw Solo K1ng, and with no teleport runes in his inventory, he had no choice but to fall to the superior clan. Thanks for coming out of lobby/single guys. Although struggling after the departure of legendary trial warlord Turny Owns, we ventured on and got word that Final Ownage weren’t far from us in our world. We ran up and soon disposed of FOE, leaving us with a few lootations. Shoutout to Turny, hope you had a great time at your older brother’s 14th birthday party.
In almost an identical battle to the first, we caught Final Ownage walking around Piper and ending up killing them/forcing them into lobby. Sorry for hitting you with a fair few more people. After around 30 minutes of clans declining our fights, we went hunting EOP. Surprise surprise, we found them again at Moss Giants. We began our final action of the day by hitting them in single for a bit, after countless empty threats to close our clan. In a courageous but stupid move EOP decided to run up north into multi and take us on. With both clans having a similar amount of warriors and EOP on a high after their famous underdog victory midweek over CP, it was a battle that came down to quality, skill, organisation and listening. With Fatality outweighing the clan in question heavily, it didn’t take long for the green clan cloaks to cover the wilderness, seeing the red capes vanish whether it be dying, exiting or lobby or running down and teleing, leaving us with a modest 15 kill to death ratio. Lol.
You choose! Main two contenders.