if you have 30 def, and i have 1 def. means u have 29 def levels on me. that is a disadvantage brah.
(ok i guess if there was a 95(f2p obv) cmb cap, 1 def would be an advantage. considering 1 defence gets the most offensive bonus per cmb level.)
but yeah mm participating in this event isn't going to happen. I'm not the head chief or anything but i strongly encouraged pw events for the last 2 years even though leaders were always talking it down because these events always turn out bad. MM participated om events earlier in 2k10 and early 2k11, but leaders were right. These events don't hold true.
No one said anything about a 1def advantage here are you dumb? lol
He said that you aren't at a disadvantage since it's 1 def/dung on addy gloves only.
He said the rules are prefect for mm, Why would he say that. They are the same for every clan and perfect for every other clan. 1 def advantage was definitely implied.
Also... MM will always be at a disadvantage unless brews+(super)restores are off, prayers above level 52 are off, and every single person zamorak brews to 0 defence before the match starts. (this again ties into the point i made earlier that most clan members want to rebel and break the rules, so this could never happen, yet fun events like these happen all the time in main wars, and yes even mm had a fun event where every1 kegged down to 0 str)
Only clan i can think of that could pull off not breaking any rules is Foe cause they get strict as hell and members have been booted/demoted for simply wearing a frog masks on f2p trips. im not in disagreement with ^ either.
The rules are perfect for MM how can you argue they aren't? Clans that have a lot of turmoil pures like Foe, Fi and TLP have to use normal prayers, wear 1 def, and use addy gloves because the clans who don't accept it find it unfair. :/
I'm sorry that you put yourself at a disadvantage
"Perfect for mm" don't you mean perfect for every pure clan? He never said that MM thinks the rules are unfair just that you are implying these rules give us some advantage over competitors but in fact it just makes the fight slightly more even, despite 30 defs
Defence doesn't mean **** in p2p you spastics, stop trying to make out that it does.
okay, so, let's get an account with 1 def OVLed, and an account with 35 def OVLed, and see who wins?
P2P has always been about individual skill/pray switching/tanking > levels in any type of fight.
pure clans have beaten main clans like HF matched while they wore their 70 defence gear/all on rules.
So many uninformed novices..