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Everything posted by Excellence

  1. Mack is mean. OT: THE OL' STAIRS! Loki is the STAIRMASTER.
  2. Lol.. And from CPR's topic: Let's compare names Thought better of you Junior. Goodluck and enjoy the complete fake topic on our Fluke-pull. Seems the same used no matter what the circumstances are. Thank you for helping me solidify my topic.
  3. ^right before we logged out after clearing you. You're at Gds? Our fight was at dwarves. I called a logout because of your numerous mains and the call made in TS that Control was lurking. Say what you would like, we have our topic, you have yours. Respect it please.
  4. Looks like a pretty good trip. How did Tribulation only pull 29? Didn't Chaotic just die into them? (No flame, just curious)
  5. I can understand you not bothering to read my topic before you commented. We called a log out. We fight pure clans, not a mixture of mains and pures.
  6. Today was a relatively interesting day for Crimson project. We had a few things that needed to be taken care of so we quickly got to it. In the past week, we have made some changes that affected us a little, but we will bounce back stronger than before. Today Crimson Project set out with 23 members and peaking at 26 for the day. Firstly, we approached WAR for a run-in. They accepted for us to defend dwarves. WAR rushed in and our spread qucikly over took theirs. We picked off 95% of them with 2-3 escaping to single. Thanks for the run-in WAR. CPR Starting: 23 CPR Ending: 16 WAR Starting: 21 WAR Ending: 0 on the battlefield After banking our loot, scouts found Negative having inners at gap. (Inners on Sunday? :confused: ) With IR already in a fight, (we were waiting on them) we decided to take a little action and rushed quickly in to kill the 10 or so Negative members at gap. CPR Starting: 24 CPR Ending: 24 Negative Starting: 10~ Negative Ending: 0 With IR concluding whoever they were fighting, we decided to see what they have to offer this early in their re-opening. I expected a good clean fight like old times, but I was incredibly wrong. Intense Redemption showed up with as many or more mains than their legitimate ML pull. (16:02:15) <[CPR]Sam> why do you have mains south (16:02:22) <[CPR]Sam> we will outmain yuou. (16:02:22) <[iR]Iraqi_Mage> We dont (16:02:25) <[CPR]Sam> 123 (16:02:27) <[CPR]Sam> with tort (16:02:29) <[CPR]Sam> -.- (16:02:30) <[iR]Iraqi_Mage> Whats his name (16:02:36) <[iR]Iraqi_Mage> I swear to god I have no idea (16:02:45) <[CPR]Sam> alessandro (16:02:48) <[iR]Iraqi_Mage> Is his name alessandro (16:02:49) <[CPR]Sam> thats his name (16:02:52) <[iR]Iraqi_Mage> ffs (16:02:56) <[iR]Iraqi_Mage> pot up now (16:02:59) <[iR]Iraqi_Mage> he is ex-ir (16:03:03) <[CPR]Sam> kk (16:03:04) <[iR]Iraqi_Mage> he attks us too Well.... (16:08:53) <[CPR]Taylor|AWAY> 16:08:03) <[CPR]Taylor|AWAY> ****** serious? (16:08:53) <[CPR]Taylor|AWAY> (16:08:06) <[CPR]Taylor|AWAY> nice mains u ******* bad kids. (16:08:53) <[CPR]Taylor|AWAY> (16:08:12) <+Alessandro`> <3 (16:12:19) <[CPR]Taylor|AWAY> 16:08:29) <+Alessandro`> !kb [CPR]Taylor|AWAY (16:12:19) <[CPR]Taylor|AWAY> (16:08:29) * [iR]Bot set mode: +b *!*@Swift-D14943FA.cust.n1com.com (16:12:19) <[CPR]Taylor|AWAY> (16:08:29) * You were kicked from #irclan by [iR]Bot (No Reason) With mains galore at this PKRI, I did a quick orb count 17 CPR remaining with around 15 IR and 10 mains at dwarves. Heard that Control was top BH stairs by 18 ports. Didn't even want to bother with being crashed and being fed up with mains, I called a log out mid fight. We hopped to home world and banked with the same 24 we started the fight with. Shame you can't fight fairly IR. Oh well, it's expected from a seasonal clan. CPR Starting: 24 CPR Ending: 17 when logout was called, 24 Regroup at 18 ports in Homeworld IR Starting: 22+10~ mains IR Ending: Don't care CPR Vs. Ma With the trip somewhat dwindling down, we caught Massacre in a 1 item fest/ fight at GD's. No one cared about clearing the whole clan since we were just after one kill. Needless to say, we got it. CPR Starting: 26 CPR Ending: 26 Massacre Starting: They run so fast... Massacre Ending: 1 itemers After doing what was needed we decided to end this weeks trip and set our sights on the future. Pictures: IR MAIN, HEAR ME ROAR
  7. Come CPR with Dan and Htown. -thumbs up- www.clan-cpr.com or #cpr then .site
  8. Miami has an uphill battle. That's all I've got to say.
  9. -facepalm- u seem mad No I honestly could care less what your def average is. I facepalmed because you guys really seem like you want to make it as difficult on yourselves as possible. People here will headhunt if you try and separate yourself from the pack.
  10. He won That jesus is white though...Topic clearly states BLACK Jesus.
  11. He wouldn't even be able to attack them :teehee: Congrats on 88 summ If I was him I'd just be making loot trips roflz :3
  12. You go make a clan that allows 45 def and see if it is within a mile of Pure Warfare or even mentioned in the PCR list. We're all waiting for your skepticism to take a concrete stance against the pure world, so there is your motivation. Gogogogogogogo.
  13. Only voted for 1 def because 10 def was not an option. Why not just have a def cap with no other rules? Like for example 1 or 10 def cap allowing summoning, handcannons, turmoil, dungeoneering. That way both sides of this argument win. Btw, if you flame me for my opinion, just realize that i don't care firsthand.
  14. Dont we all? To answer your question, yes.
  15. I drive a Chevrolet movie theater. OT: Nice win Havoc. Surprised that the 3rd round was played fairly. LOL.
  16. Damn 121 combat l0l. That's insane. How do you feel when you're fighting level 80's at BH on Sunday o.O?
  17. Foe vs. MM Everyone else is scared.
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