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Everything posted by Excellence

  1. CPR, not gonna beg but your gfx would get alot of exposure if you used us. We really need a good gfx'er. You'd be an asset :] If interested in re-joining #CPR or www.clan-cpr.com Be apart of something worthwhile :]
  2. If you call that experience... That's the kind of war they are doing, so I'd call that experience... Not saying it has never happened as I do not care enough to research, but has TLP ever had a 100v100 F2P Fullout? The max tlp has ever pulled was 90-95 in January. The biggest fight tlp has done in clw was 67 v 76 im pretty sure. That is why I said FOE. My reasoning remains legitimate. However, I believe if this happens a 2nd time, TLP will come out victorious.
  3. If you call that experience... That's the kind of war they are doing, so I'd call that experience... Not saying it has never happened as I do not care enough to research, but has TLP ever had a 100v100 F2P Fullout?
  4. 49 v 33 ML and we're recruiting as I type this.
  5. In Punkster 18 we trust In Rick James we trust :P Remember, I'm the guy who recruited Punkster. In that case, I hold you responsible for getting Kse's 1b back. Gottem'
  6. Foe has more experience with 100v100s in F2P CLW. Foe.
  7. They asked us to fight. We didn't ask them. and seconly, why not?
  8. Safe, they wanted last round dangerous but we declined that option.
  9. Only way they'd accept. We're going to outpull them so it had to be fair somehow.
  10. Crimson Project has scheduled a CLW fullout vs. Phalanx (Zerk/Tank Clan) for this Sunday at 5 Est/10 Gmt. Come show your support of the pure community! Rules are 45 Def cap, Dung On, Curses On. Fight will be taking place in World 76. Hope to see you there! Discuss:
  11. +1 to the Nicki Minaj statement in chat box. Epic. :D GJ on your trip.
  12. IR needs to quit. Poke has destroyed them. OT: Goodjob on your ownage.
  13. As I mentioned previously in my first post, any flame will be reported. Everyone who feels like their 10 cents is needed, just keep it in your coin purse.
  14. Can't say I didn't try and reschedule. You're right, you did. I didn't say that though. I'd still like to reschedule. I was upset over the flame after 2nd round. Ask any of my members. I can't control what some do much like you couldn't control the disputes that happened during your last FOE prep. What disputes? The little fight near the portals between 2-3 of your members and someone from FOE.
  15. There are no rules stated that say we cannot prep again at a later date. I'm just saying, between the flaming, attacking twice, claiming to have stopped attacking when you really didnt, and the usual invites. IDK, I just expected more from a "fun" prep. Lost alot of respect for CPR after today. Anyway, good job on your win. I lost alot of respect for Havoc when your members cheated for a victory in a fun salamander war. I expected more of a fun prep as well. The only invite we had was Joe, and he practically comes to every CPR event anyways. If it was such a big deal, I was only a pm away. I figured since you outpulled us that you would have more appreciation for a larger amount of people on our side so you had to sit less. How many invites did havoc have? How many times did we attack you on our defending round? That's all I have to say for this topic, don't want it to escalate into something it's not. Didn't care to count since every clan brings 1-2 invites nowadays. As I stated previously, it was an accident and I really don't think it decided the outcome of the entire round. Would be glad to reschedule another prep at a later date.
  16. There are no rules stated that say we cannot prep again at a later date. I'm just saying, between the flaming, attacking twice, claiming to have stopped attacking when you really didnt, and the usual invites. IDK, I just expected more from a "fun" prep. Lost alot of respect for CPR after today. Anyway, good job on your win. I lost alot of respect for Havoc when your members cheated for a victory in a fun salamander war. I expected more of a fun prep as well. The only invite we had was Joe, and he practically comes to every CPR event anyways. If it was such a big deal, I was only a pm away. I figured since you outpulled us that you would have more appreciation for a larger amount of people on our side so you had to sit less.
  17. If you would like the full story, there was a dispute that one of our members was purposely attacking someone on the Havoc side 2nd round (our defend round) when it was clearly a misclick. Either way, it could've been fixed with havoc simply leaving the cc rather than fighting the whole round through and then asking for re-do. We would've been glad to do a re-do if Havoc didn't put up a fight the entire round. We were flamed out and called morons so I told my clan to leave the world to cease the flaming and keep it from escalating.
  18. There are no rules stated that say we cannot prep again at a later date.
  19. Can't say I didn't try and reschedule. You're right, you did. I didn't say that though. I'd still like to reschedule. I was upset over the flame after 2nd round. Ask any of my members. I can't control what some do much like you couldn't control the disputes that happened during your last FOE prep.
  20. Can't say I didn't try and reschedule.
  21. Wednesday night I had the pleasure of being in Havoc's teamspeak during their loss to FOE. Afterwards their members were complaining that no other clans would prep them so I offered them a matched fight for today. We set it relatively early because I wanted to see if my members could go out of their way to make an earlier scheduled prep than normal. Crimson Project set out with 23 members the first round and 2nd round we had a sizeable 26. Round 1 Crimson Project Starting/Ending: 23/18 Havoc Starting/Ending: 23/0 Round 2 Crimson Project Starting/Ending: 26/9 Havoc Starting/Ending: 26/0 Round 3 3rd round unfortunately did not take place because of a dispute between ranks with one of our members attacking first. Video shows Havoc attacking as a clan after a mislick barrage on Ayo Itz Loki. We refused to re-do the round so we left. Note: Before any Havoc come to flame on this topic, know that I tried to reschedule this prep for a later date, but was turned down. Any flame on this topic will be reported. Thank you.
  22. Simmer down child. let us all calm down it wus an honest question relaxation is very important for a stable and healthy life No. You're not new around these parts. You know damn well that was flamebait.
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