I hope you can endure a few minutes of reading one of the only intelligent (lol he thinks hes smart) posts by Davld on these forums.
(Some random background info: One of the best people I've ever had the chance to spend time with is an Acholi child. He was one of these children, being forced to kill two farmers with a garden hoe. He was sponsored to come to my school in 2008. His name is Dom and this is his story:
I watched the Kony 2012 video. I really didn't know what to make of it, I mean, there was really no information of what was actually going on other than when he explained what was going on in toddler's terms to his toddler. At first I was feeling the chills in my spine, but I realized that this was because the entire video was played to my emotions and sympathy for these Ugandan children, and gave me little to no information on what his organization actually is, or what's really going on in Uganda. When there was "information" it was true misinformation to say the least..
(taken from that movie)
After sparking my attention mostly through spam and annoyance, I actually went to go look for information on the subject of Uganda.
Well anyway, this group - the Invisible Children, is a large supporter of the Ugandan military and government, led by Museveni; the 26 year long oppressive dictator in the country who won their civil war. Let's just take a second to read a page from this guy's playbook.
at around 30 seconds it gets somewhat interesting. (laughing at the prospect that using children as soldiers might psychologically damage them in their early life)
Wait... what? Isn't this what kind of atrocity we're spamming boards, clicking like, +1, to fight against? The current NRA government, led by the 26 year long dictator who was in the near exact position of Joseph Kony through leading a resistance army in 1986, won using the techniques of CHILD SOLDIERS and targeting civilians. Through your help he has has now just gained the support of millions of propaganda hyped teenagers and "celebrities".
Do you even think to ask why? Why is he not an indicted war criminal? Because he's backed by the US government, DUH! "Bilateral relations between the United States and Uganda have been good since Museveni assumed power, and the United States has welcomed his efforts to end human rights abuses(ENTER LOLFACE HERE) and to pursue economic reform."
I mean, the intent is honorable, I give it that. Joseph Kony is a war criminal but do you seriously understand what you are clicking thumbs, like, retweeting, and +1 on? Are you really not wondering that after 26 years of the same thing going on, why is this only coming to prominence right now? I know you understand the power of the wizard known as Social media, since the video made its best attempt to pound that little tidbit into your brains. The true power we hold as a collective group is undeniable, but the fact that it can be bought by a propaganda video, and celebrity following like this really kind of scares me.
Did any of you buy the kit? Posters?
Out of that did any of you even look at their charitable information? How much money really goes toward the aid of these children, and not into their pockets; or even worse, to the governments they support, to fund even more violence against the enemies of the dictator Museveni?
I did. 32% of what was donated last year went toward "helping Africans". 68% went toward their salaries and "other expenses". They have a 2 out of 4 star charitable rating and have been looked at for a long time because of the shading of their auditing and manipulation of the truth.
I don't know, I'm rambling, but I really am scared. This foreshadows and displays the new political power of Facebook World. My gobbledygook opinion is that the US is looking for something to spike the cries of the war hawks. (The way this Kony is made to be an Osama Bin Laden figure is really foreshadowing something :x) With Iran's "nuclear program" pretty much shot down as complete garbage, the concept of war in the Middle East dies with the fact that even though the people of Syria may be screaming for it, they have no oil. But do you know who does have oil? New large fancy shiny supplies of newly tapped oil?! You guessed it! Uganda! (source: http://www.newvision.co.ug/news/18504-us-d...ganda-oil.html)
After Kony has been out of Uganda for 5 years, and moved into other central African Nations, one year ago, President Obama issued troops to Uganda to "consolidate with the NRA government to STOP JOSEPH KONY". Right.
Well then, there's just some food for thought. I thought I might just share because hey, why the **** not. The world's burning and we keep on turning baby.
As we reach a new era of technological opportunities, we must all seriously consider our power as a group. Critical thinking is being watered down, and this means the sheep will be taken advantage of. Whatever you read, whatever you watch, whatever is pushed at you, always ask questions.
and yes, I did actually write this, and researched only for about an hour and a half, while watching the video a few times. That's all it took to find these things.
(But hell, if you don't believe anything I said be happy to run around at your oil funded graffiti parties on marijuana day and still think you're saving African Children by helping one US backed dictator warlord claim victory over another unbacked dictator warlord.)