To show how wrong Tribulation is on deciding that this video is NOT sufficient enough to say you were cleared..
BEFORE mains crashed, pause at 2:59. I'll count off the capes or EVERY kid without an HY cape.
HY capes(blue dots) - 19
ALL white dots - 10
That is including the dots that may be mains crashing at ne, I only SEE 5 Tribulation members. And they're all about to die, in give or take 10 seconds.
I find it complete and utter bull to say you even HAD 15 without proving so, because in our video it shows you do not. You have no video up, and the pictures you have up have give or take 10. Let's break it down a bit further for you, so that you have nothing to even say back to me but "trolling me".
This picture shows how dumb of an idea it was to push up through gap, while half your clan is over to easts. Majority of your members are way back North, scared of dying and losing their 150k.
Your next picture is the result of what I said in #1, but in this picture you are now cleared from the battlefield, retreating north calling for returns through CLW. You still have about 5-8 east getting banged 1 by 1(I was over in this unit).
Picture #3 is VERY deceiving, and was smart of you to show this. To even claim a draw, I guess. It shows only about 1/3 of how many Hysteria were REALLY there(you returned really fast btw, nice). Half of Hysteria is still clearing off what we thought was the rest of your clan. But your returners were on point, so we were then called to sperm hill to clear you.
Everything I have said is shown in the video, but I guess you needed a detailed breakdown of how you lost. Surprised I wasted 5 minutes proving you wrong.
Hiding 1/3 of your members in our pictures? no we actually deleted 100 of your dots sorry bro our editing is pretty good I guess.
And my god if you really want to get that technical, pause at 3:14 which is when the mains actually crash.
Count the dots on far side of sperm hill, and inside your blue dots.
11 white dots, 13 blue dots as mains come pouring in.
I am surprised im even stooping to your level and replying to you, this is getting pathetic.
See you next weekend, I'm going to stop posting, as the replies are just getting trolls.