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Lucky Hit3r
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Everything posted by Lucky Hit3r
[« « « « « «] IRC: #NME Website/Forums www.nme-rs.com Updated Memberlist: Enemy Memberlist [» » » » » »] With fire in our hearts, Enemy set off to the land of the wilderness, eager to show our power against the highest defence pure clans who can't hold their own. 55 Enemy went out to prove we stand alone. VS While casually browsing Gap, we got hit by a main clan (nope, not a CP joke). Knowing that their Rune would be rendered useless at Spider, we held spiders. Not even 2 minutes into the fight, we got hit by the one clan we had been dying to hit. Corrupt Pures. Knowing that 2 main clans are NOTHING for our legendary black NME unit, we took the fight. Valliantly, we held our ground, destroying Mithril after Adamant, Rune after Barrows. NME stood victorious, 48 strong. Ty for fight CP+Whatever other clan was there. It was a blast. NME starting: 52 NME ending: 48 VS We knew we didn't need a rebank or food to protect our loot against IR. This is F2P. #NME doesn't need banks. There's time enough to bank while you're in edge regrouping for your clan. Too bad, if you have a great PC as humble old wildy, your entire fight is 1 loading screen until you've died. Can you blame IR? That lucky ***** got my killpic. Too bad our fight got crashed and then turned into a clusterfest, neither clan is going to claim anything here. Ty for the Fight IR, a shame some clans were afraid we would get all the attention tonight. <3 NME starting: 51 NME ending: 43 at crash? need orb for confirmation. VS Knowing 1 battle is NEVER enough, we decided to fight IR again. Again, my computer did the epicness of going full-0 health in one swift motion, I missed most of the epicness. By the time of my return, there were 44 scumcunts still alive. Seems like I was the only kid with the balls to keep on dying. Again, the crash made it unclear to see who was winning. A shame. NME starting: 52 NME ending: 44 VS No clan was going to get OUR action. We returned for the action. This was OUR fight. Zenith was going DOWN. And then MM crashed. Shouldn't they be fighting EoP? Oh well, none of my beeswax. NME starting: 52 NME ending: Mossied VS + 2 hours later, and still 52 strong. Intense Corruption decided it was time to 2v1 us. 2 med clans are easy enough for NME. Putting them both in single, letting them rush together, NME stood strong, in multi. Alone. Don't worry, we understand that you might be afraid of #NME. Still above 50(53+3scouts), our scouts showed Cp only had 30, and Ir only around 40. You know times are hard when pure clans use masser cc's of mains(or their own mains? haha), team vs a 4 month old clan, let randoms into your cc/cf, and have more in game than in your Pk channel. VS + Being the only clan to show respect today, we rushed both Cp and Ir out numbered, out leveled, and out, shall we say, defenced. Corrupt Pures, Intense Redemption, and XL all tried to tango with the best. Corrupt Pures and Intense Redemption teamed against us north, while XL hit us from the south. We heard CP still had 29 strong, so we decided to decrease their opts a little. Bossing like CP are, they sent their members into us, one by one. The countdown begins. Our opponents decided to share their CC. If one clan doesn't suffice, you got no other options. 2 med clans ready to smack those little 60s from NME. But we weren't ready to go to bed yet. No matter the ammount of opponents, NME is always up for a battle. After being cleared from Spurm, we regrouped at Port. Clearing XL just before we took them on, We got another dual rush upon us. IR from the West, CP from the East, clearing them both, standing strong over 13 ports. Pushing back to Vents, clearing CP once more, we got hit by IR again. Holding them off while XL was sniping us from the back, we tanked out another CP rush. The vid will say more then I could ever type here. 3v1 no problem. Regrouping at 18 ports, 43 strong, we weren't quitting this ****. XL, CP, IR, they didn't matter. Us rocking 3,5 hours and still 40+ strong? Haha. Doing one final push, against all odds, against 2 addy clans, our options were too few. Dying, at least we could hold our head high. #1 clan. 1 defence. 1 clan. No allies. No addy. You should have killed #NME when we still pulled 20s. It's too late now. Ty for all the fights. Next time, bring more clans. Alone, you're no match for #NME. Teamed against. Hit by Mains. Crashed. 3,5 hours into trip, standing strong as Men. Holding our heads high ;) #NME. Be sure to check out our forums! You can reach us at www.nme-rs.com or #nme. Alternatively you can click the banner above. [Click the banner above] Subscribe today, and have the opportunity to watch our videos! Topic Made by: ╔← ← ← ← ↔ → → → →╗ Lucky Hit3r & OIdwildy ╚← ← ← ← ↔ → → → →╝
These are the replies I'm looking for, I'm glad we can impress. Every single member knows to move is to live, while to stay and ignore orders, is to die. Our callers give us how to win the fights, it's our members who are amazing. They give us the win. Thank you for all the replies people, specially since this topic can contend with Sundays topics! Keep going guys.
:( sad day indeed.. Or you can look at our improved, updated forums. They look boss.
Good job Eop, looks good.
Jess rocks 66 combat you must be trollin. I'm rockin' that 63 combat. Not cba to train/bot though. Too lazy even for that.
Can't be rocked.
[scroll for real topic, or click "show" for some epic ****!] Spoiler: (19:23:06) <+[NME]OIdwildy> cya guys in a few hours, gonna spawn more ******** to cream my topic with Malice will NEVER falter. These NME scumcunts thinking they can close us? Little did they know we had 10+ spies in their sad excuse for a clan. Stealing their autopilers, we gathered in the general store for our last push. Knowing NME would take the fight to us, we held our ground. Calling a push to the north part of the corner, protecting Melee, we let them push into us. Green scumcunts trying to take our capes? Wave after wave of NME fell down our blades. And we stood strong. No Inu to drag us down. Malice power. Malice starting: 10 NME starting: 40 Malice ending: 26 NME ending: 24 [« « « « « «] IRC: #NME Website/Forums www.nme-rs.com Updated Memberlist: Enemy Memberlist [» » » » » »] ╔ ← ↔ → ╗ ♪ Videos ♪ ╚ ← ↔ → ╝ 105 days ago, or 15 weeks, or 4 months, Enemy opened. This is what we achieved with the leadership that works, with the callers we trust, and with members we can rely on. Never losing a fight today, we dominated and set our position on the pure clan map. 55 Enemy set out thirsty from the two week break. 258 kills for our two and a half hour trip, as we slowly grew to a 59 max pull, with over 65+ members attending the event. VS Scouts quickly got onto 4-5 clans, and IR were the biggest target. Out to prove ourselves, we hopped to their world, we halted as TLP were around and we thought they were going to fight. No one hit IR, so we rushed. The battle commenced with IR sitting atop the Gap Hill, while we rushed with bows out. IR held their ground with a respectable clump on the hill, we held the intensity on their fortress. We rushed east to regroup and drag, then as soon as we felt IR had weakened, we rerushed, pulled back, and then scims out we smashed IR to the lava wall. Victory was achieved, but FI/Cp crashed. Great fight IR. We dipped out south, hopped with a healthy 35 people. Banked, and went out to hunt You cannot prove you had any left. I see 4 IR here, 35+ Enemy strong with a return group of 15+ at mossies. VS Turbulence We scouted a few fights, and then scouted TB walking up north. We decided to rush them, their leaders called a fall back to sperm hill, smart move with our opt advantage. TB held the east side of Sperm hill while we dominated everywhere else. Soon TB fell apart and we took them. Great job to TB, respect for staying and fighting. We went a hunting again. On the same inventory, EF rushed us at Chaos Altar. EF's defence held up well and we got too spread at the Chaos altar gap, so we backed off and held the altar. We destroyed them everywhere untill there was just a few EF sniping and running. As EF regrouped south, we regrouped at portal and then rushed EF again. Cp crashed again, but their addy was too heavy and we got away with 44+ VS This small skirmish was just Enemy killing their low levels. Literally no one could hit the people in addy, so we just regrouped at altar. IR killed 2-3 of our high levels, we killed 7-8 of their low levels, hardly worth mentioning but it was fun. Good guys. Also Eop randomly ran in, we went behind altar and waited. We killed Matt and hopped <3 VS TLP logged in as we were walking up, we wondered who they were... Then the rest logged in. We regrouped north. We wore TLP down and as we were beginning to tear their organization apart, and their 20 left were to be destroyed... till... CP crashed. We dipped northeast, what was left of TLP... Disappeared. More on that later. Dipped with 45 northeast. After we regrouped north east, we falled in on jib, ran south west and hit Cp. Cp were in the biggest spread ever, and addy littered the floor. TLP ran in, and after taking two clans on the same inventory, we again regrouped north east. TLP followed so we just began logging out. Good fight guys. We watched Eop vs Foe, and walked by. There was fighting up on BH then down by Corp, we weren't sure who was who so we just walked down south spamming off. Eop/Foe members started to report some green capes in green addy up there by mossies killing returners, we didn't like that at all. Not one bit. VS FI were killing returners of the Eop vs Foe fight, we didn't think that was nice. We ran up into the wall of addy and destroyed everything. 45 seconds later we got two fall ins, and Eop walked up saying ty for ac. VS [i respond to this] Spoiler: You are wrong my friend, you have messed with the wrong clan. Our clan is comprised of the shakers of the pure world, every move our leaders have done has changed it. You are but a drag on the pure world without your honour of old, when you were respected. We went out to repay Cp for what they tried to do, trying to crash us, make us drop, knowing they could not take us alone. We repaid them 8x. We found CP in world 4, so we hopped over and rushed. The initial fight was great, however CP turned it into a return battle as this was at vents near the canoe returning spot. We pushed CP back to single 3 times then just walked south. All this fight contained was addy idiots walking to multi, trying to hero tank, and losing. VS We made an example to our members and around 35+ of us used the canoe to go up north. We landed right into CP in single, we spread everywhere until someone made a a call to multi. In multi our guys walking up got there and we dominated another fight where we just pushed CP to single multiple times. Cp lost a lot of sets here, all we did was run into them and destroyed them. From the start CP had mains everywhere. Not even being discreet, they had people in rune all over the place. Some of them even ran out of addy lol. Be sure to check out our forums! You can reach us at www.nme-rs.com or #nme. Alternatively you can click the banner above. Youtube Subscribe today, and have the opportunity to watch our videos! Topic Made by: ╔← ← ← ← ↔ → → → →╗ Lucky Hit3r(somewhat OIdwildy <3) ╚← ← ← ← ↔ → → → →╝
Steppin' on leprechauns...
MM Makes Beating Mains Look Easy, ft team supreme&zenith
Lucky Hit3r replied to D4rk Mayhem's topic in Mini Wars
wut....there was no1 above 12def on our team? theres only one 20deffer that even mini's with mm and he wasnt even there today. While supreme had 1/7 people that wasnt 30+ def. What are you kids on about I must admit, that's pretty boss. Great tanking that first round, good job. Looked fun. -
Yeeeee best everything in this clan.
Lmao OId... I think this is the start of a very satisfying partnership.
→ ↨↨ ← [« « « « « «] IRC: #NME Website/Forums www.nme-rs.com Updated Memberlist: Enemy Memberlist [» » » » » »] ╔ ← ↔ → ╗ ♪ Videos ♪ ╚ ← ↔ → ╝ Ah, the joy of a miniwar. Seeing as we weren't getting any action tonight, we were happy when [EF]Trile approached us for a 10v10. Shocked as I was when I got called not to mass in Gamers grotto, safe haven of noobs, but at edge bank? Could the Gods have heard my prayers? Yep. Bringing the good old 2006 back into the game, #NME was ready to Boss their way into epicness. Rules? -10v10 inside wilderness. -No Corrupt. -No Dungeoneering. -No Overheads. -No Returning. -3 rounds. Ah, the joy of the wilderness. Home of the unexpected. While we were waiting for EF to mass up, we decided to venture into the wild, unprotected. A mighty 11 pull of thirsty, blood seeking Scimitar wielding Arrow loving 15% praying Gods of war hunted some random mains, ran around a little bit, Backstabbed some leaders at Chaos altar, poked kids on Teamspeak and hugged some AFKers. Knowing that at this same moment in time, in a distant world, our opponents were gathering. Their mighty clan would rain down upon us like floating butterflies. And still, we waited. The start of a Miniwar. How long has it been since this fleeting sensation left my body? By now, you guys should know I scape shirtless. My young, muscled body able to withstand Blows up to Gravite, I find myself hauntingly beautiful. Whilst looking in the mirror just the other day, I couldn't help but feel my masculinity grow. But I digress. Whilst scaping without wearing a shirt, I found little drops of sweat, crashing down upon my keyboard. What was this sensation? A chance to fight the Might Exiled Force? Roars of thunder were heard when the war started. Not being the Faggotry that is Gamers grotto, after my unfortunate 'kiss the floor', I found myself out of food, equipment and arrows. Not sure how the battle was progressing, I could only hear Prateek shouting up the Teamspeak. After many silent minutes, A cry of victory emerged. Could this be it? Could the mighty Exiled Force have stood defeated? Proposterous. NME Starting: 10 NME Ending: 6 Exiled Force starting: 10 Exiled Force ending: 0 R.I.P Batman. This is how you sit people in a Wildy Mini. Things getting a bit more complicated. Amazed at my insane tanking abilities, I was forced to sit down for this round. I found this baffling, because by now, everyone surely knows I'm the kid that makes topics. I mean, C'mon. You don't ******* sit the kid making the topics, because that way, you get a second round full of random bullcrap about butterflies. There it was, the most beautiful butterfly my eyes had ever spotted. In a fleeting glimpse of happyness, while soaring the mighty skies, this rainbow colored mystic creature of ancient times sat down upon a flower. The most beautiful flower my eyes had ever spotted; In a fleeting glimpse of happyness, NME crashed down upon Exiled Force. Not even wielding their mighty Corrupt scimitars, bringing allied members from Addy loving clans, wearing our capes, covered in mithril and not even returning could help them. Whilst watching these flowery butterflies, I heard Exiled Force decided to make this a return fest. Hungry for loot, I answered their call. Rocking up my 57 woodcutting dropped me off at Mossies, were I found my clanmembers in dire need of assistance. Soon after my arrival, the battlefield was filled only with Pink capes and broken arrows. We stood victorious, in both the miniwar and the returnfest, ending with even our sit unit gloriously crying victory, and were ready for round 3. NME starting: 9 NME ending: 13 Exiled Force starting: 8 Exiled Force ending: 0 Corrupt was off, but dw mate, we didn't mind. Shitfest Were to begin? After a cute IRC message from one of our many friends in TH, ((20:25:43) <Prateek> (14:23:02) <Xbl_Andrew> ef asked us to help kill u guys lol) we knew EF was up for more. We decided to ask our kids in the CC, who had their saturday off to bot play some legit Stunalching, we peaked at 27 NME members, ready to take this Miniwar to a whole new level. From the very gates of Hell these mains came (and I'm not talking about EF). Rune after rune we pk'd. Their plan was to make us fill our bellies with Valuable F2P itims from all the corners of Azaroth, to make our legs heavy and our inventories full. But little did our opponents know a true #NME member just BS's Indian boy Prateek when in need for Pizzas. The wait was filled with kinds singing on Teamspeak, Lil old Pratty immitating black kids and OIdwildy being like "omfg I have to make a topic about this **** later". And then it begun. By now, we weren't talking about a miniwar anymore. We also weren't fighting EF anymore. I'm not going to call out clans, the pictures and vids will speak for themselves. This was a real Saturday, and so, I will not be posting EF opts. I don't want this topic to get flamed amirite. (How am I doing so far, keeping this **** flamefree? +1's for everyone!) A fight so huge I had to hop rooms real quick to find myself a tshirt. Even I, the great oidwildy, was afraid of getting my nipples cut off. Their initial rush lagged the very computer I scape with. Have you guys ever seen the opening of the first Lord of the Rings movie? You know, that epic battle where those elves are just like LOL ORCS LETS ALL SYNC OUR BLADES AND ONE HIT? And after that epic scene, it's like 2 hours about a dwarf and an old guy shooting magic fireballs and Sam trying to kiss Frodo but not succeeding until halfway the 3rd movie? Yeah it was something like that, only with scimitars and overheads. But I digress. Yet to have ever witnessed such organisation, calls were followed and piles were shot down within seconds. Enemies running all around, chasing scared Exiles. Tonight, they got Spooned. NME starting: 13 strong NME ending: 27 unkilled loothungry bastards #NME This is where we ended, with nothing to do, we exited the wilderness for the day. -------------------- DESU Accepted into Epidemic on Saturday, September 09, 2007. Promoted to Senior Member of Epidemic on Thursday, November 08, 2007. Other Clans -> [Ex-Absolution High Council, Ex-Corrupt Pure, Ex- Final ownage elite] Rank change to Officer of Epidemic on Wednesday, 02, 2009. I'm the #1 aftermath topic maker, quit r00nsk3p. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0AiN8vrn9Y Be prepared. ███████████████████████ Nahh. Not done yet. VS ╔ ← ↔ → ╗ ♪ Videos ♪ ╚ ← ↔ → ╝ While whistling unsung tales, we found ourselves swarmed. Pretty sure it was single, we didn't really understand what those Purple kids were trying to pull. So we decided to take the fight to mutli. Our bravery must have been too much to bear, because they had to know; no opt advantage they had could ever destroy our organisation. Fearing to charge our hill, EF finaly found it in their heart to charge us. Their Addy/Mithril charge was beautiful. Blue and Green combined in one beautiful F2P tank. Out opted and outgeared, we attempted to destroytheir clan, but alas, too much is too much. Bringing it back to even opts, the Death of Prateek took us by storm, and one by one, we fell. While regrouping, EF found the time to log and take the win. Congratulations guys. 3-1. NME starting: 23 NME ending: 20ish regroup at ports, having been cleared from the battlefield. This couldn't stand. We wanted at LEAST one more battle, this time, us starting in multi, and them ending at edge bank. Ah, a fortunate Gap encounter. We needed revenge, and God, we got our revenge. Dropping only 1 lone member (***), ending 25, clearing the entire wilderness of purple capes, who said that **** can't be done? Forcing EF to be pushed yard after yard, destroying their regroup both at Gap hill, Piper and Vents? What a beautiful sight that was. 4-1. NME starting: 26 NME ending: 25 Up for more battles, NME was in Wild, standing strong. Alas, EF decided to end their trip. Thanks for the battles guys. Be sure to check out our forums! You can reach us at www.nme-rs.com or #nme. Alternatively you can click the banner above. Youtube Subscribe today, and have the opportunity to watch our videos! Topic Made by: ╔← ← ← ← ↔ → → → →╗ Lucky Hit3r & OIdwildy ╚← ← ← ← ↔ → → → →╝ It ******* fits and it's perfect^
I enjoy the flame, with pieces of actual discussion thrown in. I relish in it. I particularly don't join in on flaming, just reply in a more calm manner to crush people, but it's fun. However, I understand the moderators job of protecting some unstable groups from it. I myself would enjoy expressing my opinion on it, as well as hearing from other respectable members of the community.
Lmfao. Anyways hi fellow respectable topic maker.
IR could beat NME with or without addy if that's what you're trying to infer. Watch what you get yourself into big guy. I have a feeling you have a very bad grade in History class :unsure: Second time I've choked on my Dr. Pepper because of a post about us. Lol'ed. [edit] `Pk3rs stop while you're ahead, your comeback wasn't worth it. OT: Good thing this is being talked about, hopefully other clans fallow. Hopefully someone takes the initiative and lowers their def cap as well. Would be cool.
Yes. Loved reading arguments on there. They're funny and entertaining.
Selling Premade Aftermath topics [Updated]
Lucky Hit3r replied to OIdwildy's topic in Clan Discussion Archive
I'm sleepy now, but your avatar is going to keep me up all night. Oh **** it's 5 am. I felt like that, a good 12 hours ago. Was wondering why I was up still at 9am. Thank you for the compliment. -
Great job mates. Those crazy levels. Should do team capes on next time :)
Selling Premade Aftermath topics [Updated]
Lucky Hit3r replied to OIdwildy's topic in Clan Discussion Archive
I predict quality topics, all around. -
Lol'ed Seriously, make encouraging defence bannable. Or at least a warn.
[Enemy] Before it's too late. [Enemy]
Lucky Hit3r replied to Lucky Hit3r's topic in Clan Warfare Archive
You're all going to burn in hell for bumping this topic. IT'S NOT SATURDAY. owait it's not sunday either. inb4 all topics locked once Monday hits. Otherwise no one get mad that this is bumped. -
Some serious **** going down. Like guests being promoted and such.