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Everything posted by Shalamaar

  1. clearly ur new m8 these have been the backbone of the pw economy for 3 years pw economy?????????? do u know what an economy is :wallbash: clearly new to life ffs CNG take it easy on them, you've seen their ranks what more can you expect from their members.
  2. Lmfaooooo EOP is soo bad its funny. Maybe now you'll stop hiding in single like the last 3 months and if you want to claim a real win prove that your members are better than your booters.
  3. No, its 2k6/2k7, more 2k7 because of the clan updates. If you pure clanned around then it wouldn't really be up for debate.
  4. Thats a sexy KDR u got there
  5. I think he just clans on his main now.
  6. Lol yeaaa delinius's 7 copyright
  7. Beta was fun for the first 3 days, now i think its wack.
  8. I'm not saying it is the only important thing. I responded to some (what im assuming by his post) a new kid saying that EOP has dominated for 3 years. That's not the case. When I said that EOP wasn't relevant I meant in terms of a top tier clan. When we beat you in the full out we had 0 POP, 0 "nippons mains", and 0 invites. I wasn't trying to flame you in any of my posts but i do enjoy a good debate.
  9. You forgot my name l0l :wub: @Shala - We never closed in 2006...we opened in 2006, it was FI who closed in 2006 I believe, but you guys weren't called FI then, it was Supreme 0wnage (S0)...in 2006 we were mostly a hills pking clan with like 60-70+ reqs....in 2007 we were already one of the best f2p pking clans (this is when mm and foe were still p2p based only)....in 2007, we lost the full-out to fi, we slumped a lil bit, 2008 came which led to lots of forum hackings by xx mel0n xx and one of our ranks got hacked, Glacier Pk....we closed for a couple months and re-opened when we were ready again....and within 1-3 months we were back on our "A-Game" again...not #1, but we were doing very well...so by 2009 we were doing good again...came back and eventually took #1 again blah blah blah, started doing more P2P, now we are a consistent clan in both servers. There you go, if you do the math, we had about 1 year where we weren't doing so good...so I dunno where our "4 years of being an irrelevant clan" was according to you....6 years =72 months, we may have had 12-15 bad months since we were open....that means we had about 57-60 good months....meaning 5/6 years we were open we have been doing good....FI on the other hand, has only had about 3/6 good years if I am correct. Had to end my post here, my defence pot is about to expire. Y2007, MM stopped having f2p trips half the year and Foe rarely showed up on F2p server. Fatality's IRC and Forums were hacked back when they were the only real form of communication. After MM decided to have actual pking trips again, Foe decided to actually commit to f2p, and Fatality finally recovered from their hackings, Eop dropped down past TH. 2008, you couldnt even compete with a major clan and most people thought you died. 2009, after September maybe you had but I stand by my statement you've only really competed for the #1 spot after 2010 except those 3 months in 2007.
  10. Na you took too long to return so I ended and you took ending opts after that? typical, enjoy burying your own bones. But like i said GJ on your trip, with pure clanning getting a huge setback in a couple months having fun now is all that matters. However we both know that EOP has slumped harder than Fi ever slumped.
  11. and 2007(except 3 months) and you closed in 2006. 2009 you were not considered a top 5 clan (till at least beginning of sept, might have improved after then but while i played rs nope) and you already mentioned 2008.
  12. dat 600 deaths ty tho also grats taste on being physically one year older, lacking the mental capabilities still my clan> your clan 130 deaths > 585 deaths u c wat i did there hahahahahaha 89>0 l0l0l0l0l0l i c wat i did there 3 yr dominance > 3 yr slump u also c wut i did there again HA 4 years of dominance> not being a relevant clan before 2010 But gj glad you guys enjoyed your trip, that's all that matters :thumbsup:
  13. Oh, sorry about that, but from reading our history topics, it mentions that BP ended up closing/merging into EoP in early 2007, which gave us the boost to take #1 from Fi. Lol let's agree to disagree. I'm not sure what type of video this was suppose to be but I'm assuming just a side project. Not a bad video but for the most part transitions were lacking and the clips were way too long. Also where's all the older footage? or important footage.
  14. Thanks, we are going to be pulling bigger and bigger every week. 2 months left being pure and it seems like everyone wants to join Fatality not surprised by that at all. #YOLO :thumbsup: Hope to see EOP start pulling more than just 40 with IR. Could always use the competition :) we pulled 75 with 5 IR apps Fi pulled 100 with 40 POP apps guess that means we woulda outpulled you by 10 if not for the clans closing continue the great work though :} You pulled 75 and only had 50ish kills? You're either terrible at clan pking or you pulled more like 40 with your "5 ir apps". Idk both seem like very likely reasons. :unsure:
  15. ;o Is the community going to witness a FI vs MM F2P full-out? & FI vs FOE P2P full-out? Haha, sweet revenge before the "end of the pure world". Good job! :) **** it let's just do one big war with everybody@@
  16. 1.) FI 2.) MM/FOE 4.) TLP 5.) NME 6.) Z 7.) CP 8.) HI 9.) EOP 10.) SOP
  17. Naa we adjusted for it. Gf was fun, we should do some stuff like this since we only have 2 months left.
  18. Lmfao whats that supposed to mean big guy, being all talk on the internet doesn't make you look cool, it makes you look like a ****** clown. Lmao. Thanks for the fight TLP, shame about the ddosing....too bad it wasn't us so all the TLP and FI members camping this topic (mostly FI)...man up and realize there are hundreds of people in the pure community, and just because you were ddos'd doesnt mean it was by the people you were fighting. FI seem more butt-hurt than TLP lmao, but then again, FI blames everything on ddosing, if you look at a few of their recent preps that they lost, all you can see from fi members is "omfg we got ddosed blah blah blah"....you blamed zenith, you blamed eop, and i believe you guys blamed CP aswell....this ddosing **** is getting old, and although im against ddosing, i can comfortably say that half of this community deserves to be ddosed lmao....your all immature little nerds hahaha, TLP on the other hand, doesn't deserve it because they usually stay out of clan drama/beef....so if you can find proof that someone from EoP ddos'd, then pm me and ill take action, but until then, I suggest taking extra precautions to try and avoid getting ddos'd at all. Once again cheers TLP. as for FI, id normally say get off our topic, but you can all stay on this topic if you want, cause your only making fools of yourselves, as always haha. :thumbsup: [Eop] We're going going to close your ****** clan@@!!!@!@[/EOP] So much irony in this post.
  19. I remember when Bryan used to lead our p2p trips forever back we sucked lmao
  20. Calm down there, it was 2-1.. and the last round was close, regardless of the ddosin or whatever you can't really claim that much superiority over such a close fought runescape battle! I'd like to see any clan keep it together the way we did with no ranks in-game and a proud member and an advance member calling. Due to the ddosing we were down by 7 due to all our ranks getting hit off but we overcame and won. The first round was an indication of what would have happened in the following 2 rounds if ddosing didn't play such a large part. Are you talking about Mark and Danny? Mark was a Co-Leader in Fi in 2010 and Danny was a high rank in DP. I'm more surprised you won with Chris screaming over them when he couldn't even see the fight lmao. I'm not trying to take anything from you, you guys did well in your fight, but it wasn't two random no namer members calling that you all are making it out to be. Grats on your win, Fi. But they are still members.. Mark lead in 2010, it is now 2012. Danny was a rank in DP in 2010, it is now 2012. Ofcourse they had experience, that's why we put faith in them in hopes they would help bring us the win. Which they did. But that doesn't change the fact they are MEMBERS not RANKS. They had absolutely no idea that they were going to have to call/lead our clan in the 3rd round. so members don't make the rank the rank makes the member seems like you got it spot on It's neither. Ranks develop members but ranks come from members.
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