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Everything posted by Shalamaar

  1. I thought Mm was the #1 f2p 0.o They are, but Fi was before. Ohh ok :) Actually EoP is, seeing as MM refuse to fullout us and this will be proven further tomorrow, provided MM don't slide away to clanwars to watch this fullout when they realise we've got as big as pull as they do. Yea a clan that's never won a full out and has never been #1 in its entire 6 year existence, makes sense.
  2. Expected since none of you were hit off. Your organization, members, and ranks are considerably better and it clearly showed in the first two rounds.
  3. anyway on topic you proudly advocate ddosing lol Source? CnG he's not EOP's smartest member! He's apparently most potential, can't you tell by his copy and pasting! He can copy and paste our sigs, one day he might learn to copy and paste his :mellow: Your trolling is severely disappointing please stop making yourself look retarded See i told you CnG, clearly not EOP's smartest member. I heard he's #1 recruiter though [10:54pm] DrZoid: first I need my +V [10:54pm] [EoP]Leech: Ok [10:54pm] [EoP]Leech: DrZoid register ur nick [10:54pm] DrZoid: and who are we at war with [10:54pm] [EoP]Leech: You can have a uto v [10:54pm] DrZoid: my nick is registered [10:54pm] [EoP]Leech: auto v* [10:54pm] DrZoid was granted voice by [EoP]Leech. [10:54pm] [EoP]Leech: .add drzoid 3 [10:54pm] [EoP]Leech: DrZoid do you have a pure? [10:54pm] DrZoid: thnx Leech [10:55pm] Nyk: DrZoid [10:55pm] Nyk: identify [10:55pm] DrZoid: i have a 39 def acc. [10:55pm] [EoP]Leech: ok [10:55pm] [EoP]Leech: DrZoid be on [10:55pm] [EoP]Leech: saturday [10:55pm] [EoP]Leech: We do not forgive [10:55pm] [EoP]Leech: We do not forget [10:55pm] DrZoid: its really ****** and unquested [10:55pm] DrZoid: only for f2p [10:55pm] [EoP]Leech: Its fine [10:55pm] [EoP]Leech: Just be there Even our old friend nyk gets in on the action from recruiting this fine, unquested, 39 def warrior from the grand exchange. No app or stats inquiry required; just show up here, bring some friends and be a most feared most hated pure! He even learned how to use hijacked Mirc scripts! Most potential indeed. Drzoid is a clan friend i don't care if he uses that account temporarily i'm pretty sure Fi let level 70s and 60s from SOP and POP tag along to their trips son HAHAHAHA sure sounds like it big boi. Naaa we don't. Stop trolling big boi! 101 sins will not be happy...
  4. Gj, but I expected a 4-1 at least.
  5. anyway on topic you proudly advocate ddosing lol Source? CnG he's not EOP's smartest member! He's apparently most potential, can't you tell by his copy and pasting! He can copy and paste our sigs, one day he might learn to copy and paste his :mellow: Your trolling is severely disappointing please stop making yourself look retarded See i told you CnG, clearly not EOP's smartest member. I heard he's #1 recruiter though [10:54pm] DrZoid: first I need my +V [10:54pm] [EoP]Leech: Ok [10:54pm] [EoP]Leech: DrZoid register ur nick [10:54pm] DrZoid: and who are we at war with [10:54pm] [EoP]Leech: You can have a uto v [10:54pm] DrZoid: my nick is registered [10:54pm] [EoP]Leech: auto v* [10:54pm] DrZoid was granted voice by [EoP]Leech. [10:54pm] [EoP]Leech: .add drzoid 3 [10:54pm] [EoP]Leech: DrZoid do you have a pure? [10:54pm] DrZoid: thnx Leech [10:55pm] Nyk: DrZoid [10:55pm] Nyk: identify [10:55pm] DrZoid: i have a 39 def acc. [10:55pm] [EoP]Leech: ok [10:55pm] [EoP]Leech: DrZoid be on [10:55pm] [EoP]Leech: saturday [10:55pm] [EoP]Leech: We do not forgive [10:55pm] [EoP]Leech: We do not forget [10:55pm] DrZoid: its really ****** and unquested [10:55pm] DrZoid: only for f2p [10:55pm] [EoP]Leech: Its fine [10:55pm] [EoP]Leech: Just be there Even our old friend nyk gets in on the action from recruiting this fine, unquested, 39 def warrior from the grand exchange. No app or stats inquiry required; just show up here, bring some friends and be a most feared most hated pure! He even learned how to use hijacked Mirc scripts! Most potential indeed.
  6. anyway on topic you proudly advocate ddosing lol Source? CnG he's not EOP's smartest member! He's apparently most potential, can't you tell by his copy and pasting! He can copy and paste our sigs, one day he might learn to copy and paste his :mellow:
  7. who r u lol anyway on topic you proudly advocate ddosing lol and you lie that you get ddosed like in Fi vs EOP fullout lol why play victim i am surprised people even give you fights on saturdays CnG you're gonna make big boi cry!!! :teehee:
  8. I only see two clans there :o is that bad? Two clans in 6 years and one of them closed, obviously he's an idiot who has 0 validity in any of his arguments :teehee:
  9. yeah you're clan lost back then too 0 fullout wins in 6 years wooooo Because fullouts are everything right? Someone ban this challenged kid acting like a couple of hours reflect the overall state of the clan Coming from a guy in a clan that has never won a full out lol. Lol i wouldn't call him challenged, especially since his argument makes a lot more sense than your argument. Ex-FreeLancer Ex-Fatality Proud Member Ex-First Fatality Veteran Ex-Fatality High Council Ex-Fatality Legend Fatality Adviser I'm glad you can copy and paste lil guy.
  10. yeah you're clan lost back then too 0 fullout wins in 6 years wooooo Because fullouts are everything right? Someone ban this challenged kid acting like a couple of hours reflect the overall state of the clan Coming from a guy in a clan that has never won a full out lol. Lol i wouldn't call him challenged, especially since his argument makes a lot more sense than your argument.
  11. My personal favorite was Fi vs Eop 2007, just because it was in the wilderness.
  12. I wonder what happens to the people he sold gp to haha
  13. last time mm lost in a 100v100 f2p. Just tell me. your claim stands no ground and is only backed up by air. Listen here buddy, Thats old mm, if you think mm is the same watch EOP's Trips the past 2 weekends. MM crashing fights while EOP had 5 previous fights then gets pushed around and eventually cleared. All these clans claiming "summer is ours" Naw... Summer is EOP's. You mean to tell me going on the same TS as EOP during the full out causes drama? Just admit it, Your clan is washed up and scared, the current ranks have dug out a deep ass grave that needs 13th and the old ranks to return in order for you to actually me considered competition anymore. This is our summer, Full out us or just stfu and admit that you are scared. You judge mm/eop off of what happened in the past, I'm pretty sure our member base is 10X stronger then a bunch of lvl 80's with 1 defense. Adapt or die mm its obvious you are scared. FI/FOE/TLP/NME and whoever else that wants to doubt us keep at it, we will wait for someone to grow balls and fight us. Your ranks would beg to differ. EOP has never ever been #1 your claim to fame is challenging MM for #1. Eop's summer? Eop hasn't done **** all year except slump hard and ddoss. O well it looks by your sigs that you won't think that for long, maybe Zenith next?
  14. Eop's not even in the same league as MM. The only chance EOP has, is by hitting MM's ts and MM's ranks off, which from their previous record seems very likely. I completely understand MM's reasoning that EOP is a waste of time and every clan outside of EOP and maybe Zenith will agree.
  15. You just admitted to ddossing Fi on the other topic, now you deny it? Everything you say is so contradictory. this pretty much kills all of drake's argument yes because the opinion of someone who was never a rank in eop who left to join a rival clan (nme) must contain total accuracy maybe we should ask 101, floor and cameron what they think of fi's leadership, seeing as they were all once a part of it. Lol. I was ranked everytime I joined EOP, albeit minor ranks such as low council, mod, elite etc. Just look at EOP Rank board leaks on NME forums, pretty much proves you're right.
  16. I believe that neither clan will have ts just because EOP members will try to outsmart themselves, and fail.
  17. Okay true so you admit to to ddossing Fi. It's kinda obvious that every time we fight you that 10 seconds into the fight our ts goes down. Then every prep your involved in the opponents ts goes down, o include run ins as well. You've been hacking/ddossing for years you should never get the benefit of the doubt, you don't deserve it. You made a house made with years of **** and now you cry when you have to sleep in it? You say you're going to close clans? yet you fail to and just end up ddossing their site/ts etc. You leak boards trying to embellish the negatives, yet yours are worse. Your ranks boards are hilarious, everyone hates this inactive jonty kid, your ts is dead, your forums are dead, there's only 1 active rank now that floors gone, #bricksquad vs. #bible, all your members are immature trolls. The best part is that your ranks said all of the above not anyone else. Best part is that you blame Fi for hacking floor, when it was a member of the only clan that doesn't hate you. Lol irony at its purest.
  18. wow guy thats a flamebait ur not actin like a elite guy r u Not a flamebait when it's widely regarded as true.
  19. If only 40v40 preps show whos better in a 100v100 fullout. You have a lot to learn lil guy They won their fullout with all odds against them lol, all their ranks got hit off and still won. idk why you have to reply to everything I say, #obsessed. It's my personal opinion m8. You are acting as if EOP is good...you are also acting as if EOP didn't also get hit off. You know nothing lol yeppers coz beating foe in 55v55-60v60s is the same as 40v40s mate. Eop didn't get hit off as worse as we did, in the third round every single rank got hit off but we still managed to win. I'd like to see how many clans would be capable of doing that. Anways if we can get 100 i think we'll be strong contenders for either category, if not... yh. From what i heard only 2 ranks got ddosed during your fullout, Addy Daddy and OJ, both of whom sat out in the 3rd round and called from the portal thus even if they were ddosed in the 3rd round it would have made no impact on your opts. In rounds 1 & 2 ranks from both clans were ddosed and it was 1-1. In round 3 EoP was easily winning until the clear disadvantage came when EoP's ts was ddosed, when at no point in the fullout was Fi's ts ddosed, and only then with that advantage were Fi actually able to win. Anyway would be interesting if we both won our fullouts and met in the PCR final, however i find that unlikely unless Fi decide to ddos FOE's ts. O well everyone else knows the truth, stop trying to manipulate the situation its very pathetic. Only if we would meet in the finals, but that probably won't happen because of how much more elite mm is when compared to EOP. Even if MM doesn't have a TS, which seems likely as your opponent usually loses their TS, MM will win.
  20. you know how fi is a snake clan <_< i srsly have no clue where u guys r getting this info about fi They make it up as they go. Lmao it's all good we all know that no one trusts EOP, not even their own members. Hope you guys found your 100m.
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