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Everything posted by Cal

  1. Why you mad? if you check our applications, those people HAVE apped and people changed there name get over it
  2. Well 3 days ago Furious from Chaotic asked Corrupt Pures for a P2P prep +/- 3. Corrupt Pures gladly accepted. Today we pulled 43 max with no sign ups and alot of new applications, and Corrupt Pures pulled 40, was an epic fight and all respect goes to Corrupt Pures. The Rules were: -Sum off -Curses off -Corrupts off and Dung items -25 Defence Cap ~Round 1~ Chaotic Starting: 39 Corrupt Pures Starting: 36 We got a quick spread and sat a couple of our members, and CP rushed fairly quickly, our west side managed to hold off their flank unit. While the East side managed to get some quick Ko\\\'s. After awhile we managed to push them back and ended the fight quickly without loosing many people. Epic tanking from Chaotic made sure CP didnt get those easy kills. Chaotic Ending: 27 Corrupt Pures Ending: 0 ~Round 2~ Chaotic Starting: 41 Corrupt Pures Starting: 39 It was our attack, we got a good spread and made a flank unit on the east, as the timer hit 0 we rushed in and got some quick Ko\\\'s. However CP battled back and tanked hard. After awhile our east side over powered CP and pushed them back into each other forcing them to get clumped and for us to get some quick kills. By far the hardest round as both clans went full out for it. However Chaotics impressive piling and tanking payed off. Chaotic Ending: 14 Corrupt Pures Ending: 0 ~Round 3~ Chaotic Starting: 42 Corrupt Pures: 38 As we were sitting a CP members missclicked and attacked our Leader, in reaction our members attacked back, giving us the advantage. Cp however still fought back and put up and epic fight, however we quickly over powered them and ended the fight quickly. Chaotic Ending: 34 Corrupt Pures Ending: 0 ~Pictures~ ~Video\\\'s~ Kalvin and Verace http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zz11mtKGw2I Ben and Zetex Thanks very much for the prep CP, hope we can do it again sometime as it was hella fun. Please keep the topic clean, any CH found flamming will be dealt with.
  3. Meh, goodjob on your weekend, kind of low hitting us on log in, same old IR sending spies i guess. Goodjob anyway
  4. Im sorry, but your wrong, those DP members were not with us, they were with Tr and Cr, they are in team sin and did not come with us. I understand the last fight was a joke, as i said in the topic. As for you Duval, Ir DID NOT team, with any clan, so please dont make assumptions
  5. Lmao "your nans dead" lmao epic
  6. DP? wtf you on about We didnt team with anyone..we had one person from Db and that was Dave, not exactly teaming
  7. Its PCL, your not normally meant to match, but there was no other clans there (from what we could see so we accepted Tr as they asked us) We fought IR who had +10 on us and POT who had +7 So we were in the middle, we pulled too high tto fight CPR, Tr etc and too low for IR and POT etc Was still fun
  8. It was Tr mate, trust me, they asked me for it
  9. Bump, keep the topic clean ladies
  10. Lmao goop, try leak spin now :P lmao
  11. The day welfaring died, and poor noobs got rich, :(
  12. Lucky man, i got a primal dagger :(
  13. Theres alot of 30 defence pures, what anoys me are kids that get 31-33 defence by accident and claim they are pures, the hell you are
  14. 1 post, hmm need yo pull my socks up
  15. Today we went out for our weekly fun friday PCL, we peaked at 32 today. We went 4-3 today in score loosing to IR, Tr and POT. Respect to all Clans. We first arrived at PCL to find the only other clan there was Tribulation (Tr) and we asked them for a fight, which they accepted. Chaotic Starting: 23 Tribulation Starting: 16 Chaotic Ending: 21 Tribulation Ending: 0 After about 20mins into the trip CPR challenged and i glady accepted. Chaotic Starting: 29 CPR starting: 19 Chaotic ending: 27 CPR ending: 0 After banking from Fighting CPR, we found TR in clan wars spamming "CH rematch" and we accepted. Chaotic Starting: 31 Tribulation Starting: 23 Chaotic Ending: 25 Tribulation Ending: 0 After suffering a few defeats we went back to clan wars and re-matched CPR. They knew we had more but they wanted to fight for the lolz. Chaotic Starting: 28 CPR starting: 17 Chaotic Ending: 27 CPR ending: 0 By now it was getting late and most clans had left, we then agreed to fight TR + CR matched opts, we did loose however it was an epic fight, all respect to Tr and all CH that came. Chaotic Starting: 25 Tribulation Starting: 25 Chaotic Ending: 0 Tribulation Ending + CR: 14 Videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvO15J7ShNQ By Ben Thanks to all clans that we fought (IR, POT, Tr+Cr, CPR) was really fun, lets keep this topic flame and troll free :)
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